7,176 research outputs found

    Intelligent Word Embeddings of Free-Text Radiology Reports

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    Radiology reports are a rich resource for advancing deep learning applications in medicine by leveraging the large volume of data continuously being updated, integrated, and shared. However, there are significant challenges as well, largely due to the ambiguity and subtlety of natural language. We propose a hybrid strategy that combines semantic-dictionary mapping and word2vec modeling for creating dense vector embeddings of free-text radiology reports. Our method leverages the benefits of both semantic-dictionary mapping as well as unsupervised learning. Using the vector representation, we automatically classify the radiology reports into three classes denoting confidence in the diagnosis of intracranial hemorrhage by the interpreting radiologist. We performed experiments with varying hyperparameter settings of the word embeddings and a range of different classifiers. Best performance achieved was a weighted precision of 88% and weighted recall of 90%. Our work offers the potential to leverage unstructured electronic health record data by allowing direct analysis of narrative clinical notes.Comment: AMIA Annual Symposium 201

    Analyzing image-text relations for semantic media adaptation and personalization

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    Progress in semantic media adaptation and personalisation requires that we know more about how different media types, such as texts and images, work together in multimedia communication. To this end, we present our ongoing investigation into image-text relations. Our idea is that the ways in which the meanings of images and texts relate in multimodal documents, such as web pages, can be classified on the basis of low-level media features and that this classification should be an early processing step in systems targeting semantic multimedia analysis. In this paper we present the first empirical evidence that humans can predict something about the main theme of a text from an accompanying image, and that this prediction can be emulated by a machine via analysis of low- level image features. We close by discussing how these findings could impact on applications for news adaptation and personalisation, and how they may generalise to other kinds of multimodal documents and to applications for semantic media retrieval, browsing, adaptation and creation

    A Labeled Graph Kernel for Relationship Extraction

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    In this paper, we propose an approach for Relationship Extraction (RE) based on labeled graph kernels. The kernel we propose is a particularization of a random walk kernel that exploits two properties previously studied in the RE literature: (i) the words between the candidate entities or connecting them in a syntactic representation are particularly likely to carry information regarding the relationship; and (ii) combining information from distinct sources in a kernel may help the RE system make better decisions. We performed experiments on a dataset of protein-protein interactions and the results show that our approach obtains effectiveness values that are comparable with the state-of-the art kernel methods. Moreover, our approach is able to outperform the state-of-the-art kernels when combined with other kernel methods

    A Deep Network Model for Paraphrase Detection in Short Text Messages

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    This paper is concerned with paraphrase detection. The ability to detect similar sentences written in natural language is crucial for several applications, such as text mining, text summarization, plagiarism detection, authorship authentication and question answering. Given two sentences, the objective is to detect whether they are semantically identical. An important insight from this work is that existing paraphrase systems perform well when applied on clean texts, but they do not necessarily deliver good performance against noisy texts. Challenges with paraphrase detection on user generated short texts, such as Twitter, include language irregularity and noise. To cope with these challenges, we propose a novel deep neural network-based approach that relies on coarse-grained sentence modeling using a convolutional neural network and a long short-term memory model, combined with a specific fine-grained word-level similarity matching model. Our experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches on user-generated noisy social media data, such as Twitter texts, and achieves highly competitive performance on a cleaner corpus

    Information Extraction, Data Integration, and Uncertain Data Management: The State of The Art

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    Information Extraction, data Integration, and uncertain data management are different areas of research that got vast focus in the last two decades. Many researches tackled those areas of research individually. However, information extraction systems should have integrated with data integration methods to make use of the extracted information. Handling uncertainty in extraction and integration process is an important issue to enhance the quality of the data in such integrated systems. This article presents the state of the art of the mentioned areas of research and shows the common grounds and how to integrate information extraction and data integration under uncertainty management cover

    Designing Semantic Kernels as Implicit Superconcept Expansions

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    Recently, there has been an increased interest in the exploitation of background knowledge in the context of text mining tasks, especially text classification. At the same time, kernel-based learning algorithms like Support Vector Machines have become a dominant paradigm in the text mining community. Amongst other reasons, this is also due to their capability to achieve more accurate learning results by replacing standard linear kernel (bag-of-words) with customized kernel functions which incorporate additional apriori knowledge. In this paper we propose a new approach to the design of ‘semantic smoothing kernels’ by means of an implicit superconcept expansion using well-known measures of term similarity. The experimental evaluation on two different datasets indicates that our approach consistently improves performance in situations where (i) training data is scarce or (ii) the bag-ofwords representation is too sparse to build stable models when using the linear kernel
