4 research outputs found

    ISCED Classification Influence on E-Learning Education Systems

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    The ISCED classification used in education is the most important step in designing and constructing forecasts and prevision models. The very basis of the classification is applicable both on the formal education and on the non-formal education. While the education process nowadays is conducted in universities, there are many categories of education providers that choose e-learning platforms. To better understand how their trajectory can be correct, the present article sustains the idea that the ISCED classification points e-learning platforms in the right direction. This direction is meant to compress the education idea to basic competencies, skills and learning outcomes that the graduate can acquire during the education process. Using variables collected on the base of the ISCED classification and statistical distributions, we present the e-learning concept in Romania. The article is divided into two main sections. The first section focuses on e-learning platforms and the percentage of the population that used such platforms for education. The second section presents the inclusion of the ISCED classification in e-learning platforms. Using the ISCED classification, we can conclude that people with higher levels of education have a higher chance of using e-learning instruments

    The student experience of a blended learning accounting course: a case study in Hong Kong

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    The research is an inquiry into students’ learning experiences within a blended learning Accounting course in a sub-degree programme at a university in Hong Kong. In this course, the students were required to attend face-to-face classes and to participate in learning activities in the online platform. A case study research approach was adopted that involved 2 classes of 2 teachers and 80 students. Qualitative data were generated through classroom observations, online participation observations, student learning logs and reflections, student focus group interviews, student individual interviews, individual teacher interviews and an individual interview with the course leader. Thematic data analysis was used and a Community of Inquiry (CoI) model was used as a theoretical framework. The analysis showed that the students engaged in learning by integrating traditional and online learning activities and many of these were located within the social, cognitive and teaching presences within the CoI model. However, the students were found to be involved actively in non-prescribed activities that included the use of social network applications. The active learning exploration driven by students’ intrinsic motivation and the consequent collaborative learning among students using social media tools were not reflected in the CoI model. Hence, a new element of autonomy is proposed as an addition to the framework, to reveal the link of autonomous learning to the learning community. By extending the CoI framework, the contribution of this research is to provide a holistic model for the successful design and implementation of blended learning in higher education institutions

    The student experience of a blended learning accounting course: a case study in Hong Kong

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    The research is an inquiry into students’ learning experiences within a blended learning Accounting course in a sub-degree programme at a university in Hong Kong. In this course, the students were required to attend face-to-face classes and to participate in learning activities in the online platform. A case study research approach was adopted that involved 2 classes of 2 teachers and 80 students. Qualitative data were generated through classroom observations, online participation observations, student learning logs and reflections, student focus group interviews, student individual interviews, individual teacher interviews and an individual interview with the course leader. Thematic data analysis was used and a Community of Inquiry (CoI) model was used as a theoretical framework. The analysis showed that the students engaged in learning by integrating traditional and online learning activities and many of these were located within the social, cognitive and teaching presences within the CoI model. However, the students were found to be involved actively in non-prescribed activities that included the use of social network applications. The active learning exploration driven by students’ intrinsic motivation and the consequent collaborative learning among students using social media tools were not reflected in the CoI model. Hence, a new element of autonomy is proposed as an addition to the framework, to reveal the link of autonomous learning to the learning community. By extending the CoI framework, the contribution of this research is to provide a holistic model for the successful design and implementation of blended learning in higher education institutions

    Edutainment in electronic education

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    Доступност савремених информационо-комуникационих технологија знатно је утицала на процес учења и подучавања, као и на начин креирања стратегија образовања. Eлектронско образовање један је од доминантних праваца развоја процеса образовања у великом броју образовних институција и заједница. Имајући у виду да свака стратегија образовања са собом носи одређене ризике, неопходно је дизајнирати моделе електронског образовања како би се избегли потенцијални проблеми и максимизирале предности стратегије. Како би се повећала ефикасност учења и подучавања, образовни процес је неопходно обогатити атрактивним интерактивним садржајем, који студенте укључује у процес образовања као активне учеснике. Учење кроз игру представља једну од савремених метода образовног процеса која доприноси активноm учешћу студената у процесу образовања. Предмет истраживања докторске дисертације јесте развој модела учења кроз игру у електронском образовању. Главна хипотеза која је развијена и доказана у оквиру докторске дисертације јесте да се имплементацијом модела учења кроз игру у електронско образовање побољшавају перформансе и квалитет образовног процеса, квалитет комуникације и сарадње између студената и образовне институције и постигне веће задовољство студената. Учење кроз игру (edutainment) се односи на хибридни метод образовања који користи забавне активности засноване на мултимедији за реализацију едукативних активности. У процесу електронског образовања често се употребљава систем за управљање учењем (Learning Management System- LMS). Moodle LMS је најчешће коришћено софтверско решење за управљање образовним материјалима које интегрише све реализоване целине докторске дисертације...The availability of modern information and communication technology has significantly impacted the process of learning and teaching, as well as the process of education strategy creation. Hence, the vast majority of educational institutions and communities propose electronic education as one of the emerging research trends in the education process development. Having in mind that every education strategy bears certain risks, it is necessary to design electronic education models in order to avoid potential complications and maximize the benefits of the strategy. In order to enhance learning and teaching efficiency, educational process needs to be enriched with modern interactive content that stimulates students to actively participate in the education process. Edutainment represents one of the prevailing methods that enhance students’ active participation in the education process. The research topic of the dissertation is the development of the edutainment model in electronic education. The main hypothesis developed and proved in the dissertation is that the implementation of the edutainment model in electronic education enhances the performances and the quality of the educational process, quality of communication and collaboration processes between students and the educational institution, and achieves higher levels of students’ satisfaction. Edutainment refers to a hybrid education method that uses fun multimedia-based activities for materializing educational activities. The process of electronic education is often supported by Learning Management Systems (LMS). Moodle LMS is the most frequently used software solution for managing educational materials and it serves as a platform that integrates all implemented units of the dissertation. The analysis of the existing learning management system served as a basis for defining the structure of the proposed edutainment model in electronic education. The base elements of the proposed model include defined goals, preferences, motivation and needs of every student. The proposed edutainment model in electronic education comprises the infrastructure, the edutainment system architecture, and process of introducing edutainment into electronic education and edutainment services..