9,324 research outputs found

    A Riemannian Framework for Tensor Computing

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    Positive definite symmetric matrices (so-called tensors in this article) are nowadays a common source of geometric information. In this paper, we propose to provide the tensor space with an affine-invariant Riemannian metric. We demonstrate that it leads to strong theoretical properties: the cone of positive definite symmetric matrices is replaced by a regular manifold of constant curvature without boundaries (null eigenvalues are at the infinity), the geodesic between two tensors and the mean of a set of tensors are uniquely defined, etc. We have previously shown that the Riemannian metric provides a powerful framework for generalizing statistics to manifolds. In this paper, we show that it is also possible to generalize to tensor fields many important geometric data processing algorithms such as interpolation, filtering, diffusion and restoration of missing data. For instance, most interpolation schemes and Gaussian filtering can be tackled efficiently through a weighted mean computation. Linear and anisotropic diffusion schemes can be adapted to our Riemannian framework, through partial differential evolution equations, provided that the metric of the tensor space is taken into account. For that purpose, we provide intrinsic numerical schemes to compute the gradient and Laplacian operators. Finally, to enforce the fidelity to the data (either sparsely distributed tensors or complete tensors fields) we propose least-squares criteria based on our invariant Riemannian distance that are particularly simple and efficient to solve

    A Riemannian Framework for Orientation Distribution Function Computing

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    International audienceCompared with Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), High Angular Resolution Imaging (HARDI) can better explore the complex microstructure of white matter. Orientation Distribution Function (ODF) is used to describe the probability of the fiber direction. Fisher information metric has been constructed for probability density family in Information Geometry theory and it has been successfully applied for tensor computing in DTI. In this paper, we present a state of the art Riemannian framework for ODF computing based on Information Geometry and sparse representation of orthonormal bases. In this Riemannian framework, the exponential map, logarithmic map and geodesic have closed forms. And the weighted Frechet mean exists uniquely on this manifold. We also propose a novel scalar measurement, named Geometric Anisotropy (GA), which is the Riemannian geodesic distance between the ODF and the isotropic ODF. The Renyi entropy H_{1/2} of the ODF can be computed from the GA. Moreover, we present an Affine-Euclidean framework and a Log-Euclidean framework so that we can work in an Euclidean space. As an application, Lagrange interpolation on ODF field is proposed based on weighted Frechet mean. We validate our methods on synthetic and real data experiments. Compared with existing Riemannian frameworks on ODF, our framework is model-free. The estimation of the parameters, i.e. Riemannian coordinates, is robust and linear. Moreover it should be noted that our theoretical results can be used for any probability density function (PDF) under an orthonormal basis representation

    A dual framework for low-rank tensor completion

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    One of the popular approaches for low-rank tensor completion is to use the latent trace norm regularization. However, most existing works in this direction learn a sparse combination of tensors. In this work, we fill this gap by proposing a variant of the latent trace norm that helps in learning a non-sparse combination of tensors. We develop a dual framework for solving the low-rank tensor completion problem. We first show a novel characterization of the dual solution space with an interesting factorization of the optimal solution. Overall, the optimal solution is shown to lie on a Cartesian product of Riemannian manifolds. Furthermore, we exploit the versatile Riemannian optimization framework for proposing computationally efficient trust region algorithm. The experiments illustrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm on several real-world datasets across applications.Comment: Aceepted to appear in Advances of Nueral Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2018. A shorter version appeared in the NIPS workshop on Synergies in Geometric Data Analysis 201

    Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping of High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging based on Riemannian Structure of Orientation Distribution Functions

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    In this paper, we propose a novel large deformation diffeomorphic registration algorithm to align high angular resolution diffusion images (HARDI) characterized by orientation distribution functions (ODFs). Our proposed algorithm seeks an optimal diffeomorphism of large deformation between two ODF fields in a spatial volume domain and at the same time, locally reorients an ODF in a manner such that it remains consistent with the surrounding anatomical structure. To this end, we first review the Riemannian manifold of ODFs. We then define the reorientation of an ODF when an affine transformation is applied and subsequently, define the diffeomorphic group action to be applied on the ODF based on this reorientation. We incorporate the Riemannian metric of ODFs for quantifying the similarity of two HARDI images into a variational problem defined under the large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping (LDDMM) framework. We finally derive the gradient of the cost function in both Riemannian spaces of diffeomorphisms and the ODFs, and present its numerical implementation. Both synthetic and real brain HARDI data are used to illustrate the performance of our registration algorithm

    Finsler Active Contours

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    ©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2007.70713In this paper, we propose an image segmentation technique based on augmenting the conformal (or geodesic) active contour framework with directional information. In the isotropic case, the euclidean metric is locally multiplied by a scalar conformal factor based on image information such that the weighted length of curves lying on points of interest (typically edges) is small. The conformal factor that is chosen depends only upon position and is in this sense isotropic. Although directional information has been studied previously for other segmentation frameworks, here, we show that if one desires to add directionality in the conformal active contour framework, then one gets a well-defined minimization problem in the case that the factor defines a Finsler metric. Optimal curves may be obtained using the calculus of variations or dynamic programming-based schemes. Finally, we demonstrate the technique by extracting roads from aerial imagery, blood vessels from medical angiograms, and neural tracts from diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imagery