845 research outputs found

    The lexicographic treatment of ideophones in Zulu

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    The ideophone, a word class not unique to but highly characteristic of the Bantu languages, presents particular challenges in both monolingual and bilingual lexicography. Not only is this part of speech without a counterpart in most other languages, the meaning of ideophones is highly elusive. In this research article these challenges are studied by means of an analysis of the treatment of ideophones in a corpus-driven Zulu-English school dictionary project


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    Jack: C.S. Lewis and His Times. George Sayer. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson. Mythical and Fabulous Creatures: A Source Book and Research Guide. Malcom South, ed. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson

    How Faith Matures [review] / C. Ellis Nelson.

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    Postmodern Use of the Bible: The Emergence of Reader-Oriented Criticism [review] / Edgar V. McKnight.

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    Introduction to Jurisprudence and Legal Theory: Commentary and Materials

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    Spartan Daily, January 25, 2002

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    Volume 118, Issue 2https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/9776/thumbnail.jp

    The Perils of Judicial Statesmanship

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    This article addresses the issue of what is fit for a Supreme Court Justice to do and whether the Court is acting within its constitutional authority. The United States is a democratic republic in which power flows from the people to elected representatives who remain answerable to the people. By contrast, the Justices sit for life and answer to no one. The Court is thus a profoundly antidemocratic institution. When and how the Court ought to exercise its anti-democratic authority is the only enduring important question in American constitutional law

    Book Notes

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    Evangelical and Methodist: A Popular History Riley B. Case Nashville: Abingdon Press 2004, 32 pp. paper, 25.00ReviewedbyKennethJ.CollinsGodisnotGreat:HowReligionPoisonsEverythingChristopherHitchensNewYork:TwelvePress2007,307pp.paper,25.00 Reviewed by Kenneth J. Collins God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything Christopher Hitchens New York: Twelve Press 2007, 307 pp. paper, 14.99 Reviewed by Kenneth J. Collins Sanctified Sanity: The Life and Teaching of Samuel Logan Brengle David Rightmire Alexandria, Virginia: Crest Books 2003, 235 pp. paper, No price given. Reviewed by Kenneth J. Collins Wesley and Men Who Followed Iain H. Murray Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth Trust 2003, 210 pp. paper, $21.00 Reviewed by Kenneth J. Collin
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