4 research outputs found

    Formal systems for proving incidence results

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    U ovoj tezi razvijen je formalni sistem za dokazivanje teorema incidencije u projektivnoj geometiji. Osnova sistema je Čeva/Menelaj metod za dokazivanje teorema incidencije. Formalizacija o kojoj je ovdje riječ izvedena je korišćenjem Δ-kompleksa, pa su tako u disertaciji spojene oblasti logike, geometrije i algebarske topologije. Aksiomatski sekventi proizilaze iz 2-ciklova Δ-kompleksa. Definisana je Euklidska i projektivna interpretacija sekvenata i dokazana je saglasnost i odlučivost sistema. Dati su primjeri iščitavanja teorema incidencije iz dokazivih sekvenata sistema. U tezi je data i procedura za provjeru da li je skup od n šestorki tačaka aksiomatski sekvent.In this thesis, a formal sequent system for proving incidence theorems in projective geometry is introduced. This system is based on the Ceva/Menelaus method for proving theorems. This formalization is performed using Δ-complexes, so the areas of logic, geometry and algebraic topology are combined in the dissertation. The axiomatic sequents of the system stem from 2-cycles of Δ-complexes. The Euclidean and projective interpretations of the sequents are defined and the decidability and soundness of the system are proved. Patterns for extracting formulation and proof of the incidence result from derivable sequents of system are exemplified. The procedure for deciding if set of n sextuples represent an axiomatic sequent is presented within the thesis

    A Short Proof of the Bradley Theorem

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