57 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of freeform surfaces for metrology

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    The application of freeform surfaces has increased since their complex shapes closely express a product's functional specifications and their machining is obtained with higher accuracy. In particular, optical surfaces exhibit enhanced performance especially when they take aspheric forms or more complex forms with multi-undulations. This study is mainly focused on the reconstruction of complex shapes such as freeform optical surfaces, and on the characterization of their form. The computer graphics community has proposed various algorithms for constructing a mesh based on the cloud of sample points. The mesh is a piecewise linear approximation of the surface and an interpolation of the point set. The mesh can further be processed for fitting parametric surfaces (Polyworks® or Geomagic®). The metrology community investigates direct fitting approaches. If the surface mathematical model is given, fitting is a straight forward task. Nonetheless, if the surface model is unknown, fitting is only possible through the association of polynomial Spline parametric surfaces. In this paper, a comparative study carried out on methods proposed by the computer graphics community will be presented to elucidate the advantages of these approaches. We stress the importance of the pre-processing phase as well as the significance of initial conditions. We further emphasize the importance of the meshing phase by stating that a proper mesh has two major advantages. First, it organizes the initially unstructured point set and it provides an insight of orientation, neighbourhood and curvature, and infers information on both its geometry and topology. Second, it conveys a better segmentation of the space, leading to a correct patching and association of parametric surfaces.EMR

    Delaunay Edge Flips in Dense Surface Triangulations

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    Delaunay flip is an elegant, simple tool to convert a triangulation of a point set to its Delaunay triangulation. The technique has been researched extensively for full dimensional triangulations of point sets. However, an important case of triangulations which are not full dimensional is surface triangulations in three dimensions. In this paper we address the question of converting a surface triangulation to a subcomplex of the Delaunay triangulation with edge flips. We show that the surface triangulations which closely approximate a smooth surface with uniform density can be transformed to a Delaunay triangulation with a simple edge flip algorithm. The condition on uniformity becomes less stringent with increasing density of the triangulation. If the condition is dropped completely, the flip algorithm still terminates although the output surface triangulation becomes "almost Delaunay" instead of exactly Delaunay.Comment: This paper is prelude to "Maintaining Deforming Surface Meshes" by Cheng-Dey in SODA 200

    A Variational r-Adaption and Shape-Optimization Method for Finite-Deformation Elasticity

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    This paper is concerned with the formulation of a variational r-adaption method for finite-deformation elastostatic problems. The distinguishing characteristic of the method is that the variational principle simultaneously supplies the solution, the optimal mesh and, in problems of shape optimization, the equilibrium shapes of the system. This is accomplished by minimizing the energy functional with respect to the nodal field values as well as with respect to the triangulation of the domain of analysis. Energy minimization with respect to the referential nodal positions has the effect of equilibrating the energetic or configurational forces acting on the nodes. We derive general expressions for the configuration forces for isoparametric elements and nonlinear, possibly anisotropic, materials under general loading. We illustrate the versatility and convergence characteristics of the method by way of selected numerical tests and applications, including the problem of a semi-infinite crack in linear and nonlinear elastic bodies; and the optimization of the shape of elastic inclusions

    Cone fields and topological sampling in manifolds with bounded curvature

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    Often noisy point clouds are given as an approximation of a particular compact set of interest. A finite point cloud is a compact set. This paper proves a reconstruction theorem which gives a sufficient condition, as a bound on the Hausdorff distance between two compact sets, for when certain offsets of these two sets are homotopic in terms of the absence of {\mu}-critical points in an annular region. Since an offset of a set deformation retracts to the set itself provided that there are no critical points of the distance function nearby, we can use this theorem to show when the offset of a point cloud is homotopy equivalent to the set it is sampled from. The ambient space can be any Riemannian manifold but we focus on ambient manifolds which have nowhere negative curvature. In the process, we prove stability theorems for {\mu}-critical points when the ambient space is a manifold.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Homeomorphic Tetrahedral Tessellation for Biomedical Images

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    We present a novel algorithm for generating three-dimensional unstructured tetrahedral meshes for biomedical images. The method uses an octree as the background grid from which to build the final graded conforming meshes. The algorithm is fast and robust. It produces meshes with high quality since it provides dihedral angle lower bound for the output tetrahedra. Moreover, the mesh boundary is a geometrically and topologically accurate approximation of the object surface in the sense that it allows for guaranteed bounds on the two-sided Hausdorff distance and the homeomorphism between the boundaries of the mesh and the boundaries of the materials. The theory and effectiveness of our method are illustrated with the experimental evaluation on synthetic and real medical data


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    It was maked a review and comparative analysis of modern methods of building of surfaces, namely, T-Splines and NURBS. Also was considered  the main features, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of T-Splines.Проведен обзор и сравнительный анализ современных методов построения поверхностей, а именно Т-сплайнов и NURBS. Рассмотрены основные черты Т-сплайнов, их особенности, преимущества и недостатки.Проведено огляд та порівняльний аналіз сучасних методів побудови поверхонь, а саме Т-сплайнів і NURBS. Розглянуто  основні риси Т-сплайнів, їхні особливості, переваги та недоліки