421 research outputs found

    Application of JXTA-overlay platform for secure robot control

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    In this paper, we present the evaluation and experimental results of secured robot control in a P2P system. The control system is based on JXTA-Overlay platform. We used secure primitives and functions of JXTA-Overlay for the secure control of the robot motors. We investigated the time of robot control for some scenarios with different number of peers connected in JXTA-Overlay network. All experiments are realised in a LAN environment. The experimental results show that with the join of other peers in the network, the average time of robot control is increased, but the difference between the secure and unsecure robot control average time is nearly the samePeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    JXTA security in basic peer operations

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    An anonymity layer for JXTA service

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    Security analysis of JXME-Proxyless version

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    JXME es la especificaciĂłn de JXTA para dispositivos mĂłviles con J2ME. Hay dos versiones diferentes de la aplicaciĂłn JXME disponibles, cada una especĂ­fica para un determinado conjunto de dispositivos, de acuerdo con sus capacidades. El principal valor de JXME es su simplicidad para crear peer-to-peer (P2P) en dispositivos limitados. AdemĂĄs de evaluar las funciones JXME, tambiĂ©n es importante tener en cuenta el nivel de seguridad por defecto que se proporciona. Este artĂ­culo presenta un breve anĂĄlisis de la situaciĂłn actual de la seguridad en JXME, centrĂĄndose en la versiĂłn JXME-Proxyless, identifica las vulnerabilidades existentes y propone mejoras en este campo.JXME Ă©s l'especificaciĂł de JXTA per a dispositius mĂČbils amb J2ME. Hi ha dues versions diferents de l'aplicaciĂł JXME disponibles, cada una d'especĂ­fica per a un determinat conjunt de dispositius, d'acord amb les seves capacitats. El principal valor de JXME Ă©s la seva simplicitat per crear peer-to-peer (P2P) en dispositius limitats. A mĂ©s d'avaluar les funcions JXME, tambĂ© Ă©s important tenir en compte el nivell de seguretat per defecte que es proporciona. Aquest article presenta un breu anĂ lisis de la situaciĂł actual de la seguretat en JXME, centrant-se en la versiĂł JXME-Proxyless, identifica les vulnerabilitats existents i proposa millores en aquest camp.JXME is the JXTA specification for mobile devices using J2ME. Two different flavors of JXME implementation are available, each one specific for a particular set of devices, according to their capabilities. The main value of JXME is its simplicity to create peer-to-peer (P2P) applications in limited devices. In addition to assessing JXME functionalities, it is also important to realize the default security level provided. This paper presents a brief analysis of the current state of security in JXME, focusing on the JXME-Proxyless version, identifies existing vulnerabilities and proposes further improvements in this field

    A Security-aware Approach to JXTA-Overlay Primitives

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    The JXTA-Overlay project is an effort to use JXTA technology to provide a generic set of functionalities that can be used by developers to deploy P2P applications. Since its design mainly focuses on issues such as scalability or overall performance, it does not take security into account. However, as P2P applications have evolved to fulfill more complex scenarios, security has become a very important aspect to take into account when evaluating a P2P framework. This work proposes a security extension specifically suited to JXTA-OverlayÂżs idiosyncrasies, providing an acceptable solution to some of its current shortcomings.El proyecto JXTA-Overlay es un esfuerzo por utilizar la tecnologĂ­a JXTA para proporcionar un conjunto genĂ©rico de funciones que pueden ser utilizadas por los desarrolladores para desplegar aplicaciones P2P. Aunque su diseño se centra principalmente en cuestiones como la escalabilidad y el rendimiento general, no tiene en cuenta la seguridad. Sin embargo, como las aplicaciones P2P se han desarrollado para cumplir con escenarios mĂĄs complejos, la seguridad se ha convertido en un aspecto muy importante a tener en cuenta a la hora de evaluar un marco P2P. Este artĂ­culo propone una extensiĂłn de seguridad especĂ­ficamente adaptada a la idiosincrasia de JXTA-Overlay, proporcionando una soluciĂłn aceptable para algunas de sus deficiencias actuales.El projecte JXTA-Overlay Ă©s un esforç per utilitzar la tecnologia JXTA per proporcionar un conjunt genĂšric de funcions que poden ser utilitzades pels desenvolupadors per desplegar aplicacions P2P. Tot i que el seu disseny se centra principalment en qĂŒestions com ara la escalabilitat i el rendiment general, no tĂ© en compte la seguretat. No obstant aixĂČ, com que les aplicacions P2P s'han desenvolupat per complir amb escenaris mĂ©s complexos, la seguretat s'ha convertit en un aspecte molt important a tenir en compte a l'hora d'avaluar un marc P2P. Aquest article proposa una extensiĂł de seguretat especĂ­ficament adaptada a la idiosincrĂ sia de JXTA-Overlay, proporcionant una soluciĂł acceptable per a algunes de les seves deficiĂšncies actuals

