20 research outputs found

    The Intrinsic Structure of Nuclear Chemistry: A Scientometric Study

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    : In the last two decades, the research in nuclear chemistry has experienced a regular as well as voluminous structural changes and has grown notably with interaction from other fields in terms of theory building, methodology, and applications. This study focus a quantitative assessment of the scientific literature for mapping the intellectual structure of nuclear chemistry research and its scientific development over a 11-year period from 2008 till 2018. A total of 109281 publications were subjected to examination in order to draw statistics and depict dynamic changes to shed new light upon the growth, dispersion and structure of the studied domain. In general this work characterizes the papers, in terms of growth, institution, document type, prominent authors and institutions, and geographical distributio

    A Bibliometric Analysis of International Journal of Nursing Studies (1963 – 2018)

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    Purpose- This study set to present a general overview of the International Journal of Nursing Studies (IJNS) from 1963 to 2018 using bibliometric indicators to assess its performance. Design/methodology/approach- This study is a bibliometric analysis. The articles of the IJNS were analyzed. Scopus database was used for collecting articles. Excel software was used to analyze the process of publishing journal articles, identify top countries, institutes, and authors and extract highly cited articles in the journal. The visualization of the keywords in the articles published in the journal was done using the VOSviewer software. Findings- The results of the bibliometric analysis showed that the United Kingdom with 966 papers, King\u27s College London with 130 papers and Bergman R with 25 papers were the most productive and influential countries, universities, and authors contributing to the IJNS. The paper of Keeney S. (2001), entitled A critical review of the Delphi technique as a research methodology for nursing , was the most highly cited article in the IJNS from the beginning of 1963 to the end of 2018. The clustering of published keywords suggests that psychometric and nursing care issues are emerging journal clusters added to the journal in the last two decades. Conclusion- The evolution process of the IJNS is positive and growing. This Journal has attracted much attention from researchers and authors around the world as a pioneer and leading journalist in the field of nursing. Originality/value- This is the first comprehensive study offering a bibliometric overview of the leading trends of the IJNS over its history

    A Bibliometric Overview of the Field of Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems [Discussion Forum]

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    © 2005-2012 IEEE. Fuzzy Sets and Systems is an area of computational intelligence, pioneered by Lotfi Zadeh over 50 years ago in a seminal paper in Information and Control. Fuzzy Sets (FSs) deal with uncertainty in our knowledge of a particular situation. Research and applications in FSs have grown steadily over 50 years. More recently, we have seen a growth in Type-2 Fuzzy Set (T2 FS) related papers, where T2 FSs are utilized to handle uncertainty in realworld problems. In this paper, we have used bibliometric methods to obtain a broad overview of the area of T2 FSs. This method analyzes information on the bibliographic details of published journal papers, which includes title, authors, author address, journals and citations, extracted from the Science and Social Science Citation Indices in the Web of Science (WoS) database for the last 20 years (1997-2017). We have compared the growth of publications in the field of FSs, and its subset T2 FSs, identified highly cited papers in T2 FSs, highly cited authors, key institutions, and main countries with researchers involved in T2 FS related research

    Scientific literature on thermal spray coatings from Southeastern Europe: A ten years bibliometric analysis

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    Bibliometrijske analize naučno-istraživačkog rada u određenoj naučnoj oblasti, u okviru definisanog geografskog regiona, predstavljaju jedan od načina za kvantitativno poređenje i rangiranje akademskih i/ili istraživačkih institucija. U ovim analizama se primenjuju tzv. bibliometrijske metode, a u ovom radu su prikazani rezultati naučno-istraživačkog rada u zemljama jugoistočne Evrope, u oblasti prevlaka nanetih termički procesom raspršivanja. Rezultati su prikazani pomoću sledećih bibliometrijskih parametara: ukupan broj publikacija i citata, h-indeks i prosečan broj citata po publikaciji. Razmatrane su publikacije objavljene u poslednjih deset godina, a podaci potrebni za izračunavanje bibliometrijskih parametara su dobijeni korišćenjem Skopus (Scopus®) citatne baze podataka.One of the tools used within the effort of developing new quantitative scientometric tools, reliable to be used for ranking academic/research unities is the bibliometric analysis of the scientific production from discrete geographical regions on a certain scientific topic. These analyses apply the so-called bibliometric methods. In the present work, the research output of all countries in Southeastern Europe (SEE) on the scientific topic of thermal spray coatings is presented by using bibliometric indices such as the total number of publications and citations as well as the h-index and the average number of citations per publication. Analysis spans the last ten years and the required scientific data in order to calculate the bibliometric indices were retrieved using the Scopus® scientific database

    Scientific literature on thermal spray coatings from Southeastern Europe: A ten years bibliometric analysis

