14 research outputs found

    Explaining Character-Aware Neural Networks for Word-Level Prediction: Do They Discover Linguistic Rules?

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    Character-level features are currently used in different neural network-based natural language processing algorithms. However, little is known about the character-level patterns those models learn. Moreover, models are often compared only quantitatively while a qualitative analysis is missing. In this paper, we investigate which character-level patterns neural networks learn and if those patterns coincide with manually-defined word segmentations and annotations. To that end, we extend the contextual decomposition technique (Murdoch et al. 2018) to convolutional neural networks which allows us to compare convolutional neural networks and bidirectional long short-term memory networks. We evaluate and compare these models for the task of morphological tagging on three morphologically different languages and show that these models implicitly discover understandable linguistic rules. Our implementation can be found at https://github.com/FredericGodin/ContextualDecomposition-NLP .Comment: Accepted at EMNLP 201

    Natural Language Processing

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    The subject of Natural Language Processing can be considered in both broad and narrow senses. In the broad sense, it covers processing issues at all levels of natural language understanding, including speech recognition, syntactic and semantic analysis of sentences, reference to the discourse context (including anaphora, inference of referents, and more extended relations of discourse coherence and narrative structure), conversational inference and implicature, and discourse planning and generation. In the narrower sense, it covers the syntactic and semantic processing sentences to deliver semantic objects suitable for referring, inferring, and the like. Of course, the results of inference and reference may under some circumstances play a part in processing in the narrow sense. But the processes that are characteristic of these other modules are not the primary concern

    Larger-first partial parsing

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    Larger-first partial parsing is a primarily top-down approach to partial parsing that is opposite to current easy-first, or primarily bottom-up, strategies. A rich partial tree structure is captured by an algorithm that assigns a hierarchy of structural tags to each of the input tokens in a sentence. Part-of-speech tags are first assigned to the words in a sentence by a part-of-speech tagger. A cascade of Deterministic Finite State Automata then uses this part-of-speech information to identify syntactic relations primarily in a descending order of their size. The cascade is divided into four specialized sections: (1) a Comma Network, which identifies syntactic relations associated with commas; (2) a Conjunction Network, which partially disambiguates phrasal conjunctions and llly disambiguates clausal conjunctions; (3) a Clause Network, which identifies non-comma-delimited clauses; and (4) a Phrase Network, which identifies the remaining base phrases in the sentence. Each automaton is capable of adding one or more levels of structural tags to the tokens in a sentence. The larger-first approach is compared against a well-known easy-first approach. The results indicate that this larger-first approach is capable of (1) producing a more detailed partial parse than an easy first approach; (2) providing better containment of attachment ambiguity; (3) handling overlapping syntactic relations; and (4) achieving a higher accuracy than the easy-first approach. The automata of each network were developed by an empirical analysis of several sources and are presented here in detail

    La catégorisation grammaticale automatique : adaptation du catégoriseur de Brill au français et modification de l'approche

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    Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2004-2005La catégorisation grammaticale automatique est un domaine où il reste encore beaucoup à faire. De très bons catégoriseurs existent pour l'anglais, mais ceux dont dispose la communauté francophone sont beaucoup moins efficaces. Nous avons donc entraîné le catégoriseur de Brill pour le français pour ensuite en améliorer les résultats. Par ailleurs, quelle que soit la technique utilisée, certains problèmes restent irrésolus. Les mots inconnus sont toujours difficiles à catégoriser correctement. Nous avons tenté de trouver des solutions à ce problème. En somme, nous avons apporté une série de modifications à l'approche de Brill et évalué l'impact de celles-ci sur les performances. Les modifications apportées ont permis de faire passer les performances du traitement des mots inconnus français de 70,7% à 78,6%. Nous avons donc amélioré sensiblement les performances bien qu'il reste encore beaucoup de travail à faire avant que le traitement des mots inconnus français soit satisfaisant

    Designing Service-Oriented Chatbot Systems Using a Construction Grammar-Driven Natural Language Generation System

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    Service oriented chatbot systems are used to inform users in a conversational manner about a particular service or product on a website. Our research shows that current systems are time consuming to build and not very accurate or satisfying to users. We find that natural language understanding and natural language generation methods are central to creating an e�fficient and useful system. In this thesis we investigate current and past methods in this research area and place particular emphasis on Construction Grammar and its computational implementation. Our research shows that users have strong emotive reactions to how these systems behave, so we also investigate the human computer interaction component. We present three systems (KIA, John and KIA2), and carry out extensive user tests on all of them, as well as comparative tests. KIA is built using existing methods, John is built with the user in mind and KIA2 is built using the construction grammar method. We found that the construction grammar approach performs well in service oriented chatbots systems, and that users preferred it over other systems