322 research outputs found

    Analisis User Experience Aplikasi Bujang Kurir Menggunakan Google Analytics(GA)

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    User experience menjadi satu faktor penting ketika pengguna menggunakan suatu teknologi. Menurut studi yang dilakukan oleh Oracle terhadap 1.342 senior eksekutif Amerika Utara, Eropa, Asia Pasifik dan Amerika latin, 97% responden menyetujui bahwa user experience adalah hal yang kruasial bagi profitabilitas perusahaan yang gagal memberikan user experience yang prima hingga 20% dan 89% mengatakan bahwa user experience yang buruk membuat konsumen beralih ke kompetitor. Salah satu tool yang bisa digunakan membantu menganalisis prilaku konsumen adalah Google Analytics. Dengan menggunakan Google Analytics dapat membantu untuk mengembangkan perancangan desain user experience khususnya “Aplikasi Bujang Kurir”. Aplikasi Bujang Kurir adalah sebuah aplikasi mobile  pesan-antar pribadi (Personal Delivery Order Service) yang beroperasi di Kota Pontianak dan sekitarnya. Hasil desain diuji menggunakan User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ), dan mendapat nilai sebagai berikut : Daya Tarik 1.52, Kejelasan 1.57, Efisiensi 1.54, Ketepatan 1.18, Stimulasi 1.36, dan Kebaruan 0.95. Dengan hasil uji UEQ Aplikasi Bujang Kurir tersebut, maka perancangan desain User Experience sudah layak untuk diterapkan ke dalam aplikasi. Dan Pengujian reliabilitas UEQ dengan menggunakan Cronbach Alfha seluruh aspek lebih dari 0,60 yang berarti UEQ Reliebel atau Konsisten


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    This researcher aims to find the DISPERSIP website in terms of usability using Website Usability Evaluation (WEBUSE) to determine which parts need to be improved. The Kampar Regency Library and Archives Service have implemented one of the online-based library services with the implementation of a website in the library and archives section of Kampar Regency. The aim is that governance relationships involving the Government, the private sector and the community can be created to be more effective, efficient, productive and responsive. In its application, problems arise, such as incompatibility of menu names, no back button, colour differences, and inactive links and errors—an unprecedented evaluation of the website's usability. The WEBUSE method determines the usability level of a website based on the user's perspective. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire distributed to all active members of the library with a definite website with a total of 100 respondents based on the slovin formula. Based on the results of the usability evaluation, the DISPERSIP website got a good usability level for the four categories of usability in the WEBUSE method, namely Content, Organization and Readability with a value of 0.70, Navigation and Links with a value of 0.69, User Interface Design with a value of 0.70 and Performance and Effectiveness got a score of 0.60. Overall the DISPERSIP website has good usability with a value of 0.67, and there are eight recommendations for usability improvements based on the problem

    Analisis penerimaan pengguna aplikasi e-Kinerja dengan metode TRAM dan EUCS pada kepolisian

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    This study aims to determine user acceptance and what factors influence user acceptance of E-Kinerja. The theoretical model used is a combination of the theoretical model of technology adoption of TRAM (Technology Readiness Acceptance Model) and EUCS (End User Computing Satisfaction). For example, the intention to use variable in the TRAM (Technology Readiness Acceptance Model) model is used as a link between the two models in this study. This research was conducted in Sidoarjo Police by using a questionnaire that was distributed directly as a source of data with probability sampling technique involving the participation of 229 respondents from Sidoarjo Police as members of the e-Kinerja application. The data analysis technique used is PLS-SEM (Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling). The results of this study state that there are seven positive and ten negative hypotheses. The findings of this study are the user's intention to positively influence user satisfaction in using the e-Kinerja application which can be interpreted that the user feels satisfied and accepts the e-Kinerja application as an information system that can help reporting and calculating the performance of each member of the Sidoarjo Police

    Impact of the Four Quality "Training, Service, Information System and Information" on the Use of Information System in an Information-Intensive Sector

