538 research outputs found

    Sky segmentation with ultraviolet images can be used for navigation

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    Inspired by ant navigation, we explore a method for sky segmentation using ultraviolet (UV) light. A standard camera is adapted to allow collection of outdoor images containing light in the visible range, in UV only and in green only. Automatic segmentation of the sky region using UV only is significantly more accurate and far more consistent than visible wavelengths over a wide range of locations, times and weather conditions, and can be accomplished with a very low complexity algorithm. We apply this method to obtain compact binary (sky vs non-sky) images from panoramic UV images taken along a 2km route in an urban environment. Using either sequence SLAM or a visual compass on these images produces reliable localisation and orientation on a subsequent traversal of the route under different weather conditions

    Skyline matching: absolute localisation for planetary exploration rovers

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    Skyline matching is a technique for absolute localisation framed in the category of autonomous long-range exploration. Absolute localisation becomes crucial for planetary exploration to recalibrate position during long traverses or to estimate position with no a-priori information. In this project, a skyline matching algorithm is proposed, implemented and evaluated using real acquisitions and simulated data. The function is based on comparing the skyline extracted from rover images and orbital data. The results are promising but intensive testing on more real data is needed to further characterize the algorithm

    Adaptive Sampling-based Particle Filter for Visual-inertial Gimbal in the Wild

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    In this paper, we present a Computer Vision (CV) based tracking and fusion algorithm, dedicated to a 3D printed gimbal system on drones operating in nature. The whole gimbal system can stabilize the camera orientation robustly in a challenging nature scenario by using skyline and ground plane as references. Our main contributions are the following: a) a light-weight Resnet-18 backbone network model was trained from scratch, and deployed onto the Jetson Nano platform to segment the image into binary parts (ground and sky); b) our geometry assumption from nature cues delivers the potential for robust visual tracking by using the skyline and ground plane as a reference; c) a spherical surface-based adaptive particle sampling, can fuse orientation from multiple sensor sources flexibly. The whole algorithm pipeline is tested on our customized gimbal module including Jetson and other hardware components. The experiments were performed on top of a building in the real landscape.Comment: content in 6 pages, 9 figures, 2 pseudo codes, one table, accepted by ICRA 202

    Dynamic Programming and Skyline Extraction in Catadioptric Infrared Images

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    International audienceUnmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) are the subject of an increasing interest in many applications and a key requirement for autonomous navigation is the attitude/position stabilization of the vehicle. Some previous works have suggested using catadioptric vision, instead of traditional perspective cameras, in order to gather much more information from the environment and therefore improve the robustness of the UAV attitude/position estimation. This paper belongs to a series of recent publications of our research group concerning catadioptric vision for UAVs. Currently, we focus on the extraction of skyline in catadioptric images since it provides important information about the attitude/position of the UAV. For example, the DEM-based methods can match the extracted skyline with a Digital Elevation Map (DEM) by process of registration, which permits to estimate the attitude and the position of the camera. Like any standard cameras, catadioptric systems cannot work in low luminosity situations because they are based on visible light. To overcome this important limitation, in this paper, we propose using a catadioptric infrared camera and extending one of our methods of skyline detection towards catadioptric infrared images. The task of extracting the best skyline in images is usually converted in an energy minimization problem that can be solved by dynamic programming. The major contribution of this paper is the extension of dynamic programming for catadioptric images using an adapted neighborhood and an appropriate scanning direction. Finally, we present some experimental results to demonstrate the validity of our approach

