466,381 research outputs found

    Decision Support System of Herb’s Production Schedulling Based On Good Traditional Medicine Manufacturing Practices (GTMMP) Standard

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    The purpose of this research is to develop a decision support system in the herbs production scheduling appropriates to Good Traditional Medicine Manufacturing Practices (GTMMP). Design of algorithm model for scheduling decision support system that complies with GTMMP standard was done using a network analysis technique, which combines the techniques Evaluation and Review Technique Program (PERT) and Critical Path Method (CPM). The structure of decision support systems consists of database management syatem and modelbase management system. The implementation of decision support systems is the consideration for companies that intend to certify GTMMP

    The Role of Marketing Information Systems on Business Firms Competitiveness: Integrated Review Paper from Business Perspective

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    This review paper point out the role of management information Systems in businesses firms competitive advantage from business perspective. Currently, information systems and technologies are a imperative components of successful and competitive businesses. Information technologies consists of Internet-based information systems are playing a vital and expanding role in enhancing firms economic growth.The experience of organizations' managers needs to be provided with the necessary information to reduce risks and make the most appropriate decisions. Thus, firms turn to information systems for the provision of information as firms asset which supplements decision making and performance of business.For the last three decades, different types of information systems are emerged for different intention, depending on the need of the business firms. In today’s very competitive business world, there are various information systems are emerged such as transaction processing systems (TPS), office automation systems (OAS), managerial information systems (MIS), decision support systems (DSS), and executive information systems (EIS), Expert System (ES) and others that supports decision making at different levels of management. In addition to this, there are several functional business systems which enables functional areas managers to make right decision and support business operation in functional areas of business (marketing, manufacturing and production, human resource, accounting) and cross functional business information livelihood information-processing and decision-making needs of several departments such as Supply chain management systems (SCM), customer relationship management systems (CRM), enterprise resource planning systems (ERP). Each information systems, functional and cross functional systems plays a different role in organizational hierarchy and management operations. To purpose of this review, reviewer collected different information related with marketing/management information system that supports business decision making and enhances firms competitiveness. This review paper study endeavors to explain the role information systems in business organizations competitiveness. Keywords: Business Organ0i0 zation, Competitiveness, Strategic advantage, Information Systems. DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/72-01 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Agent collaboration in a multi-agent-system for analysis and optimization of mechanical engineering parts

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    In mechanical engineering, designers have to review a designed artefact iteratively with different domain experts, e.g. from manufacturing, to avoid later changes and find a robust, optimized design. To support the designer, knowledge-based engineering offers a set of approaches and techniques that formalize and implement engineering knowledge into generic product models or decision support systems. An implementation which satisfies especially the concurrent nature of today's design processes and allow for multi-objective decision-making is multi-agent systems. Such systems consist of entities that are capable of autonomous action, interact intelligently with their environment, communicate and collaborate. In this paper, such a multi-agent system is discussed as extension for a computer-aided design software where the agents take the role of domain experts, like e.g. manufacturing technologists and make suggestions for the optimization of the design of mechanical engineering parts. A focal point is set on the collaboration concept of the single agents. Therefore, the paper proposes the use of an action-item-list as central information and knowledge sharing platform. © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Assessing the Impact of Changes and their Knock-on Effects in Manufacturing Systems

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    Manufacturing systems are subject to frequent changes caused by technology and product innovation, varying demand, shifted product mix, continuous improvement initiatives, or regular substitutions of outworn equipment and machines. Elements within a manufacturing system are connected by a complex network of relations such as material flow, technological dependencies, infrastructure, and intangible cause-and-effect-chains. Depending on the scale of changes they may also interfere with engineering, procurement, logistics, or even manufacturing strategy. Thus, the total impact in terms of expected costs and required time for planning and implementation of those “manufacturing changes” is hard to predict. The objective of this paper is to provide a decision support for manufacturing change management and to enable a thorough analysis of changes in manufacturing systems. Although the topic of change propagation received considerable attention in product development in order to quantify the knock-on effects of engineering changes, comparable endeavors have not yet been made in the field of manufacturing science. Following a review of prevailing approaches from product development and manufacturing literature, a model-based approach for the prediction and assessment of change propagation in manufacturing systems is presented. Applied structural modeling techniques, the derived graph algorithm, and the proposed procedure of the approach are outlined. Finally, an industrial case study is presented to demonstrate the potential but also the limitations in practice.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (collaborative research center SFB 768 “Managing cycles in innovation processes: Integrated development of product-service systems based on technical products"

