18 research outputs found

    Extending Markov Automata with State and Action Rewards

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    This presentation introduces the Markov Reward Automaton (MRA), an extension of the Markov automaton that allows the modelling of systems incorporating rewards in addition to nondeterminism, discrete probabilistic choice and continuous stochastic timing. Our models support both rewards that are acquired instantaneously when taking certain transitions (action rewards) and rewards that are based on the duration that certain conditions hold (state rewards). In addition to introducing the MRA model, we extend the process-algebraic language MAPA to easily specify MRAs. Also, we provide algorithms for computing the expected reward until reaching one of a certain set of goal states, as well as the long-run average reward. We extended the MAMA tool chain (consisting of the tools SCOOP and IMCA) to implement the reward extension of MAPA and these algorithms

    MeGARA: Menu-based Game Abstraction and Abstraction Refinement of Markov Automata

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    Markov automata combine continuous time, probabilistic transitions, and nondeterminism in a single model. They represent an important and powerful way to model a wide range of complex real-life systems. However, such models tend to be large and difficult to handle, making abstraction and abstraction refinement necessary. In this paper we present an abstraction and abstraction refinement technique for Markov automata, based on the game-based and menu-based abstraction of probabilistic automata. First experiments show that a significant reduction in size is possible using abstraction.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2014, arXiv:1406.156

    Static Analysis of Deterministic Negotiations

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    Negotiation diagrams are a model of concurrent computation akin to workflow Petri nets. Deterministic negotiation diagrams, equivalent to the much studied and used free-choice workflow Petri nets, are surprisingly amenable to verification. Soundness (a property close to deadlock-freedom) can be decided in PTIME. Further, other fundamental questions like computing summaries or the expected cost, can also be solved in PTIME for sound deterministic negotiation diagrams, while they are PSPACE-complete in the general case. In this paper we generalize and explain these results. We extend the classical "meet-over-all-paths" (MOP) formulation of static analysis problems to our concurrent setting, and introduce Mazurkiewicz-invariant analysis problems, which encompass the questions above and new ones. We show that any Mazurkiewicz-invariant analysis problem can be solved in PTIME for sound deterministic negotiations whenever it is in PTIME for sequential flow-graphs---even though the flow-graph of a deterministic negotiation diagram can be exponentially larger than the diagram itself. This gives a common explanation to the low-complexity of all the analysis questions studied so far. Finally, we show that classical gen/kill analyses are also an instance of our framework, and obtain a PTIME algorithm for detecting anti-patterns in free-choice workflow Petri nets. Our result is based on a novel decomposition theorem, of independent interest, showing that sound deterministic negotiation diagrams can be hierarchically decomposed into (possibly overlapping) smaller sound diagrams.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of LICS 2017, IEEE Computer Societ

    Analysis of Timed and Long-Run Objectives for Markov Automata

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    Markov automata (MAs) extend labelled transition systems with random delays and probabilistic branching. Action-labelled transitions are instantaneous and yield a distribution over states, whereas timed transitions impose a random delay governed by an exponential distribution. MAs are thus a nondeterministic variation of continuous-time Markov chains. MAs are compositional and are used to provide a semantics for engineering frameworks such as (dynamic) fault trees, (generalised) stochastic Petri nets, and the Architecture Analysis & Design Language (AADL). This paper considers the quantitative analysis of MAs. We consider three objectives: expected time, long-run average, and timed (interval) reachability. Expected time objectives focus on determining the minimal (or maximal) expected time to reach a set of states. Long-run objectives determine the fraction of time to be in a set of states when considering an infinite time horizon. Timed reachability objectives are about computing the probability to reach a set of states within a given time interval. This paper presents the foundations and details of the algorithms and their correctness proofs. We report on several case studies conducted using a prototypical tool implementation of the algorithms, driven by the MAPA modelling language for efficiently generating MAs.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1305.705

    Modelling and analysis of Markov reward automata

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    Costs and rewards are important ingredients for many types of systems, modelling critical aspects like energy consumption, task completion, repair costs, and memory usage. This paper introduces Markov reward automata, an extension of Markov automata that allows the modelling of systems incorporating rewards (or costs) in addition to nondeterminism, discrete probabilistic choice and continuous stochastic timing. Rewards come in two flavours: action rewards, acquired instantaneously when taking a transition; and state rewards, acquired while residing in a state. We present algorithms to optimise three reward functions: the expected cumulative reward until a goal is reached, the expected cumulative reward until a certain time bound, and the long-run average reward. We have implemented these algorithms in the SCOOP/IMCA tool chain and show their feasibility via several case studies

    One Net Fits All: A unifying semantics of Dynamic Fault Trees using GSPNs

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    Dynamic Fault Trees (DFTs) are a prominent model in reliability engineering. They are strictly more expressive than static fault trees, but this comes at a price: their interpretation is non-trivial and leaves quite some freedom. This paper presents a GSPN semantics for DFTs. This semantics is rather simple and compositional. The key feature is that this GSPN semantics unifies all existing DFT semantics from the literature. All semantic variants can be obtained by choosing appropriate priorities and treatment of non-determinism.Comment: Accepted at Petri Nets 201