10 research outputs found

    A Rule-Based Approach Towards Context-Aware User Notification Services

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    Pervasive Computing is the vision of technology that is invisibly embedded in our natural surroundings. Users are offered unobtrusive services that require minimal attention. In this paper the Awareness and Notification Service (ANS) is presented that enables to rapidly build applications that inform users about their environment. Additionally, the service offers notifications tailored to the user's preferences and current context. ANS takes a rule based approach based on the Event-Condition-Action pattern. Users specify when and what should be notified to them by using a convenient ANS rule language. This flexible mechanism allows to rapidly develop applications that provide context-aware notifications without the need to write programming code to activate rules, nor to implement personalized notifications

    Towards a Rule-Based Approach for Context-Aware Applications

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    A Rule-Based Approach Towards Context-Aware User Notification Services

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    Pervasive Computing is the vision of technology that is invisibly embedded in our natural surroundings. Users are offered unobtrusive services that require minimal attention. In this paper the Awareness and Notification Service (ANS) is presented that enables to rapidly build applications that inform users about their environment. Additionally, the service offers notifications tailored to the user’s preferences and current context. ANS takes a rule based approach based on the Event- Condition-Action pattern. Users specify when and what should be notified to them by using a convenient ANS rule language. This flexible mechanism allows to rapidly develop applications that provide context-aware notifications without the need to write programming code to activate rules, nor to implement personalized notifications

    IoT Notifications: from disruption to benefit - Architectures for the future of notifications in the IoT

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    The growing number of mobile and IoT devices able to generate and show incoming notifications is fostering the spread of notifications in people lives. Nonetheless, although users are getting used to them, their presence is not always perceived as a benefit by recipients. With the aim of improving user experience with notifications, two different approaches are presented in this dissertation. The former acts at the distribution level, i.e., notifications are intercepted and then a system decides if, when, and how to show them; while the latter acts at the design level, i.e., notifications and their distribution strategies are designed with the aim of reducing user disruption and exploiting all the benefits that the availability of multiple devices could bring. An IoT architecture is proposed for each approach: the Smart Notification System that relies on machine learning algorithms to adequately manage incoming notifications, and the XDN (Cross-Device Notification) framework that assists developers in creating cross-device notifications by scripting. The modular nature of both architectures allowed the simultaneous development and test of different independent but compatible subsystems and their exploitation in preliminary deployment sessions. The results, feedbacks and lessons learned from such sessions can foster the development of future solutions in the IoT notifications field and related domains

    Investigating Avatar Customization as a Motivational Design Strategy for Improving Engagement with Technology-Enabled Services for Health

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    Technology-enabled services for physical and mental health are a promising approach to improve healthcare globally. Unfortunately, the largest barrier for effective technology-based treatment is participants' gradually fading engagement with effective novel training applications, such as exercise apps or online mental health training programs. Engaging users through design presents an elegant solution to the problem; however, research on technology-enabled services is primarily focused on the efficacy of novel interventions and not on improving adherence through engaging interaction design. As a result, motivational design strategies to improve engagement---both in the moment of use and over time---are underutilized. Drawing from game-design, I investigate avatar customization as a game-based motivational design strategy in four studies. In Study 1, I examine the effect of avatar customization on experience and behaviour in an infinite runner game. In Study 2, I induce different levels of motivation to research the effects of financial rewards on self-reported motivation and performance in a gamified training task over 11 days. In Study 3, I apply avatar customization to investigate the effects of attrition in an intervention context using a breathing exercise over three weeks. In Study 4, I investigate the immediate effects of avatar customization on the efficacy of an anxiety reducing attentional retraining task. My results show that avatar customization increases motivation over time and in the moment of use, suggesting that avatar customization is a viable strategy to address the engagement barrier that thwarts the efficacy of technology-enabled services for health