    Establishing a circular economy approach for the leather industry

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    This thesis reports on research undertaken to investigate the implementation of a Circular approach within the leather industry, through the definition of a framework and development of an economic decision-making support tool. The core objective of the research is to identify the underpinning opportunities and challenges involved in creating recycling solutions for leather waste. The research contributions can be considered in four key areas. The first part of the thesis consists of a review of the use of leather across industry sectors and the existing waste management and recycling systems for leather waste. On consideration of this review it clearly shows a lack of systematic thinking around the creation and optimisation of recovery systems for leather waste. This review concludes that there is significant room for improvement of the current waste management and recycling solutions for leather waste. A variety of value-added products can be recovered from these wastes but only if the leather can be successfully separated from the other materials (such as rubbers and polymers) within end-of-life products and manufacturing wastes. The second part of the research defines a framework for implementing a Circular approach within the leather industry. This framework supports mapping and characterisation of the leather waste stream and the design of recycling and processing strategies for leather waste. The third part of the research is concerned with the development of a decision-support tool for the economic viability of leather recycling systems. The support tool considers all cost factors and combines them to give a single factor upon which the economic effectiveness of different leather recycling scenarios can be evaluated. Finally, the validity of the framework for leather waste recycling is assessed through the completion of two case studies. These case studies demonstrate the flexibility of the framework in supporting both horizontal (across lifecycle) leather recycling and vertical (across industry sector) leather recycling. In summary, the research clearly highlights the need for systematic thinking and flexible strategies when creating leather recycling systems. Failure to incorporate flexibility into future recycling systems puts the recycling industries at risk of being unable to effectively manage future waste streams. Conversely, early consideration and incorporation of flexible processing strategies into recycling systems could enable the recovery of high-quality recycled materials that support a circular approach to manufacturing and resource use

    3D-based Advanced Machine Service Support

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    In the face of today's unpredictable and fluctuating global market, there have been trends in industry towards wider adoption of more advanced and flexible new generation manufacturing systems. These have brought about new challenges to manufacturing equipment builders/suppliers in respect of satisfying ever-increasing customers' requirements for such advanced manufacturing systems. To stay competitive, in addition to supplying high quality equipment, machine builders/suppliers must also be capable of providing their customers with cost-effective, efficient and comprehensive service support, throughout the equipment's lifecycle. This research study has been motivated by the relatively unexplored potential of integrating 3D virtual technology with various machine service support tools/techniques to address the aforementioned challenges. The hypothesis formulated for this study is that a 3D-based virtual environment can be used as an integration platform to improve service support for new generation manufacturing systems. In order to ensure the rigour of the study, it has been initiated with a two-stage (iterative) literature review, consisting of: a preliminary review for the identification of practical problems/main issues related to the area of machine service support and in-depth reviews for the identification of research problems/questions and potential solutions. These were then followed by iterations of intensive research activities, consisting of: requirements identification, concept development, prototype implementation, testing and exploration, reflection and feedback. The process has been repeated and revised continuously until satisfactory results, required for answering the identified research problems/questions, were obtained. The main focus of this study is exploring how a 3D-based virtual environment can be used as an integration platform for supporting a more cost-effective and comprehensive strategy for improving service support for new generation manufacturing systems. One of the main outcomes of this study is the proposal of a conceptual framework for a novel 3D-based advanced machine service support strategy and a reference architecture for a corresponding service support system, for allowing machine builders/suppliers to: (1) provide more cost-effective remote machine maintenance support, and (2) provide more efficient and comprehensive extended service support during the equipment's life cycle. The proposed service support strategy advocates the tight integration of conventional (consisting of mainly machine monitoring, diagnostics, prognostics and maintenance action decision support) and extended (consisting of mainly machine re-configuration, upgrade and expansion support) service support functions. The proposed service support system is based on the integration of a 3D-based virtual environment with the equipment control system, a re-configurable automated service support system, coupled with a maintenance-support-tool/strategy support environment and an equipment re-configuration/upgrade/expansion support environment, in a network/lntenet framework. The basic concepts, potential benefits and limitations of the proposed strategy/ system have been explored via a prototype based on a laboratory-scale test bed. The prototype consists of a set of integrated modular network-ready software tools consisting of: (1) an integrated 20/30 visualisation and analysis module, (2) support tools library modules, (3) communication modules and (4) a set of modular and re-configurable automated data logging, maintenance and re-configuration support modules. A number of test cases based on various machine service support scenarios, have been conducted using the prototype. The experimentation has shown the potential and feasibility (technical implementation aspects) of the proposed 3D-based approach. This research study has made an original contribution to knowledge in the field of machine service support. It has contributed a novel approach of using a 3D-based virtual environment as an integration platform for improving the capability of machine builders/suppliers in providing more cost-effective and comprehensive machine service support for complex new generation manufacturing systems. Several important findings have resulted from this work in particular with respect to how various 20/30 visualisation environments are integrated with machine service support tools/techniques for improving service support for complex manufacturing systems. A number of aspects have also been identified for future work

