40 research outputs found

    Management system prototype for intelligent mobile cloud computing for big data

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    The current challenge of mobile devices is the storage capacity that has led service providers to develop new value-added mobile services. To address these limitations, mobile cloud computing, which offers on-demand is developed. Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is developed to augment device capabilities, facilitating to mobile users store, access to a big dataset on the cloud. Even so, given the limitations of bandwidth, latencies, and device battery life, new responses are required to extend the use of mobile devices. This paper presents a novel design and implementation of developing process on intelligent mobile cloud storage management system, also called as Intelligent Mobile Cloud Computing (IMCC) for android based users. IMCC is important for cloud storage user to make their data effectively and efficiently for saving the user time. IMCC provided convenience for user to use multiple cloud storage using one application and easy for users to store their data to any cloud storage. The result shows using IMCC it only took 8 seconds to access the data, which is faster compared with traditional MCC, it took 23.33 seconds. IMCC reduce 65.71% of latency occur using the MCC in managing a user data. The developed IMCC prototype is accessible through the Google Play Store

    Integrating Usability Models into Pervasive Application Development

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    This thesis describes novel processes in two important areas of human-computer interaction (HCI) and demonstrates ways to combine these in appropriate ways. First, prototyping plays an essential role in the development of complex applications. This is especially true if a user-centred design process is followed. We describe and compare a set of existing toolkits and frameworks that support the development of prototypes in the area of pervasive computing. Based on these observations, we introduce the EIToolkit that allows the quick generation of mobile and pervasive applications, and approaches many issues found in previous works. Its application and use is demonstrated in several projects that base on the architecture and an implementation of the toolkit. Second, we present novel results and extensions in user modelling, specifically for predicting time to completion of tasks. We extended established concepts such as the Keystroke-Level Model to novel types of interaction with mobile devices, e.g. using optical markers and gestures. The design, creation, as well as a validation of this model are presented in some detail in order to show its use and usefulness for making usability predictions. The third part is concerned with the combination of both concepts, i.e. how to integrate user models into the design process of pervasive applications. We first examine current ways of developing and show generic approaches to this problem. This leads to a concrete implementation of such a solution. An innovative integrated development environment is provided that allows for quickly developing mobile applications, supports the automatic generation of user models, and helps in applying these models early in the design process. This can considerably ease the process of model creation and can replace some types of costly user studies.Diese Dissertation beschreibt neuartige Verfahren in zwei wichtigen Bereichen der Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation und erläutert Wege, diese geeignet zu verknüpfen. Zum einen spielt die Entwicklung von Prototypen insbesondere bei der Verwendung von benutzerzentrierten Entwicklungsverfahren eine besondere Rolle. Es werden daher auf der einen Seite eine ganze Reihe vorhandener Arbeiten vorgestellt und verglichen, die die Entwicklung prototypischer Anwendungen speziell im Bereich des Pervasive Computing unterstützen. Ein eigener Satz an Werkzeugen und Komponenten wird präsentiert, der viele der herausgearbeiteten Nachteile und Probleme solcher existierender Projekte aufgreift und entsprechende Lösungen anbietet. Mehrere Beispiele und eigene Arbeiten werden beschrieben, die auf dieser Architektur basieren und entwickelt wurden. Auf der anderen Seite werden neue Forschungsergebnisse präsentiert, die Erweiterungen von Methoden in der Benutzermodellierung speziell im Bereich der Abschätzung von Interaktionszeiten beinhalten. Mit diesen in der Dissertation entwickelten Erweiterungen können etablierte Konzepte wie das Keystroke-Level Model auf aktuelle und neuartige Interaktionsmöglichkeiten mit mobilen Geräten angewandt werden. Der Entwurf, das Erstellen sowie eine Validierung der Ergebnisse dieser Erweiterungen werden detailliert dargestellt. Ein dritter Teil beschäftigt sich mit Möglichkeiten die beiden beschriebenen Konzepte, zum einen Prototypenentwicklung im Pervasive Computing und zum anderen Benutzermodellierung, geeignet zu kombinieren. Vorhandene Ansätze werden untersucht und generische Integrationsmöglichkeiten beschrieben. Dies führt zu konkreten Implementierungen solcher Lösungen zur Integration in vorhandene Umgebungen, als auch in Form einer eigenen Applikation spezialisiert auf die Entwicklung von Programmen für mobile Geräte. Sie erlaubt das schnelle Erstellen von Prototypen, unterstützt das automatische Erstellen spezialisierter Benutzermodelle und ermöglicht den Einsatz dieser Modelle früh im Entwicklungsprozess. Dies erleichtert die Anwendung solcher Modelle und kann Aufwand und Kosten für entsprechende Benutzerstudien einsparen

    Usability testing on intelligent mobile web pre-fetching of cloud storage scheme

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    Mobile device and Cloud Storage (CS) represent the trends of technology usage of the last few years. However, the difficulty in managing the data when there are too many simultaneous uses of cloud storage services at the same time that can cause latency or delayed time. This paper evaluates mobile cloud storage services using usability testing, which is intended to access by multiple of Cloud Storage Services (CSS) with the proposed Intelligent Mobile Web Pre-fetching of Cloud Storage Scheme (MOBICS). The results show most of the respondents with 95.65% agreeing that MOBICS system was very practical and has enhanced the speed in accessing and storing data by Mobile Cloud Storage (MCS). Besides, MOBICS reduces time of interaction up to 19.28% for the local pre-fetching and 18.80% for the intelligent pre-fetching

    Shortlinks and tiny keyboards: a systematic exploration of design trade-offs in link shortening services