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    Today, information is crucial and the flow of information is becoming more and more numerous, so their management is delicate, hence the need to use an information system that supports all production systems, and the majority of competitive advantages is achieved through the intelligent use of these information systems.It is in this context of disrupted information that the use of information systems is necessary in organizations, as they have greatly influenced the ways of work and management. For this purpose, they allow easy access to relevant information in quantity and in real time, the rapidity of analyzing this information and the possibilities for dissemination and exchange between the partners, without forgetting the possibilities for storage and archiving in a more secure way than human intervention could.The study examines the impact of quality of training, service quality, information system quality and information quality on the use of an information system. A quantitative study is conducted to test these effects, the findings of this research are mainly comprised by three facts: (1) the use of information systems is obligatory in the context of intensive information. (2) Voluntary or mandatory use status must be specified in the analysis, (3) there is no specific antecedent to the act of use of IS in the retail secto

    Pengukuran Usability pada Website Kampus Akademi Komunitas Negeri Pacitan Menggunakan System Usability Scale (SUS)

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    Pada dunia pendidikan website memiliki peran penting dalam memberikan informasi terkait dengan instansi pemilik website dan juga media promosi. Salah satu website pada lingkungan pendidikan yaitu website kampus Akademi Komunitas Negeri Pacitan. Pengunjung atau pengguna juga memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap website. Beberapa tinjauan tersebut yang mendorong kami dalam penganalisaan usability website kampus Akademi Komunitas Negeri Pacitan, yang mana pengukuran dan analisa menggunakan System Usability Scale (SUS) yang dilakukan uji validitas yang menyatakan valid dengan hasil Rhitung Rtabel pada item kuesioner dan uji Reliabilitas dengan hasil 0.637 yang menyatakan reliabel. Hasil Skor pada website kampus Akademi Komunitas Negeri Pacitan yaitu 60,75, dimana mendapat predikat D, kategori OK, tingkat penerimaan (feel) pengunjung yaitu margin low dan sudut pandang Net Promoter Score (NPS) berdasarkan skor SUS dinyatakan bahwa berpotensi detractor. Hasil ini menjabarkan bahwa dianggap belum efektif, efisien dan memuaskan bagi pengguna/pengunjung serta belum usable

    Pengukuran Usability pada Website Kampus Akademi Komunitas Negeri Pacitan Menggunakan System Usability Scale (SUS)

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    Pada dunia pendidikan website memiliki peran penting dalam memberikan informasi terkait dengan instansi pemilik website dan juga media promosi. Salah satu website pada lingkungan pendidikan yaitu website kampus Akademi Komunitas Negeri Pacitan. Pengunjung atau pengguna juga memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap website. Beberapa tinjauan tersebut yang mendorong kami dalam penganalisaan usability website kampus Akademi Komunitas Negeri Pacitan, yang mana pengukuran dan analisa menggunakan System Usability Scale (SUS) yang dilakukan uji validitas yang menyatakan valid dengan hasil Rhitung Rtabel pada item kuesioner dan uji Reliabilitas dengan hasil 0.637 yang menyatakan reliabel. Hasil Skor pada website kampus Akademi Komunitas Negeri Pacitan yaitu 60,75, dimana mendapat predikat D, kategori OK, tingkat penerimaan (feel) pengunjung yaitu margin low dan sudut pandang Net Promoter Score (NPS) berdasarkan skor SUS dinyatakan bahwa berpotensi detractor. Hasil ini menjabarkan bahwa dianggap belum efektif, efisien dan memuaskan bagi pengguna/pengunjung serta belum usable

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Teknologi Dan Karakteristik Pekerjaan Terhadap Penerapan “Collaboration Technology Internet Content Filter”

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    The purpose of this research was to empirically examine the influence of technology characteristics and task characteristics on the implementation of collaboration technology which is internet content filter. Data were collected using questionnaires. The respondents of this research were 15-19 years old teenagers in Bandar Lampung, which were 100 respondents. The research was conducted at Kecamatan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung. The results showed that among the two independent variables, task characteristics variable was the dominant variable in influencing the respondents to implement the collaboration technology internet content filter with the value of r partial of 0,317 with t hit=3,289 and p=0,001, since it had the biggest regression coefficient

    Pengembangan Tes Berbasis Komputer

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    This study aims to find practical procedure for applying the model to the test on the computer based test methodology of research subjects in order to develop tests in STAIN Parepare.This research method is a method of research and development, namely the development of computer-based test in the of research methodology subject . There are three stages in this study, namely Assembling Problem In Computer Systems, Calibration Test,Utilization In a limited scale .The results of research studies indicate that the development of the test can be done using a computer ( computer base test) . The use of computers as a substitute for tests that use paper and pencil is more efficient and effective
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