    Modelling flexible manufacturing systems through discrete event simulation

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    As customisation and product diversification are becoming standard, industry is looking for strategies to become more adaptable in responding to customer’s needs. Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) provide a unique capability where there is a need to provide efficiency through production flexibility. Full potential of FMS development is difficult to achieve due to the variability of components within this complex manufacturing system. It has been recognised that there is a requirement for decision support tools to address different aspects of FMS development. Discrete event simulation (DES) is the most common tool used in manufacturing sector for solving complex problems. Through systematic literature review, the need for a conceptual framework for decision support in FMS using DES has been identified. Within this thesis, the conceptual framework (CF) for decision support for FMS using DES has been proposed. The CF is designed based on decision-making areas identified for FMS development in literature and through industry stakeholder feedback: set-up, flexibility and schedule configuration. The CF has been validated through four industrial simulation case studies developed as a part of implementation of a new FMS plant in automotive sector. The research focuses on: (1) a method for primary data collection for simulation validated through a case study of material handling robot behaviour in FMS; (2) an approach for evaluation of optimal production set-up for industrial FMS with DES; (3) a DES based approach for testing FMS flexibility levels; (4) an approach for testing scheduling in FMS with the use of DES. The study has supported the development of systematic approach for decision making in FMS development using DES. The approach provided tools for evidence based decision making in FMS

    Investigating Flexibility as a Performance Dimension of a Manufacturing Value Modeling Methodology (MVMM): A Framework for Identifying Flexibility Types in Manufacturing Systems☆

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    Abstract In recent years manufacturing companies have been faced with various challenges related to volatile demand and changing requirements from customer as well as suppliers. This trend is now even accelerating with a direct impact on the value chain. New technological roadmaps and suggested interventions in manufacturing systems try to solve these challenges and solutions such as the German high tech strategy "Industrie 4.0" or the Italian cluster "Fabbrica Intelligente" which often aimed at enhancing the flexibility of manufacturing systems among many other competitive dimensions. However, these approaches often do not provide a detailed definition of flexibility and its different manifestations. Therefore, the question rises if different types of flexibility, that have an impact on the complete manufacturing system, can be better identified with the existing Manufacturing Value Modeling Methodology (MVMM). This question becomes even more important when considering the potential that smart machines interacting with humans, such as cyber-physical systems (CPS), and the possibility to increase connectivity and data access through technologies, such as the internet of things (IoT), offer for increasing flexibility. Especially due to the various possibilities it becomes even more important to understand, which kind of flexibility is needed for a given problem. Implementing flexibility into the MVMM requires a 'catalog' that makes use of the MVMM framework presenting an overview of internal and external influence factors in order to support the identification of correct solutions and improvements related to functional areas in the manufacturing environment. Starting from a qualitative literature review on manufacturing flexibility, a 'flexibility catalog' is designed, which provides a structural definition of existing flexibility types and their composition as well as providing decision support. In conclusion, the scope of the 'flexibility catalog' is to verify that the flexibility demand fits into the market trends and is aligned to the manufacturing and company strategy, in order to help firms to take decisions and delivering value

    Guidelines for the deployment and implementation of manufacturing scheduling systems

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    It has frequently been stated that there exists a gap between production scheduling theory and practice. In order to put theoretical findings into practice, advances in scheduling models and solution procedures should be embedded into a piece of software - a scheduling system - in companies. This results in a process that entails (1) determining its functional features, and (2) adopting a successful strategy for its development and deployment. In this paper we address the latter question and review the related literature in order to identify descriptions and recommendations of the main aspects to be taken into account when developing such systems. These issues are then discussed and classified, resulting in a set of guidelines that can help practitioners during the process of developing and deploying a scheduling system. 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    An organizational systems perspective to business process modeling in small to medium enterprises (smes) : a case of food production

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    Taking an organizational systems perspective, this paper presents a review to business process modelling and examines the case of food manufacture in a Small to Medium Sized Enterprise (SME), which operates in Cyprus. As a result of the modelling and analysis carried out, areas of concern, issues and opportunities are identified and explored taking into consideration the current business environment of the SME, by focusing on the decision making processes of the production and scheduling activities. The knowledge gained from the modelling effort provides a deeper understanding of the operations and interrelationships between important processes such as “Make”, “Buy”, “Sell” and “Manage”. This proves to be useful for the effective re-design of a production/scheduling decision support system in the particular firm but it also represents the first step towards for the long term development of a generic framework for managerial decision making which takes into consideration the limitations and particularities of manufacturing SMEs.peer-reviewe