14,308 research outputs found

    Bridging the gap between general probabilistic theories and the device-independent framework for nonlocality and contextuality

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    Characterizing quantum correlations in terms of information-theoretic principles is a popular chapter of quantum foundations. Traditionally, the principles adopted for this scope have been expressed in terms of conditional probability distributions, specifying the probability that a black box produces a certain output upon receiving a certain input. This framework is known as "device-independent". Another major chapter of quantum foundations is the information-theoretic characterization of quantum theory, with its sets of states and measurements, and with its allowed dynamics. The different frameworks adopted for this scope are known under the umbrella term "general probabilistic theories". With only a few exceptions, the two programmes on characterizing quantum correlations and characterizing quantum theory have so far proceeded on separate tracks, each one developing its own methods and its own agenda. This paper aims at bridging the gap, by comparing the two frameworks and illustrating how the two programmes can benefit each other.Comment: 61 pages, no figures, published versio

    Recognizing copies: On the definition of Non-Distinctiveness

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    The standard approach to Non-Distinctiveness, the sameness-like relation between elements forming a chain under Copy Theory, involves assuming that some grammatical mechanism marks as non-distinct the syntactic objects related by the Copy operation. In this paper, I argue that Non-Distinctiveness is better explained as an inclusion relation between the features of constituents in a local domain. This definition offers interesting conceptual and empirical advantages regarding wh-copying, non-identical doubling and anti-reconstruction. Moreover, I demonstrate that definitions of Non-Distinctiveness based on notions such as identity and phases do not allow capturing basic cases that are trivially derived by the inclusion-based approach.Fil: Muñoz Pérez, Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Filología y Literatura Hispánica "Dr. Amado Alonso"; Argentin

    Apperceptive patterning: Artefaction, extensional beliefs and cognitive scaffolding

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    In “Psychopower and Ordinary Madness” my ambition, as it relates to Bernard Stiegler’s recent literature, was twofold: 1) critiquing Stiegler’s work on exosomatization and artefactual posthumanism—or, more specifically, nonhumanism—to problematize approaches to media archaeology that rely upon technical exteriorization; 2) challenging how Stiegler engages with Giuseppe Longo and Francis Bailly’s conception of negative entropy. These efforts were directed by a prevalent techno-cultural qualifier: the rise of Synthetic Intelligence (including neural nets, deep learning, predictive processing and Bayesian models of cognition). This paper continues this project but first directs a critical analytic lens at the Derridean practice of the ontologization of grammatization from which Stiegler emerges while also distinguishing how metalanguages operate in relation to object-oriented environmental interaction by way of inferentialism. Stalking continental (Kapp, Simondon, Leroi-Gourhan, etc.) and analytic traditions (e.g., Carnap, Chalmers, Clark, Sutton, Novaes, etc.), we move from artefacts to AI and Predictive Processing so as to link theories related to technicity with philosophy of mind. Simultaneously drawing forth Robert Brandom’s conceptualization of the roles that commitments play in retrospectively reconstructing the social experiences that lead to our endorsement(s) of norms, we compliment this account with Reza Negarestani’s deprivatized account of intelligence while analyzing the equipollent role between language and media (both digital and analog)

    A programming-language extension for distributed real-time systems

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    In this paper we propose a method for extending programming languages that enables the specification of timing properties of systems. The way time is treated is not language specific and the extension can therefore be included in many existing programming languages. The presented method includes a view on the system development process. An essential feature is that it enables the construction of (hard) real-time programs that may be proven correct independently of the properties of the machines that are used for their execution. It therefore provides a similar abstraction from the execution platform as is normal for non-real-time languages. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the method and demonstrate its applicability to actual real-time problems. To this end we define a simple programming language that includes the timing extension. We present a formal semantics for a characteristic part of the language constructs and apply formal methods to prove the correctness of a small example program. We consider in detail a larger example, namely the mine-pump problem known from the literature. We construct a real-time program for this problem and describe various ways to map the program to an implementation for different platforms

    Teleportation, Braid Group and Temperley--Lieb Algebra

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    We explore algebraic and topological structures underlying the quantum teleportation phenomena by applying the braid group and Temperley--Lieb algebra. We realize the braid teleportation configuration, teleportation swapping and virtual braid representation in the standard description of the teleportation. We devise diagrammatic rules for quantum circuits involving maximally entangled states and apply them to three sorts of descriptions of the teleportation: the transfer operator, quantum measurements and characteristic equations, and further propose the Temperley--Lieb algebra under local unitary transformations to be a mathematical structure underlying the teleportation. We compare our diagrammatical approach with two known recipes to the quantum information flow: the teleportation topology and strongly compact closed category, in order to explain our diagrammatic rules to be a natural diagrammatic language for the teleportation.Comment: 33 pages, 19 figures, latex. The present article is a short version of the preprint, quant-ph/0601050, which includes details of calculation, more topics such as topological diagrammatical operations and entanglement swapping, and calls the Temperley--Lieb category for the collection of all the Temperley--Lieb algebra with physical operations like local unitary transformation

    Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Ataques Side-Channel

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    Nowadays consumers expect their IoT devices and data to be adequately protected against any vulnerability. As such, the implementation of protection layers should no longer be taken into account once the device is fully developed. The most common method of ensuring the security of the devices is based on the encryption of the communication sent and received by the device. Regardless of the complexity of the algorithm and the theoretical protection against brute force attacks, the attackers have evolved their strategies. Despite the developers’ best efforts to secure and encrypt the device’s communications, there will always be some leakage of information somewhere in the device. Similarly, the attackers have now started to exploit and analyze these leaks in order to successfully break into the so-called secure devices. By its very nature, these leaks of information will always exist, and consequently, the developers should find countermeasures to either confuse the attacker with worthless information or somehow decorrelating the leaked information from the truth. In this context, the work presented in this report presents the development of methods to verify the difficulty of decryption of the different AES 128-bit modes through power analysis, and an application developed to simplify this task for future use. Lastly, the results of the attacks performed on different targets are presented. These include a Raspberry Pi 4 and an Arduino Nano which were not successful due to the overpowering existing noise, and the ChipWhisperer Lite ARM target with 5 different AES 128-bit modes which were successfully attacked, even with countermeasures implemented.Atualmente, os consumidores esperam que os seus dispositivos IoT e respetivos dados sejam adequadamente protegidos contra qualquer vulnerabilidade. Como tal, a implementação de camadas de proteção deverá deixar de ser tido em conta uma vez que o dispositivo esteja completamente desenvolvido. O método mais comum para garantir a segurança dos dispositivos é baseado na encriptação das comunicações do dispositivo. Independentemente da complexidade do algoritmo usado e a proteção teórica contra-ataques por força bruta, os atacantes evoluíram as suas estratégias. Apesar dos melhores esforços dos criadores para proteger e codificar as comunicações do dispositivo, há sempre alguma fuga de informação algures no dispositivo (informação side-channel) em forma de vibrações, flutuações na alimentação do sistema, radiação eletromagnética, etc. Os atacantes já começaram a explorar e analisar estas fugas de modo a invadir com sucesso os dispositivos e devido à sua própria natureza, estas fugas de informação existirão sempre. Consequentemente, os criadores dos sistemas devem desenvolver e implementar contramedidas para confundir o atacante com informação inútil ou de alguma forma descorrelacionar a informação libertada da verdade. Neste contexto, o trabalho apresentado neste relatório apresenta o desenvolvimento de métodos para verificar a dificuldade de descodificação dos diferentes modos AES de 128 bits através da análise da alimentação e uma aplicação desenvolvida para simplificar esta tarefa para utilização futura. Finalmente, são apresentados os resultados dos ataques realizados aos diferentes alvos. Estes incluem um Raspberry Pi 4 e um Arduino Nano os quais não foram bem sucedidos devido ao ruído excessivo existente, e o alvo ARM do ChipWhisperer Lite com 5 diferentes modos AES 128-bit que foram atacados com sucesso, mesmo com contramedidas implementadas

    Designing and implementing a tool to transform source code to UML diagrams

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    Currently, reverse engineering is considered as a significant process to extract the design information and abstractions of a system from the present software. The extracted source codes have been converted into a certain structure to be easily analyzed in the following procedure. For facilitating the software process development, it might be optimum to have tools beingcertain which generate automatically or help UML generating models from the codes as a source. The current study focuses on the reverse engineering process regarding the python and java source codes to the behavior diagrams: the use case and the activity diagrams which might be of high importance in the process of software maintenance. This approach is carried out in the current study in the application referred to as the RCUML tool with the use of the python language which helped in understanding python and java source codes in the software application, and enabling visualization regarding the software behavior

    Graph Theory and Universal Grammar

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    Tese arquivada ao abrigo da Portaria nº 227/2017 de 25 de Julho-Registo de Grau EstrangeiroIn the last few years, Noam Chomsky (1994; 1995; 2000; 2001) has gone quite far in the direction of simplifying syntax, including eliminating X-bar theory and the levels of D-structure and S-structure entirely, as well as reducing movement rules to a combination of the more primitive operations of Copy and Merge. What remain in the Minimalist Program are the operations Merge and Agree and the levels of LF (Logical Form) and PF (Phonological form). My doctoral thesis attempts to offer an economical theory of syntactic structure from a graph-theoretic point of view (cf. Diestel, 2005), with special emphases on the elimination of category and projection labels and the Inclusiveness Condition (Chomsky 1994). The major influences for the development of such a theory have been Chris Collins’ (2002) seminal paper “Eliminating labels”, John Bowers (2001) unpublished manuscript “Syntactic Relations” and the Cartographic Paradigm (see Belletti, Cinque and Rizzi’s volumes on OUP for a starting point regarding this paradigm). A syntactic structure will be regarded here as a graph consisting of the set of lexical items, the set of relations among them and nothing more
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