3,103 research outputs found

    Estimation of leaf area index and its sunlit portion from DSCOVR EPIC data: theoretical basis

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    This paper presents the theoretical basis of the algorithm designed for the generation of leaf area index and diurnal course of its sunlit portion from NASA's Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) onboard NOAA's Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR). The Look-up-Table (LUT) approach implemented in the MODIS operational LAI/FPAR algorithm is adopted. The LUT, which is the heart of the approach, has been significantly modified. First, its parameterization incorporates the canopy hot spot phenomenon and recent advances in the theory of canopy spectral invariants. This allows more accurate decoupling of the structural and radiometric components of the measured Bidirectional Reflectance Factor (BRF), improves scaling properties of the LUT and consequently simplifies adjustments of the algorithm for data spatial resolution and spectral band compositions. Second, the stochastic radiative transfer equations are used to generate the LUT for all biome types. The equations naturally account for radiative effects of the three-dimensional canopy structure on the BRF and allow for an accurate discrimination between sunlit and shaded leaf areas. Third, the LUT entries are measurable, i.e., they can be independently derived from both below canopy measurements of the transmitted and above canopy measurements of reflected radiation fields. This feature makes possible direct validation of the LUT, facilitates identification of its deficiencies and development of refinements. Analyses of field data on canopy structure and leaf optics collected at 18 sites in the Hyytiälä forest in southern boreal zone in Finland and hyperspectral images acquired by the EO-1 Hyperion sensor support the theoretical basis.Shared Services Center NAS

    Assessment of the biophysical characteristics of rangeland community using scatterometer and optical measurements

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    Research activities for the following study areas are summarized: single scattering of parallel direct and axially symmetric diffuse solar radiation in vegetative canopies; the use of successive orders of scattering approximations (SOSA) for treating multiple scattering in a plant canopy; reflectance of a soybean canopy using the SOSA method; and C-band scatterometer measurements of the Konza tallgrass prairie

    Active Microwave Properties of Vegetation Canopies

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    Potential users of radar imagery need a better fundamental understanding of the capabilities of radar systems for vegetation studies than past studies provide. One approach is the use of theoretical models to predict observable active microwave properties of vegetation. This in turn requires accurate observations of backscattering coefficients and other active microwave properties in field research studies. The background document for the SRAEC program emphasizes the need to relate electromagnetic parameters to classical biophysical descriptors and to understand the role of polarization, especially cross-polarization. The broad goal of this study is to increase the understanding of the effects of canopy structure on the active microwave properties of vegetation canopies, with particular attention to polarization

    Estimation of vegetation cover at subpixel resolution using LANDSAT data

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    The present report summarizes the various approaches relevant to estimating canopy cover at subpixel resolution. The approaches are based on physical models of radiative transfer in non-homogeneous canopies and on empirical methods. The effects of vegetation shadows and topography are examined. Simple versions of the model are tested, using the Taos, New Mexico Study Area database. Emphasis has been placed on using relatively simple models requiring only one or two bands. Although most methods require some degree of ground truth, a two-band method is investigated whereby the percent cover can be estimated without ground truth by examining the limits of the data space. Future work is proposed which will incorporate additional surface parameters into the canopy cover algorithm, such as topography, leaf area, or shadows. The method involves deriving a probability density function for the percent canopy cover based on the joint probability density function of the observed radiances

    Spectral reflectance from plant canopies and optimum spectral channels in the near infrared

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    Theoretical and experimental aspects of the interaction of light with a typical plant canopy are considered. Both theoretical and experimental results are used to establish optimum electromagnetic wavelength channels for remote sensing in agriculture. The spectral range considered includes half of the visible and much of the near-infrared regions

    A mathematical characterization of vegetation effect on microwave remote sensing from the Earth

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    In passive microwave remote sensing of the earth, a theoretical model that utilizes the radiative transfer equations was developed to account for the volume scattering effects of the vegetation canopy. Vegetation canopies such as alfalfa, sorghum, and corn are simulated by a layer of ellipsoidal scatterers and cylindrical structures. The ellipsoidal scatterers represent the leaves of vegetation and are randomly positioned and oriented. The orientation of ellipsoids is characterized by a probability density function of Eulerian angles of rotation. The cylindrical structures represent the stalks of vegetation and their radii are assumed to be much smaller than their lengths. The underlying soil is represented by a half-space medium with a homogeneous permittivity and uniform temperature profile. The radiative transfer quations are solved by a numerical method using a Gaussian quadrature formula to compute both the vertical and horizontal polarized brightness temperature as a function of observation angle. The theory was applied to the interpretation of experimental data obtained from sorghum covered fields near College Station, Texas

    Seasonal LAI in slash pine estimated with LANDSAT TM

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    The leaf area index (LAI, total area of leaves per unit area of ground) of most forest canopies varies throughout the year, yet for logistical reasons it is difficult to estimate anything more detailed than a seasonal maximum LAI. To determine if remotely sensed data can be used to estimate LAI seasonally, field measurements of LAI were compared to normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values derived using LANDSAT Thematic Mapper (TM) data, for 16 fertilized and control slash pine plots on 3 dates. Linear relationships existed between NDVI and LAI with R(sup 2) values of 0.35, 0.75, and 0.86 for February 1988, September 1988, and March, 1989, respectively. This is the first reported study in which NDVI is related to forest LAI recorded during the month of sensor overpass. Predictive relationships based on data from eight of the plots were used to estimate the LAI of the other eight plots with a root-mean-square error of 0.74 LAI, which is 15.6 percent of the mean LAI. This demonstrates the potential use of LANDSAT TM data for studying seasonal dynamics in forest canopies