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    Bibliometrijske analize naučno-istraživačkog rada u određenoj naučnoj oblasti, u okviru definisanog geografskog regiona, predstavljaju jedan od načina za kvantitativno poređenje i rangiranje akademskih i/ili istraživačkih institucija. U ovim analizama se primenjuju tzv. bibliometrijske metode, a u ovom radu su prikazani rezultati naučno-istraživačkog rada u zemljama jugoistočne Evrope, u oblasti prevlaka nanetih termički procesom raspršivanja. Rezultati su prikazani pomoću sledećih bibliometrijskih parametara: ukupan broj publikacija i citata, h-indeks i prosečan broj citata po publikaciji. Razmatrane su publikacije objavljene u poslednjih deset godina, a podaci potrebni za izračunavanje bibliometrijskih parametara su dobijeni korišćenjem Skopus (Scopus®) citatne baze podataka.One of the tools used within the effort of developing new quantitative scientometric tools, reliable to be used for ranking academic/research unities is the bibliometric analysis of the scientific production from discrete geographical regions on a certain scientific topic. These analyses apply the so-called bibliometric methods. In the present work, the research output of all countries in Southeastern Europe (SEE) on the scientific topic of thermal spray coatings is presented by using bibliometric indices such as the total number of publications and citations as well as the h-index and the average number of citations per publication. Analysis spans the last ten years and the required scientific data in order to calculate the bibliometric indices were retrieved using the Scopus® scientific database

    Industria 4.0 y transformación digital: nuevas formas de organización del trabajo

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    The Fourth Industrial Revolution requires profound changes in business models and organizations in order to ensure their stay on the market. However, due to the confluence of the numerous technologies in the Industry 4.0, the transformation process is complex and concerns the change in the work organization. This entails the emergence of new job profiles and the elimination of others resulting from the new forms of work organization. Probably manual works will be reduced, although new highly qualified profiles will appear, increasing collaborative work, flexibility in working time, participation and transparency in the results of individual work, although a greater proletarization of the work is also possible in certain jobs, as is happening especially in the case of the gig-economy. From the perspective of the occupational risks prevention, these new forms of work organization involve the search for the best way to face the challenge that poses the anticipating the possible risk situations and taking the appropriate preventive actions.La denominada Cuarta Revolución Industrial exige profundos cambios en las organizaciones empresariales para su permanencia en el mercado. Dada la confluencia de las numerosas tecnologías que supone la Industria 4.0, el proceso es complejo y afecta de lleno a la organización del trabajo. Ello supone la aparición de nuevos perfiles profesionales y la eliminación de otros, como consecuencia de las nuevas formas de organización del trabajo. Probablemente se reducirán los trabajos de tipo manual, aunque aparecerán nuevos perfiles de alta cualificación, incrementándose el trabajo colaborativo, la flexibilidad en el tiempo de trabajo, la participación y la transparencia de los resultados del trabajo individual, aunque también es posible una mayor precarización de ciertos puestos de trabajo, como está sucediendo especialmente en el caso de la gig-economy. Estas nuevas formas de organización del trabajo suponen afrontar el reto de anticiparse a las posibles situaciones de riesgos que permitan tomar las medidas preventivas oportunas

    Enabling the Development and Implementation of Digital Twins : Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality

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    Welcome to the 20th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2020). This year we are meeting on-line due to the current Coronavirus pandemic. The overarching theme for CONVR2020 is "Enabling the development and implementation of Digital Twins". CONVR is one of the world-leading conferences in the areas of virtual reality, augmented reality and building information modelling. Each year, more than 100 participants from all around the globe meet to discuss and exchange the latest developments and applications of virtual technologies in the architectural, engineering, construction and operation industry (AECO). The conference is also known for having a unique blend of participants from both academia and industry. This year, with all the difficulties of replicating a real face to face meetings, we are carefully planning the conference to ensure that all participants have a perfect experience. We have a group of leading keynote speakers from industry and academia who are covering up to date hot topics and are enthusiastic and keen to share their knowledge with you. CONVR participants are very loyal to the conference and have attended most of the editions over the last eighteen editions. This year we are welcoming numerous first timers and we aim to help them make the most of the conference by introducing them to other participants

    32. Forum Bauinformatik 2021

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    Das Forum Bauinformatik ist eine jährlich stattfindende Tagung und ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Bauinformatik im deutschsprachigen Raum. Insbesondere Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftlern bietet es die Möglichkeit, ihre Forschungsarbeiten zu präsentieren, Problemstellungen fachspezifisch zu diskutieren und sich über den neuesten Stand der Forschung zu informieren. Es bietet sich ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit, in die wissenschaftliche Gemeinschaft im Bereich der Bauinformatik einzusteigen und Kontakte mit anderen Forschenden zu knüpfen