14 research outputs found

    Truthful Mechanisms for Secure Communication in Wireless Cooperative System

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    To ensure security in data transmission is one of the most important issues for wireless relay networks, and physical layer security is an attractive alternative solution to address this issue. In this paper, we consider a cooperative network, consisting of one source node, one destination node, one eavesdropper node, and a number of relay nodes. Specifically, the source may select several relays to help forward the signal to the corresponding destination to achieve the best security performance. However, the relays may have the incentive not to report their true private channel information in order to get more chances to be selected and gain more payoff from the source. We propose a Vickey-Clark-Grove (VCG) based mechanism and an Arrow-d'Aspremont-Gerard-Varet (AGV) based mechanism into the investigated relay network to solve this cheating problem. In these two different mechanisms, we design different "transfer payment" functions to the payoff of each selected relay and prove that each relay gets its maximum (expected) payoff when it truthfully reveals its private channel information to the source. And then, an optimal secrecy rate of the network can be achieved. After discussing and comparing the VCG and AGV mechanisms, we prove that the AGV mechanism can achieve all of the basic qualifications (incentive compatibility, individual rationality and budget balance) for our system. Moreover, we discuss the optimal quantity of relays that the source node should select. Simulation results verify efficiency and fairness of the VCG and AGV mechanisms, and consolidate these conclusions.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Reduce energy consumption in the wireless sensor network by using EEL-MAC protocol

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) nodes are broadly used in various sectors. Over the years, WSN has emerged as an enabler to collect and process data from remote locations or disaster areas. WSNs rely on hardware simplicity to make sensor field deployments both affordable and long-lasting without maintenance support. However, the WSN nodes experience a lot of problems such as, overhearing, collision, hidden terminal, idle listening and high latency, which resulted in high energy consumption, thus limiting the lifetime of the node. Moreover, WSN nodes are strongly dependent on their limited battery power, and replenishing them again is difficult. Therefore, this research investigates the energy-efficient Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols designed to extend both the lifetime by effective energy management through a reduction in idle time and increased sleep time for nodes to save energy. This study also aims to reduce the latency between nodes and sink node. The EEL-MAC hybrid MAC protocol starts by a synchronization phase using TDMA to synchronize all nodes in the sensor field. In the second phase the scheme uses the CSMA mechanism for communication between nodes and the sink node. In this study makes two significant contributions to wireless sensor networks. First, the EEL-MAC protocol offers significant energy savings and prolongs network lifetime. The second contribution is the introduction of high response, by designing a one-hop communication to reduce both end-to-end delay and latency

    A Survey of Provenance Leveraged Trust in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    A wireless sensor network is a collection of self-organized sensor nodes. WSNs have many challenges such as lack of a centralized network administration, absence of infrastructure, low data transmission capacity, low bandwidth, mobility, lack of connectivity, limited power supply and dynamic network topology. Due to this vulnerable nature, WSNs need a trust architecture to keep the quality of the network data high for a longer time. In this work, we aim to survey the proposed trust architectures for WSNs. Provenance can play a key role in assessing trust in these architectures. However not many research have leveraged provenance for trust in WSNs. We also aim to point out this gap in the field and encourage researchers to invest in this topic. To our knowledge our work is unique and provenance leveraged trust work in WSNs has not been surveyed before. Keywords:Provenance, Trust, Wireless Sensor Networks  

    A Secure Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation Model in Wearable Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Efficient access of mobile flows to heterogeneous networks under flash crowds

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    Future wireless networks need to offer orders of magnitude more capacity to address the predicted growth in mobile traffic demand. Operators to enhance the capacity of cellular networks are increasingly using WiFi to offload traffic from their core networks. This paper deals with the efficient and flexible management of a heterogeneous networking environment offering wireless access to multimode terminals. This wireless access is evaluated under disruptive usage scenarios, such as flash crowds, which can mean unwanted severe congestion on a specific operator network whilst the remaining available capacity from other access technologies is not being used. To address these issues, we propose a scalable network assisted distributed solution that is administered by centralized policies, and an embedded reputation system, by which initially selfish operators are encouraged to cooperate under the threat of churn. Our solution after detecting a congested technology, including within its wired backhaul, automatically offloads and balances the flows amongst the access resources from all the existing technologies, following some quality metrics. Our results show that the smart integration of access networks can yield an additional wireless quality for mobile flows up to thirty eight percent beyond that feasible from the best effort standalone operation of each wireless access technology. It is also evidenced that backhaul constraints are conveniently reflected on the way the flow access to wireless media is granted. Finally, we have analyzed the sensitivity of the handover decision algorithm running in each terminal agent to consecutive flash crowds, as well as its centralized feature that controls the connection quality offered by a heterogeneous access infrastructure owned by distinct operators

