5 research outputs found

    On Heads and Coordination in Valence Acquisition

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    Abstract. The aim of this paper is to present the design of a partial syntactic annotation of the IPI PAN Corpus of Polish [22] and the cor-responding extension of the corpus search engine Poliqarp [25,12] devel-oped at the Institue of Computer Science PAS and currently employed in Polish and Portuguese corpora projects. In particular, we will argue for the need to distinguish between, and represent both, syntactic and se-mantic heads, and we will sketch the representation of coordination, the area traditionally controversial both in theoretical and in computational linguistics. The annotation is designed in a way intended to maximise the usefulness of the resulting corpus for the task of automatic valence acquisition

    Alati i tražilice za pretraživanje korpusa

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    Ovaj rad služi kao prikaz nekih od dostupnih arhitektura, odnosno alata i tražilica za pretraživanje korpusa. U prvom dijelu rada prikazana je teorijska pozadina korpusa, njihova općenita definicija, podjela i povijesni razvoj. Zatim je dan detaljan pregled odabranih alata i tražilica za pretraživanje korpusa, kao i primjeri korpusa koji se njima koriste. U ovom dijelu navedeni su i neki od hrvatskih korpusa i alata kojima služe kao operativna podloga. U trećem dijelu rada opisano je anketno istraživanje o uporabi korpusa u obrazovne ili istraživačke svrhe od strane korisnika aktivnih u nekima od jezičnih područja

    Grammar and Corpora 2016

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    In recent years, the availability of large annotated corpora, together with a new interest in the empirical foundation and validation of linguistic theory and description, has sparked a surge of novel work using corpus methods to study the grammar of natural languages. This volume presents recent developments and advances, firstly, in corpus-oriented grammar research with a special focus on Germanic, Slavic, and Romance languages and, secondly, in corpus linguistic methodology as well as the application of corpus methods to grammar-related fields. The volume results from the sixth international conference Grammar and Corpora (GaC 2016), which took place at the Institute for the German Language (IDS) in Mannheim, Germany, in November 2016

    Grammar and Corpora 2016

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    In recent years, the availability of large annotated corpora, together with a new interest in the empirical foundation and validation of linguistic theory and description, has sparked a surge of novel work using corpus methods to study the grammar of natural languages. This volume presents recent developments and advances, firstly, in corpus-oriented grammar research with a special focus on Germanic, Slavic, and Romance languages and, secondly, in corpus linguistic methodology as well as the application of corpus methods to grammar-related fields. The volume results from the sixth international conference Grammar and Corpora (GaC 2016), which took place at the Institute for the German Language (IDS) in Mannheim, Germany, in November 2016.Die Verfügbarkeit großer annotierter und durchsuchbarer Korpora, verbunden mit einem neuerwachten Interesse an der empirischen Grundlegung und Validierung linguistischer Theorie und Beschreibung hat in letzter Zeit zu einer regelrechten Welle interessanter Arbeiten zur Grammatik natürlicher Sprachen geführt. Dieser Band präsentiert zum einen neuere Entwicklungen in der korpusorientierten Forschung zur Grammatik germanischer, romanischer und slawischer Sprachen und zum anderen innovative Ansätze in der einschlägigen korpuslinguistischen Methodologie, die auch Anwendung im Umfeld der Grammatik finden. Der Band fasst die Beiträge der sechsten internationalen Konferenz Grammar and Corpora zusammen, die im November 2016 am Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS) in Mannheim stattfand