    Improving Context Recognition In Ubiquitous Computing Environments

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    Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, kontextverarbeitende Anwendungen einer ubiquitären Informationsumgebung, systematisch umzustrukturieren und zu erweitern, so dass eine signifikante Verbesserung in der Erkennung von Kontexten erreicht werden kann. Dazu wurde das Konzept des systematischen Kontextmanagements eingeführt, das eine neue Schicht innerhalb kontextverarbeitender Systeme bildet. Voraussetzung für effiziente Qualitätssicherungsmechanismen ist eine systematische und formale Ausgestaltung der Repräsentation, Verarbeitung und Kommunikation von Kontexten. Ein solches formales Modell einer ubiquitären Informationsumgebung wurde hier eingeführt. Es bildet die Grundlage des Qualitätsmanagements für Kontexte. Der zentrale Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist ein Qualitätsmanagementsystem für Kontexte auf der Basis von Kontextattributen. Attribute sind dabei allgemeine Eigenschaften von Kontextdaten, welche von der semantischen Bedeutung, die Kontexte für die Anwendungen einer ubiquitären Informationsumgebung haben, unabhängig sind. Das vorgestellte Modell definiert vier solche Attribute: das Kontextalter, die räumliche Herkunft des Kontextes, die Verlässlichkeit der Kontextinformation und die informationelle Abhängigkeit von Kontexten. Für jedes dieser Attribute werden konkrete Algorithmen und Verfahren eingeführt, welche die quantitative Beurteilung der Qualität einer Kontextinformation erlauben. Diese werden innerhalb der neu eingeführten Kontextmanagementschicht in einem Qualitätsfilter umgesetzt. Durch die Filterkomponente erhalten alle Artefakte die Möglichkeit, dynamisch die eingehenden Kontexte auf der Basis ihrer Qualitätsmaße zu filtern und so ihre eigene Dienstqualität zu verbessern. Im Ergebnis konnte, durch das hier vorgestellte Kontextmanagementsystem, eine Verbesserung der Erkennungsrate von Artefakten einer ubiquitären Informationsumgebung um bis zu 48% nachgewiesen werden.The goal of this work was to gain a significant improvement of context recognition rates of applications in ubiquitous computing environments by systematically restructuring and enhancing them. To reach this goal the concept of "Systematic Context Management" was introduced that forms a new processing layer in context sensitive systems. Systematic and formal definitions of context representation, context processing and context communication are required to build efficient quality management mechanisms. Such a formal model of a ubiquitous computing environment is introduced in this thesis. It represents the basis of a quality management system for context data. The central contribution of this work is a quality management system for contexts on basis of Context Attributes. Context Attributes are general attributes of context data that are independent from the semantically meaning of the context for an application in a ubiquitous computing environment. The presented model defines four Context Attributes: context age, spatial origin of contexts, context reliability and informational interdependence of contexts. For each of these attributes concrete algorithms and methods have been developed that allow for the quantitative assessment of context quality. These algorithms and methods are implemented in a quality-filter that is part of the newly introduced context management layer. With this filter component artefacts gain the ability to dynamically filter contexts on basis of their quality allowing for an improvement of the service quality of those artefacts. As a result of this work, it was possible to prove that by the introduction of the context management system developed in this thesis, the context recognition rate of artefacts in a ubiquitous computing environment can be improved by up to 48%

    A Rule-Based Approach Towards Context-Aware User Notification Services Abstract — Pervasive Computing is the vision of technology that

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    is invisibly embedded in our natural surroundings. Users are offered unobtrusive services that require minimal attention. In this paper the Awareness and Notification Service (ANS) is presented that enables to rapidly build applications that inform users about their environment. Additionally, the service offers notifications tailored to the user’s preferences and current context. ANS takes a rule based approach based on the Event-Condition-Action pattern. Users specify when and what should be notified to them by using a convenient ANS rule language. This flexible mechanism allows to rapidly develop applications that provide context-aware notifications without the need to write programming code to activate rules, nor to implement personalized notifications. I