    Machine Learning based Mountainous Skyline Detection and Visual Geo-Localization

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    With the ubiquitous availability of geo-tagged imagery and increased computational power, geo-localization has captured a lot of attention from researchers in computer vision and image retrieval communities. Significant progress has been made in urban environments with stable man-made structures and geo-referenced street imagery of frequently visited tourist attractions. However, geo-localization of natural/mountain scenes is more challenging due to changed vegetations, lighting, seasonal changes and lack of geo-tagged imagery. Conventional approaches for mountain/natural geo-localization mostly rely on mountain peaks and valley information, visible skylines and ridges etc. Skyline (boundary segmenting sky and non-sky regions) has been established to be a robust natural feature for mountainous images, which can be matched with the synthetic skylines generated from publicly available terrain maps such as Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). Skyline or visible horizon finds further applications in various other contexts e.g. smooth navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)/Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs), port security, ship detection and outdoor robot/vehicle localization.\parProminent methods for skyline/horizon detection are based on non-realistic assumptions and rely on mere edge detection and/or linear line fitting using Hough transform. We investigate the use of supervised machine learning for skyline detection. Specifically we propose two novel machine learning based methods, one relying on edge detection and classification while other solely based on classification. Given a query image, an edge or classification map is first built and converted into a multi-stage graph problem. Dynamic programming is then used to find a shortest path which conforms to the detected skyline in the given image. For the first method, we provide a detailed quantitative analysis for various texture features (Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), Local Binary Patterns (LBP), Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and their combinations) used to train a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier and different choices (binary edges, classified edge score, gradient score and their combinations) for the nodal costs for Dynamic Programming (DP). For the second method, we investigate the use of dense classification maps for horizon line detection. We use Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) as our classifier choices and use normalized intensity patches as features. Both proposed formulations are compared with a prominent edge based method on two different data sets.\par We propose a fusion strategy which boosts the performance of the edge-less approach using edge information. The fusion approach, which has been tested on an additional challenging data set, outperforms each of the two methods alone. Further, we demonstrate the capability of our formulations to detect absence of horizon boundary and detection of partial horizon lines. This could be of great value in applications where a confidence measure of the detection is necessary e.g. localization of planetary rovers/robots. In an extended work, we compare our edge-less skyline detection approach against deep learning networks recently proposed for semantic segmentation on an additional data set. Specifically, we compare our proposed fusion formulation with Fully Convolutional Network (FCN), SegNet and another classical supervised learning based method.\par We further propose a visual geo-localization pipeline based on evolutionary computing; where Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is adopted to find/refine an orientation estimate by minimizing the cost function based on horizon-ness probability of pixels. The dense classification score image resulting from our edge-less/fusion approach is used as a fitness measure to guide the particles toward best solution where the rendered horizon from DEM perfectly aligns with the actual horizon from the image without even requiring its explicit detection. The effectiveness of the proposed geo-localization pipeline is evaluated on a decent sized data set

    Sense and Avoid for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems

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    The ability for small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) to safely operate beyond line of sight is of great interest to consumers, businesses, and scientific research. In this work, we investigate Sense and Avoid (SAA) algorithms for sUAS encounters using three 4k cameras for separation distances between 200m and 2000m. Video is recorded of different sUAS platforms designed to appear similar to expected air traffic, under varying weather conditions and flight encounter scenarios. University partners and NASA both developed SAA methods presented in this report

    Sea-Surface Object Detection Based on Electro-Optical Sensors: A Review

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    Sea-surface object detection is critical for navigation safety of autonomous ships. Electrooptical (EO) sensors, such as video cameras, complement radar on board in detecting small obstacle sea-surface objects. Traditionally, researchers have used horizon detection, background subtraction, and foreground segmentation techniques to detect sea-surface objects. Recently, deep learning-based object detection technologies have been gradually applied to sea-surface object detection. This article demonstrates a comprehensive overview of sea-surface object-detection approaches where the advantages and drawbacks of each technique are compared, covering four essential aspects: EO sensors and image types, traditional object-detection methods, deep learning methods, and maritime datasets collection. In particular, sea-surface object detections based on deep learning methods are thoroughly analyzed and compared with highly influential public datasets introduced as benchmarks to verify the effectiveness of these approaches. The arti

    A New Method of Improving the Azimuth in Mountainous Terrain by Skyline Matching

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    Augmented reality (AR) applications have a serious problem with the accuracy of the azimuth angle provided by mobile devices. The fusion of the digital magnetic compass (DMC), accelerometer and gyroscope gives the translation and rotation of the observer in 3D space. However, the precision is not always appropriate since DMC is prone to interference when using it near metal objects or electric currents. The silhouette of ridges separates the sky from the terrain and forms the skyline or horizon line in a mountainous scenery. This salient feature can be used for orientation. With the camera of the device and a digital elevation model (DEM) the correct azimuth angle could be determined. This study proposes an efective method to adjust the azimuth by identifying the skyline from an image and matches it with the skyline of the DEM. This approach does not require manual interaction. The algorithm has also been validated in a real-world environment

    Using crowdsourced web content for informing water systems operations in snow-dominated catchments

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    Snow is a key component of the hydrologic cycle in many regions of the world. Despite recent advances in environmental monitoring that are making a wide range of data available, continuous snow monitoring systems that can collect data at high spatial and temporal resolution are not well established yet, especially in inaccessible high-latitude or mountainous regions. The unprecedented availability of user-generated data on the web is opening new opportunities for enhancing real-time monitoring and modeling of environmental systems based on data that are public, low-cost, and spatiotemporally dense. In this paper, we contribute a novel crowdsourcing procedure for extracting snow-related information from public web images, either produced by users or generated by touristic webcams. A fully automated process fetches mountain images from multiple sources, identifies the peaks present therein, and estimates virtual snow indexes representing a proxy of the snow-covered area. Our procedure has the potential for complementing traditional snow-related information, minimizing costs and efforts for obtaining the virtual snow indexes and, at the same time, maximizing the portability of the procedure to several locations where such public images are available. The operational value of the obtained virtual snow indexes is assessed for a real-world water-management problem, the regulation of Lake Como, where we use these indexes for informing the daily operations of the lake. Numerical results show that such information is effective in extending the anticipation capacity of the lake operations, ultimately improving the system performance