    JXTA-Overlay: a P2P platform for distributed, collaborative, and ubiquitous computing

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    With the fast growth of the Internet infrastructure and the use of large-scale complex applications in industries, transport, logistics, government, health, and businesses, there is an increasing need to design and deploy multifeatured networking applications. Important features of such applications include the capability to be self-organized, be decentralized, integrate different types of resources (personal computers, laptops, and mobile and sensor devices), and provide global, transparent, and secure access to resources. Moreover, such applications should support not only traditional forms of reliable distributing computing and optimization of resources but also various forms of collaborative activities, such as business, online learning, and social networks in an intelligent and secure environment. In this paper, we present the Juxtapose (JXTA)-Overlay, which is a JXTA-based peer-to-peer (P2P) platform designed with the aim to leverage capabilities of Java, JXTA, and P2P technologies to support distributed and collaborative systems. The platform can be used not only for efficient and reliable distributed computing but also for collaborative activities and ubiquitous computing by integrating in the platform end devices. The design of a user interface as well as security issues are also tackled. We evaluate the proposed system by experimental study and show its usefulness for massive processing computations and e-learning applications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Security Framework for JXTA-Overlay

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    En l'actualitat, la maduresa del camp de la investigaciĂł P2P empĂšs a travĂ©s de nous problemes, relacionats amb la seguretat. Per aquesta raĂł, la seguretat comença a convertir-se en una de les qĂŒestions clau en l'avaluaciĂł d'un sistema P2P, i Ă©s important proporcionar mecanismes de seguretat per a sistemes P2P. El projecte JXTAOverlay fa un esforç per utilitzar la tecnologia JXTA per proporcionar un conjunt genĂšric de funcions que poden ser utilitzades pels desenvolupadors per desplegar aplicacions P2P. No obstant aixĂČ, encara que el seu disseny es va centrar en qĂŒestions com ara l'escalabilitat o el rendiment general, no va tenir en compte la seguretat. Aquest treball proposa un marc de seguretat, adaptat especĂ­ficament a la idiosincrĂ sia del JXTAOverlay.At present time, the maturity of P2P research field has pushed through new problems such us those related with security. For that reason, security starts to become one of the key issues when evaluating a P2P system and it is important to provide security mechanisms to P2P systems. The JXTAOverlay project is an effort to use JXTA technology to provide a generic set of functionalities that can be used by developers to deploy P2P applications. However, since its design focused on issues such as scalability or overall performance, it did not take security into account. This work proposes a security framework specifically suited to JXTAOverlayÂżs idiosyncrasies.En la actualidad, la madurez del campo de la investigaciĂłn P2P empujado a travĂ©s de nuevos problemas, relacionados con la seguridad. Por esta razĂłn, la seguridad comienza a convertirse en una de las cuestiones clave en la evaluaciĂłn de un sistema P2P, y es importante proporcionar mecanismos de seguridad para sistemas P2P. El proyecto JXTAOverlay hace un esfuerzo por utilizar la tecnologĂ­a JXTA para proporcionar un conjunto genĂ©rico de funciones que pueden ser utilizadas por los desarrolladores para desplegar aplicaciones P2P. Sin embargo, aunque su diseño se centrĂł en cuestiones como la escalabilidad o el rendimiento general, no tuvo en cuenta la seguridad. Este trabajo propone un marco de seguridad, adaptado especĂ­ficamente a la idiosincrasia del JXTAOverlay

    Analysis of current middleware used in peer-to-peer and grid implementations for enhancement by catallactic mechanisms

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    This deliverable describes the work done in task 3.1, Middleware analysis: Analysis of current middleware used in peer-to-peer and grid implementations for enhancement by catallactic mechanisms from work package 3, Middleware Implementation. The document is divided in four parts: The introduction with application scenarios and middleware requirements, Catnets middleware architecture, evaluation of existing middleware toolkits, and conclusions. -- Die Arbeit definiert Anforderungen an Grid und Peer-to-Peer Middleware Architekturen und analysiert diese auf ihre Eignung fĂŒr die prototypische Umsetzung der Katallaxie. Eine Middleware-Architektur fĂŒr die Umsetzung der Katallaxie in Application Layer Netzwerken wird vorgestellt.Grid Computing
