24,777 research outputs found

    Verified Subtyping with Traits and Mixins

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    Traits allow decomposing programs into smaller parts and mixins are a form of composition that resemble multiple inheritance. Unfortunately, in the presence of traits, programming languages like Scala give up on subtyping relation between objects. In this paper, we present a method to check subtyping between objects based on entailment in separation logic. We implement our method as a domain specific language in Scala and apply it on the Scala standard library. We have verified that 67% of mixins used in the Scala standard library do indeed conform to subtyping between the traits that are used to build them.Comment: In Proceedings FSFMA 2014, arXiv:1407.195

    Memory usage verification using Hip/Sleek.

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    Embedded systems often come with constrained memory footprints. It is therefore essential to ensure that software running on such platforms fulfils memory usage specifications at compile-time, to prevent memory-related software failure after deployment. Previous proposals on memory usage verification are not satisfactory as they usually can only handle restricted subsets of programs, especially when shared mutable data structures are involved. In this paper, we propose a simple but novel solution. We instrument programs with explicit memory operations so that memory usage verification can be done along with the verification of other properties, using an automated verification system Hip/Sleek developed recently by Chin et al.[10,19]. The instrumentation can be done automatically and is proven sound with respect to an underlying semantics. One immediate benefit is that we do not need to develop from scratch a specific system for memory usage verification. Another benefit is that we can verify more programs, especially those involving shared mutable data structures, which previous systems failed to handle, as evidenced by our experimental results

    Separation Logic for Small-step Cminor

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    Cminor is a mid-level imperative programming language; there are proved-correct optimizing compilers from C to Cminor and from Cminor to machine language. We have redesigned Cminor so that it is suitable for Hoare Logic reasoning and we have designed a Separation Logic for Cminor. In this paper, we give a small-step semantics (instead of the big-step of the proved-correct compiler) that is motivated by the need to support future concurrent extensions. We detail a machine-checked proof of soundness of our Separation Logic. This is the first large-scale machine-checked proof of a Separation Logic w.r.t. a small-step semantics. The work presented in this paper has been carried out in the Coq proof assistant. It is a first step towards an environment in which concurrent Cminor programs can be verified using Separation Logic and also compiled by a proved-correct compiler with formal end-to-end correctness guarantees.Comment: Version courte du rapport de recherche RR-613

    Sequent Calculus in the Topos of Trees

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    Nakano's "later" modality, inspired by G\"{o}del-L\"{o}b provability logic, has been applied in type systems and program logics to capture guarded recursion. Birkedal et al modelled this modality via the internal logic of the topos of trees. We show that the semantics of the propositional fragment of this logic can be given by linear converse-well-founded intuitionistic Kripke frames, so this logic is a marriage of the intuitionistic modal logic KM and the intermediate logic LC. We therefore call this logic KMlin\mathrm{KM}_{\mathrm{lin}}. We give a sound and cut-free complete sequent calculus for KMlin\mathrm{KM}_{\mathrm{lin}} via a strategy that decomposes implication into its static and irreflexive components. Our calculus provides deterministic and terminating backward proof-search, yields decidability of the logic and the coNP-completeness of its validity problem. Our calculus and decision procedure can be restricted to drop linearity and hence capture KM.Comment: Extended version, with full proof details, of a paper accepted to FoSSaCS 2015 (this version edited to fix some minor typos

    Atmospheric phenomena data processing and display

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    Several related efforts which deal with the analysis and display of data pertaining to various atmospheric phenomena are reported. Spectrometer data analysis, with refinements to the preexisting programs, is discussed. A discussion of a Monte Carlo simulation of a photon transfer problem is presented. Raw data gathered in the field by a high-flying U2 aircraft is usually pulse code modulated (PCM). Techniques to reduce the data into a computer-amenable format are described. Several utility programs and other work are outlined

    Amortised resource analysis with separation logic

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    Type-based amortised resource analysis following Hofmann and Jost—where resources are associated with individual elements of data structures and doled out to the programmer under a linear typing discipline—have been successful in providing concrete resource bounds for functional programs, with good support for inference. In this work we translate the idea of amortised resource analysis to imperative languages by embedding a logic of resources, based on Bunched Implications, within Separation Logic. The Separation Logic component allows us to assert the presence and shape of mutable data structures on the heap, while the resource component allows us to state the resources associated with each member of the structure. We present the logic on a small imperative language with procedures and mutable heap, based on Java bytecode. We have formalised the logic within the Coq proof assistant and extracted a certified verification condition generator. We demonstrate the logic on some examples, including proving termination of in-place list reversal on lists with cyclic tails

    Size-Change Termination, Monotonicity Constraints and Ranking Functions

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    Size-Change Termination (SCT) is a method of proving program termination based on the impossibility of infinite descent. To this end we may use a program abstraction in which transitions are described by monotonicity constraints over (abstract) variables. When only constraints of the form x>y' and x>=y' are allowed, we have size-change graphs. Both theory and practice are now more evolved in this restricted framework then in the general framework of monotonicity constraints. This paper shows that it is possible to extend and adapt some theory from the domain of size-change graphs to the general case, thus complementing previous work on monotonicity constraints. In particular, we present precise decision procedures for termination; and we provide a procedure to construct explicit global ranking functions from monotonicity constraints in singly-exponential time, which is better than what has been published so far even for size-change graphs.Comment: revised version of September 2

    Aspect-oriented design model.

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    Designing crosscutting concerns (aspects) is a challenging task. Since crosscutting concerns were not addressed while developing contemporary software design techniques, so they lack support for accommodating representation of such concerns along with base program. Some design languages like UML have been extended to express aspects and their elements but they do not fully represent aspects. Some lack adequate representation of aspect elements and some lack an efficient and reusable composition technique. In this paper, some of the aspect-oriented design techniques have been critically discussed. A proposed aspect model has been discussed which helps in overcoming the deficiencies in the contemporary aspect-oriented design techniques. This model represents aspects and their elements throughout the software development life cycle