    Gestão eficiente do acesso móvel a uma infra-estrutura de rede heterogénea

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    Este artigo discute a gestão de uma infra-estrutura de rede formada por diversas tecnologias de acesso à rede Internet, as quais são administradas por vários operadores móveis. Assume-se que estas tecnologias oferecem uma cobertura sem-fios num local público que em certas horas do dia tem de suportar valores elevadíssimos de tráfego de dados. Podendo-se originar, desta forma, uma situação de congestão numa das tecnologias enquanto as restantes ficam com a sua capacidade de ligação sem ser cabalmente utilizada. Para tentar resolver este tipo de problemas, a presente contribuição propõe a utilização na infra-estrutura de rede de nós intermediários (i.e. brokers) baseados num sistema de reputação que controla todos os recursos disponíveis na rede heterogénea num modo de funcionamento híbrido, utilizando em simultâneo políticas de gestão centralizadas e métricas distribuídas de desempenho das diversas tecnologias de acesso. Com tudo isto, pretende-se forçar a colaboração entre os operadores móveis para que os utilizadores finais possam utilizar toda a capacidade de ligação disponível das redes de acesso sem-fios existentes, independentemente do operador móvel, assegurando-se assim que os terminais dos utilizadores possam disfrutar de uma Qualidade de Serviço na sua ligação que satisfaça plenamente as condições de conectividade anteriormente contratualizadas, mesmo em cenários limite de elevadíssimos valores de tráfego de dados a serem trocados com a rede. Desta forma, o presente trabalho tem como objectivo essencial o estudo analítico feito sobre uma infra-estrutura de acesso sem-fios que assegura a conectividade a um conjunto de utilizadores. Estes utilizadores são os que se encontram no interior de uma estação de comboios e que necessitam de uma ligação à Internet, a qual pode ser disponibilizada através de um dos dois possíveis operadores móveis. Neste estudo foi utilizada uma distribuição de tráfego de dados retirada da distribuição real diária de passageiros na estação de comboios que foi seleccionada para este efeito. Pretende-se com este estudo identificar de forma clara qual o impacto da gestão assegurada pelo broker na infra-estrutura heterogénea de acesso do tipo sem fios, existente na estação de comboios referida anteriormente, quer do ponto de vista dos operadores, quer do ponto de vista dos utilizadores finais.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How the Role-Based Trust Management Can Be Applied to Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2012, nr 4

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    Trust plays an important role in human life environments. That is why the researchers has been focusing on it for a long time. It allows us to delegate tasks and decisions to an appropriate person. In social sciences trust between humans was studied, but it also was analyzed in economic transactions. A lot of computer scientists from different areas, like security, semantic web, electronic commerce, social networks tried to transfer this concept to their domains. Trust is an essential factor in any kind of network, whether social or computer. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are characterized by severely constrained resources, they have limited power supplies, low transmission bandwidth, small memory sizes and limited energy, therefore security techniques used in traditional wired networks cannot be adopted directly. Some effort has been expended in this fields, but the concept of trust is defined in slightly different ways by different researchers. In this paper we will show how the family of Role-based Trust management languages (RT) can be used in WSN. RT is used for representing security policies and credentials in decentralized, distributed access control systems. A credential provides information about the privileges of users and the security policies issued by one or more trusted authorities

    A trust framework for peer-to-peer interaction in ad hoc networks

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    PhDAs a wider public is increasingly adopting mobile devices with diverse applications, the idea of who to trust while on the move becomes a crucial one. The need to find dependable partners to interact is further exacerbated in situations where one finds oneself out of the range of backbone structures such as wireless base stations or cellular networks. One solution is to generate self-started networks, a variant of which is the ad hoc network that promotes peer-to-peer networking. The work in this thesis is aimed at defining a framework for such an ad hoc network that provides ways for participants to distinguish and collaborate with their most trustworthy neighbours. In this framework, entities create the ability to generate trust information by directly observing the behaviour of their peers. Such trust information is also shared in order to assist those entities in situations where prior interactions with their target peers may not have existed. The key novelty points of the framework focus on aggregating the trust evaluation process around the most trustworthy nodes thereby creating a hierarchy of nodes that are distinguished by the class, defined by cluster heads, to which they belong. Furthermore, the impact of such a framework in generating additional overheads for the network is minimised through the use of clusters. By design, the framework also houses a rule-based mechanism to thwart misbehaving behaviour or non-cooperation. Key performance indicators are also defined within this work that allow a framework to be quickly analysed through snapshot data, a concept analogous to those used within financial circles when assessing companies. This is also a novel point that may provide the basis for directly comparing models with different underlying technologies. The end result is a trust framework that fully meets the basic requirements for a sustainable model of trust that can be developed onto an ad hoc network and that provides enhancements in efficiency (using clustering) and trust performance