6 research outputs found

    Certificate Management System Using Fuzzy Based Clustering Approach

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    Big data storage is a computing model in which data is stored on remote servers accessed from the Internet. It is maintained, operated and managed by a cloud storage service provider on storage servers that are built on virtualization techniques. Big data storage can provide the benefits of greater accessibility and reliability; rapid deployment; strong protection for data backup, archival and disaster recovery purposes and lower overall storage costs as a result of not having to purchase, manage and maintain expensive hardware. There are many benefits to using cloud storage, however, big data storage does have the potential for security and compliance concerns that are not associated with traditional storage systems. We can implement the project that is centralized, fuzzy-based clustering certificate management platform that simplifies users to maintain all certificates with us. And certificates can be loss, if they keep in hand. So in this project we can design application for users. They can register into system and upload the certificates such as voter id,aadhar card, mark sheets and so on. Admin can extract certificate number and matched with database for predicting fraudulent activities. If it is occur means, the intimation is sent to crime department. User can view, download and print the certificates anywhere and anytime. This application can be user friendly and easy access GUI for all users

    BigFCM: Fast, Precise and Scalable FCM on Hadoop

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    Clustering plays an important role in mining big data both as a modeling technique and a preprocessing step in many data mining process implementations. Fuzzy clustering provides more flexibility than non-fuzzy methods by allowing each data record to belong to more than one cluster to some degree. However, a serious challenge in fuzzy clustering is the lack of scalability. Massive datasets in emerging fields such as geosciences, biology and networking do require parallel and distributed computations with high performance to solve real-world problems. Although some clustering methods are already improved to execute on big data platforms, but their execution time is highly increased for large datasets. In this paper, a scalable Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering named BigFCM is proposed and designed for the Hadoop distributed data platform. Based on the map-reduce programming model, it exploits several mechanisms including an efficient caching design to achieve several orders of magnitude reduction in execution time. Extensive evaluation over multi-gigabyte datasets shows that BigFCM is scalable while it preserves the quality of clustering

    FCM Clustering Algorithms for Segmentation of Brain MR Images

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    The study of brain disorders requires accurate tissue segmentation of magnetic resonance (MR) brain images which is very important for detecting tumors, edema, and necrotic tissues. Segmentation of brain images, especially into three main tissue types: Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF), Gray Matter (GM), and White Matter (WM), has important role in computer aided neurosurgery and diagnosis. Brain images mostly contain noise, intensity inhomogeneity, and weak boundaries. Therefore, accurate segmentation of brain images is still a challenging area of research. This paper presents a review of fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering algorithms for the segmentation of brain MR images. The review covers the detailed analysis of FCM based algorithms with intensity inhomogeneity correction and noise robustness. Different methods for the modification of standard fuzzy objective function with updating of membership and cluster centroid are also discussed

    Relational data clustering algorithms with biomedical applications

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    A Scalable Framework For Segmenting Magnetic Resonance Images

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    A fast, accurate and fully automatic method of segmenting magnetic resonance images of the human brain is introduced. The approach scales well allowing fast segmentations of fine resolution images. The approach is based on modifications of the soft clustering algorithm, fuzzy c-means, that enable it to scale to large data sets. Two types of modifications to create incremental versions of fuzzy c-means are discussed. They are much faster when compared to fuzzy c-means for medium to extremely large data sets because they work on just parts of the data. They are comparable in quality to application of fuzzy c-means to all of the data. The clustering algorithms coupled with inhomogeneity correction and smoothing are used to create a framework for automatically segmenting magnetic resonance images of the human brain. The framework is applied to a set of normal human brain volumes acquired from different magnetic resonance scanners using different head coils, acquisition parameters and field strengths. Results are compared to those from two widely used magnetic resonance image segmentation programs, SPM and FSL. The results are comparable to FSL while providing significant speed-up and better scalability to larger volumes of data.