218 research outputs found

    A Robust NLOS Bias Mitigation Technique for RSS-TOA-Based Target Localization

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    This letter proposes a novel robust mitigation technique to address the problem of target localization in adverse nonline- of-sight (NLOS) environments. The proposed scheme is based on combined received signal strength and time of arrival measurements. Influence of NLOS biases is mitigated by treating them as nuisance parameters through a robust approach. Due to a high degree of difficulty of the considered problem, it is converted into a generalized trust region sub-problem by applying certain approximations, and solved efficiently by merely a bisection procedure. Numerical results corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, rendering it the most accurate one in all considered scenarios.IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, VOL. 26, NO. 1, JANUARY 201

    Locating the information: applications, technologies and future aspects

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    In today’s world, the demand for information is growing rapidly with respect to the human curiosity to explore the inside and the outside of our planet. In a simple analogy, the human body has thousands of sensors called receptor neurons to obtain information such as temperature or pressure from the environment. Similarly, recent developments in electronics and wireless communications lead engineers to the design of small-sized, low-power, low-cost sensor nodes which have the ability to communicate with each other over short distances and collect the information that is gathered

    CIR Parametric Rules Precocity For Ranging Error Mitigation In IR-UWB

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    The cutting-edge technology to support high ranging accuracy within the indoor environment is Impulse Radio Ultra Wide Band (IR-UWB) standard. Besides accuracy, IR-UWB’s low-complex architecture and low power consumption align well with mobile devices. A prime challenge in indoor IR-UWB based localization is to achieve a position accuracy under non-line-of-sight (NLOS) and multipath propagation (MPP) conditions. Another challenge is to achieve acceptable accuracy in the conditions mentioned above without any significant increase in latency and computational burden. This dissertation proposes a solution for addressing the accuracy and reliability problem of indoor localization system satisfying acceptable delay or computational complexity overhead. The proposed methodology is based on rules for identification of line-of-sight (LOS) and NLOS and the range error bias estimation and correction due to NLOS and MPP conditions. The proposed methodology provides accuracy for two major application domains, namely, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and indoor tracking and navigation (ITN). This dissertation offers two different solutions for the localization problem. The first solution is a rules-based classification of LOS / NLOS and geometric-based range correction for WSN. In the first solution, the Boolean logic based classification is designed for identification of LOS/NLOS. The logic is based on channel impulse response (CIR) parameters. The second solution is based on fuzzy logic. The fuzzy based solution is appealing well for the stringent precision requirements in ITN. In this solution, the parametric Boolean logic from the first solution is converted and expanded into rules. These rules are implemented into a fuzzy logic based mechanism for designing a fuzzy inference system. The system estimates the ranging errors and correcting unmitigated ranges. The expanded rules and designed methodology are based on theoretical analysis and empirical observations of the parameters. The rules accommodate the parameters uncertainties for estimating the ranging error through the relationship between the input parameters uncertainties and ranging error using fuzzy inference mechanism. The proposed solutions are evaluated using real-world measurements in different indoor environments. The performance of the proposed solutions is also evaluated in terms of true classification rate, residual ranging errors’ cumulative distributions and probability density distributions, as well as outage probabilities. Evaluation results show that the true classification rate is more than 95%. Moreover, using the proposed fuzzy logic based solution, the residual errors convergence of 90% is attained for error threshold of 10 cm, and the reliability of the localization system is also more than 90% for error threshold of 15 cm

    Identification and Mitigation of NLOS based on Channel Information Rules for Indoor UWB Localization

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    Indoor localization is an emerging technology that can be utilized for developing products and services for commercial usage, public safety, military applications and so forth. Commercially it can be applied to track children, people with special needs, help navigate blind people, locate equipment, mobile robots, etc. The objective of this thesis is to enable an indoor mobile vehicle to determine its location and thereby making it capable of autonomous localization under Non-light of sight (NLOS) conditions. The solution developed is based on Ultra Wideband (UWB) based Indoor Positioning System (IPS) in the building. The proposed method increases robustness, scalability, and accuracy of location. The out of the box system of DecaWave TREK1000 provides tag tracking features but has no method to detect and mitigate location inaccuracies due to the multipath effect from physical obstacles found in an indoor environment. This NLOS condition causes ranges to be positively biased, hence the wrong location is reported. Our approach to deal with the NLOS problem is based on the use of Rules Classifier, which is based on channel information. Once better range readings are achieved, approximate location is calculated based on Time of Flight (TOF). Moreover, the proposed rule based IPS can be easily implemented on hardware due to the low complexity. The measurement results, which was obtained using the proposed mitigation algorithm, show considerable improvements in the accuracy of the location estimation which can be used in different IPS applications requiring centimeter level precision. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated experimentally using an indoor positioning platform in a laboratory environment, and is shown to be significantly better than conventional approaches. The maximum positioning error is reduced to 15 cm for NLOS using both an offline and real time tracking algorithm extended from the proposed approach