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    Link-shortening services save space and make the manual entry of URLs less onerous. Short links are often included on printed materials so that people using mobile devices can quickly enter URLs. Although mobile transcription is a common use-case, link-shortening services generate output that is poorly suited to entry on mobile devices: links often contain numbers and capital letters that require time consuming mode switches on touch screen keyboards. With the aid of computational modeling, we identified problems with the output of a link-shortening service, bit.ly. Based on the results of this modeling, we hypothesized that longer links that are optimized for input on mobile keyboards would improve link entry speeds compared to shorter links that required keyboard mode switches. We conducted a human performance study that confirmed this hypothesis. Finally, we applied our method to a selection of different non-word mobile data-entry tasks. This work illustrates the need for service design to fit the constraints of the devices people use to consume services

    Usability testing on intelligent mobile web pre-fetching of cloud storage scheme

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    Mobile device and Cloud Storage (CS) represent the trends of technology usage of the last few years. However, the difficulty in managing the data when there are too many simultaneous uses of cloud storage services at the same time that can cause latency or delayed time. This paper evaluates mobile cloud storage services using usability testing, which is intended to access by multiple of Cloud Storage Services (CSS) with the proposed Intelligent Mobile Web Pre-fetching of Cloud Storage Scheme (MOBICS). The results show most of the respondents with 95.65% agreeing that MOBICS system was very practical and has enhanced the speed in accessing and storing data by Mobile Cloud Storage (MCS). Besides, MOBICS reduces time of interaction up to 19.28% for the local pre-fetching and 18.80% for the intelligent pre-fetching

    Usability testing on intelligent mobile web pre-fetching of cloud storage scheme

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    Mobile device and Cloud Storage (CS) represent the trends of technology usage of the last few years. However, the difficulty in managing the data when there are too many simultaneous uses of cloud storage services at the same time that can cause latency or delayed time. This paper evaluates mobile cloud storage services using usability testing, which is intended to access by multiple of Cloud Storage Services (CSS) with the proposed Intelligent Mobile Web Pre-fetching of Cloud Storage Scheme (MOBICS). The results show most of the respondents with 95.65% agree that MOBICS system is useful and has enhanced the speed in accessing and storing data by Mobile Cloud Storage (MCS). Besides, MOBICS reduces time of interaction up to 19.28% for the local pre-fetching and 18.80% for the intelligent pre-fetching

    Short links and tiny keyboards::A systematic exploration of design trade-offs in link shortening services

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    AbstractLink-shortening services save space and make the manual entry of URLs less onerous. Short links are often included on printed materials so that people using mobile devices can quickly enter URLs. Although mobile transcription is a common use-case, link-shortening services generate output that is poorly suited to entry on mobile devices: links often contain numbers and capital letters that require time consuming mode switches on touch screen keyboards. With the aid of computational modeling, we identified problems with the output of a link-shortening service, bit.ly. Based on the results of this modeling, we hypothesized that longer links that are optimized for input on mobile keyboards would improve link entry speeds compared to shorter links that required keyboard mode switches. We conducted a human performance study that confirmed this hypothesis. Finally, we applied our method to a selection of different non-word mobile data-entry tasks. This work illustrates the need for service design to fit the constraints of the devices people use to consume services

    Conservation of Limited Resources: Design Principles for Security and Usability on Mobile Devices

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    Mobile devices have evolved from an accessory to the primary computing device for an increasing portion of the general population. Not only is mobile the primary device, consumers on average have multiple Internet-connected devices. The trend towards mobile has resulted in a shift to “mobile-first” strategies for delivering information and services in business organizations, universities, and government agencies. Though principles for good security design exist, those principles were formulated based upon the traditional workstation configuration instead of the mobile platform. Security design needs to follow the shift to a “mobile-first” emphasis to ensure the usability of the security interface. The mobile platform has constraints on resources that can adversely impact the usability of security. This research sought to identify design principles for usable security for mobile devices that address the constraints of the mobile platform. Security and usability have been seen as mutually exclusive. To accurately identify design principles, the relationship between principles for good security design and usability design must be understood. The constraints for the mobile environment must also be identified, and then evaluated for their impact on the interaction of a consumer with a security interface. To understand how the application of the proposed mobile security design principles is perceived by users, an artifact was built to instantiate the principles. Through a series of guided interactions, the importance of proposed design principles was measured in a simulation, in human-computer interaction, and in user perception. The measures showed a resounding difference between the usability of the same security design delivered on mobile vs. workstation platform. It also reveals that acknowledging the constraints of an environment and compensating for the constraints yields mobile security that is both usable and secure. Finally, the hidden cost of security design choices that distract the user from the surrounding environment were examined from both the security perspective and public safety perspective

    Assessing Smartphone Ease of Use and Learning from the Perspective of Novice and Expert Users: Development and Illustration of Mobile Benchmark Tasks

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    Assessing usability of device types with novel function sets that are adopted by diverse user groups requires one to explore a variety of approaches. In this paper, we develop such an approach to assess usability of smartphone devices. Using a three-stage Delphi-method study, we identify sets of benchmark tasks that can be used to assess usability for various user types. These task sets enable one to evaluate smartphone platforms from two perspectives: ease of learning (for those unfamiliar with smartphone use) and ease of use (for experienced users). We then demonstrate an approach for using this task set by performing an exploratory study of both inexperienced smartphone users (using a convenience sample) and experienced users (using the keystroke model). Our exploration illustrates the methodology for using such a task set and, in so doing, reveals significant differences among the leading smartphone platforms between novice and expert users. As such, we provide some preliminary evidence that ease of use is indeed significantly different from ease of learning