3 research outputs found

    Combining malleability and I/O control mechanisms to enhance the execution of multiple applications

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    This work presents a common framework that integrates CLARISSE, a cross-layer runtime for the I/O software stack, and FlexMPI, a runtime that provides dynamic load balancing and malleability capabilities for MPI applications. This integration is performed both at application level, as libraries executed within the application, as well as at central-controller level, as external components that manage the execution of different applications. We show that a cooperation between both runtimes provides important benefits for overall system performance: first, by means of monitoring, the CPU, communication and I/O performances of all executing applications are collected, providing a holistic view of the complete platform utilization. Secondly, we introduce a coordinated way of using CLARISSE and FlexMPI control mechanisms, based on two different optimization strategies, with the aim of improving both the application I/O and overall system performance. Finally, we present a detailed description of this proposal, as well as an empirical evaluation of the framework on a cluster showing significant performance improvements at both application and wide-platform levels. We demonstrate that with this proposal the overall I/O time of an application can be reduced by up to 49% and the aggregated FLOPS of all running applications can be increased by 10% with respect to the baseline case. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work has been partially supported by the Spanish “Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad” under the project grant TIN2016-79637-P “Towards Unification of HPC and Big Data paradigms” and EU under the COST Program Action IC1305, Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)

    El impacto de las aplicaciones intensivas de E/S en la planificación de trabajos en clusters no-dedicados

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    Con la mayor capacidad de los nodos de procesamiento en relación a la potencia de cómputo, cada vez más aplicaciones intensivas de datos como las aplicaciones de la bioinformática, se llevarán a ejecutar en clusters no dedicados. Los clusters no dedicados se caracterizan por su capacidad de combinar la ejecución de aplicaciones de usuarios locales con aplicaciones, científicas o comerciales, ejecutadas en paralelo. Saber qué efecto las aplicaciones con acceso intensivo a dados producen respecto a la mezcla de otro tipo (batch, interativa, SRT, etc) en los entornos no-dedicados permite el desarrollo de políticas de planificación más eficientes. Algunas de las aplicaciones intensivas de E/S se basan en el paradigma MapReduce donde los entornos que las utilizan, como Hadoop, se ocupan de la localidad de los datos, balanceo de carga de forma automática y trabajan con sistemas de archivos distribuidos. El rendimiento de Hadoop se puede mejorar sin aumentar los costos de hardware, al sintonizar varios parámetros de configuración claves para las especificaciones del cluster, para el tamaño de los datos de entrada y para el procesamiento complejo. La sincronización de estos parámetros de sincronización puede ser demasiado compleja para el usuario y/o administrador pero procura garantizar prestaciones más adecuadas. Este trabajo propone la evaluación del impacto de las aplicaciones intensivas de E/S en la planificación de trabajos en clusters no-dedicados bajo los paradigmas MPI y Mapreduce.Amb la major capacitat dels nodes de processament en relació a potència de còmput, cada vegada més aplicacions intensives de dades com les aplicacions de la bioinformàtica, es duran a executar en clusters no dedicats. Els clusters no dedicats es caracteritzen per la seva capacitat de combinar l'execució d'aplicacions d'usuaris locals amb aplicacions, científiques o comercials, executades en paral·lel. Saber quin efecte les aplicacions amb accés intensiu a daus produeixen respecte a la barreja d'un altre tipus (batch, interès, SRT, etc) en els entorns no-dedicats permet el desenvolupament de polítiques de planificació més eficient. Algunes de les aplicacions intensives d'E/S es basen en el paradigma MapReduce on els entorns que les utilitzen, com Hadoop, s'ocupen de la localitat de les dades, balanceig de càrrega de forma automàtica i treballen amb sistemes d'arxius distribuïts. L'exercici de Hadoop es pot millorar sense augmentar els costos de maquinari, en sintonitzar diversos paràmetres de configuració claus per a les especificacions del cluster, per la mida de les dades d'entrada i per al processament complex. La sincronització d'aquests paràmetres de sincronització pot ser massa complexa per a l'usuari i/o administrador però procura garantir prestacions més adequades. Aquest treball proposa l'avaluació de l'impacte de les aplicacions intensives d'E/S en la planificació de treballs en clusters no-dedicats sota els paradigmes MPI i MapReduce.With the increased capacity of processing nodes in relation to computing power, increasingly data-intensive applications such as applications of bioinformatics, will be run on non-dedicated clusters. The non-dedicated clusters are characterized by their ability to combine the implementation of local user applications with applications, scientific or commercial, executed in parallel. Learn what effect intensive applications to access given for mixed produce other (batch, interest, SRT, etc) in the non-dedicated environment allows the development of more efficient planning policies. Some intensive applications E/S are based on the MapReduce paradigm where environments that use them, such as Hadoop, dealing with data locality, load balancing automatically and work with distributed file systems. Hadoop's performance can be improved without increasing the costs of hardware, tune several key settings to the specifications of the cluster, for the size of the input data and complex processing. The timing of these timing parameters may be too complex for the user or administrator but seeks to ensure more adequate benefits. This master thesis proposes the evaluation of the impact of intensive applications E/S in planning work on non-dedicated clusters under the MPI, MapReduce paradigm

    Mapping and Scheduling HPC Applications for Optimizing I/O

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    The premier international forum for the presentation of research results in HPC systems, will be VIRTUALLY held in Barcelona, SpainInternational audienceIn HPC platforms, concurrent applications are sharing the same file system. This can lead to conflicts, especially as applications are more and more data intensive. I/O contention can represent a performance bottleneck. The access to bandwidth can be split in two complementary yet distinct problems. The mapping problem and the scheduling problem. The mapping problem consists in selecting the set of applications that are in competition for the I/O resource. The scheduling problem consists then, given I/O requests on the same resource, in determining the order to these accesses to minimize the I/O time. In this work we propose to couple a novel bandwidth-aware mapping algorithm to I/O list-scheduling policies to develop a cross-layer optimization solution. We study this solution experimentally using an I/O middleware: CLARISSE. We show that naive policies such as FIFO perform relatively well in order to schedule I/O movements, and that the important part to reduce congestion lies mostly on the mapping part. We evaluate the algorithm that we propose using a simulator that we validated experimentally. This evaluation shows important gains for the simple, bandwidth-aware mapping solution that we provide compared to its non bandwidth-aware counterpart. The gains are both in terms of machine efficiency (makespan) and application efficiency (stretch). This stresses even more the importance of designing efficient, bandwidth-aware mapping strategies to alleviate the cost of I/O congestion