    Exploiting Orientation Information to Improve Range-Based Localization Accuracy

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    Funding Information: This work supported in part by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under Project IF/00325/2015, Project foRESTER PCIF/SSI/0102/2017, and Project UIDB/04111/2020, and in part by the Universidade Lusófona/ILIND internal project TESLA.This work addresses target localization problem in precarious surroundings where possibly no links are line of sight. It exploits the known architecture of available reference points to act as an irregular antenna array in order to estimate the azimuth angle between a reference point and a target, based on distance estimates withdrawn from integrated received signal strength (RSS) and time of arrival (TOA) observations. These fictitious azimuth angle observations are then used to linearize the measurement models, which triggers effortless derivation of a new estimator in a closed-form. It is shown here that, by using fixed network geometry in which target orientation with respect to a line formed by a pair of anchors can be correctly estimated, the localization performance can be significantly enhanced. The new approach is validated through computer simulations, which corroborate our intuition of profiting from inherent information within a network.publishersversionpublishe

    A survey of localization in wireless sensor network

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    Localization is one of the key techniques in wireless sensor network. The location estimation methods can be classified into target/source localization and node self-localization. In target localization, we mainly introduce the energy-based method. Then we investigate the node self-localization methods. Since the widespread adoption of the wireless sensor network, the localization methods are different in various applications. And there are several challenges in some special scenarios. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of these challenges: localization in non-line-of-sight, node selection criteria for localization in energy-constrained network, scheduling the sensor node to optimize the tradeoff between localization performance and energy consumption, cooperative node localization, and localization algorithm in heterogeneous network. Finally, we introduce the evaluation criteria for localization in wireless sensor network

    Majorization-Minimization based Hybrid Localization Method for High Precision Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This paper investigates the hybrid source localization problem using the four radio measurements - time of arrival (TOA), time difference of arrival (TDOA), received signal strength (RSS) and angle of arrival (AOA). First, after invoking tractable approximations in the RSS and AOA models, the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) problem for the hybrid TOA-TDOA-RSS-AOA data model is derived. Then, in the MLE, which has the least-squares objective, weights determined using the range-based characteristics of the four heterogeneous measurements, are introduced. The resultant weighted least-squares problem obtained, which is non-smooth and non-convex, is solved using the principle of the majorization-minimization (MM), leading to an iterative algorithm that has a guaranteed convergence. The key feature of the proposed method is that it provides a unified framework where localization using any possible merger out of these four measurements can be implemented as per the requirement/application. Extensive numerical simulations are conducted to study the estimation efficiency of the proposed method. The proposed method employing all four measurements is compared against a conventionally used method and also against the proposed method employing only limited combinations of the four measurements. The results obtained indicate that the hybrid localization model improves the localization accuracy compared to the heterogeneous measurements. The integration of different measurements also yields good accuracy in the presence of non-line of sight (NLOS) errors

    Design and theoretical analysis of advanced power based positioning in RF system

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    Accurate locating and tracking of people and resources has become a fundamental requirement for many applications. The global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) is widely used. But its accuracy suffers from signal obstruction by buildings, multipath fading, and disruption due to jamming and spoof. Hence, it is required to supplement GPS with inertial sensors and indoor localization schemes that make use of WiFi APs or beacon nodes. In the GPS-challenging or fault scenario, radio-frequency (RF) infrastructure based localization schemes can be a fallback solution for robust navigation. For the indoor/outdoor transition scenario, we propose hypothesis test based fusion method to integrate multi-modal localization sensors. In the first paper, a ubiquitous tracking using motion and location sensor (UTMLS) is proposed. As a fallback approach, power-based schemes are cost-effective when compared with the existing ToA or AoA schemes. However, traditional power-based positioning methods suffer from low accuracy and are vulnerable to environmental fading. Also, the expected accuracy of power-based localization is not well understood but is needed to derive the hypothesis test for the fusion scheme. Hence, in paper 2-5, we focus on developing more accurate power-based localization schemes. The second paper improves the power-based range estimation accuracy by estimating the LoS component. The ranging error model in fading channel is derived. The third paper introduces the LoS-based positioning method with corresponding theoretical limits and error models. In the fourth and fifth paper, a novel antenna radiation-pattern-aware power-based positioning (ARPAP) system and power contour circle fitting (PCCF) algorithm are proposed to address antenna directivity effect on power-based localization. Overall, a complete LoS signal power based positioning system has been developed that can be included in the fusion scheme --Abstract, page iv