62 research outputs found

    Learning Instance Weights in Multi-Instance Learning

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    Multi-instance (MI) learning is a variant of supervised machine learning, where each learning example contains a bag of instances instead of just a single feature vector. MI learning has applications in areas such as drug activity prediction, fruit disease management and image classification. This thesis investigates the case where each instance has a weight value determining the level of influence that it has on its bag's class label. This is a more general assumption than most existing approaches use, and thus is more widely applicable. The challenge is to accurately estimate these weights in order to make predictions at the bag level. An existing approach known as MILES is retroactively identified as an algorithm that uses instance weights for MI learning, and is evaluated using a variety of base learners on benchmark problems. New algorithms for learning instance weights for MI learning are also proposed and rigorously evaluated on both artificial and real-world datasets. The new algorithms are shown to achieve better root mean squared error rates than existing approaches on artificial data generated according to the algorithms' underlying assumptions. Experimental results also demonstrate that the new algorithms are competitive with existing approaches on real-world problems

    Artificial Neurons on Flexible Substrates: A Fully Printed Approach for Neuromorphic Sensing

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    Printed electronic devices have demonstrated their applicability in complex electronic circuits. There is recent progress in the realization of neuromorphic computing systems (NCSs) to implement basic synaptic functions using solution-processed materials. However, a fully printed neuron is yet to be realised. We demonstrate a fully printed artificial neuromorphic circuit on flexible polyimide (PI) substrate. Characteristic features of individual components of the printed system were guided by the software training of the NCS. The printing process employs graphene ink for passive structures and In2O3 as active material to print a two-input artificial neuron on PI. To ensure a small area footprint, the thickness of graphene film is tuned to target a resistance and to obtain conductors or resistors. The sheet resistance of the graphene film annealed at 300 °C can be adjusted between 200 Ω and 500 kΩ depending on the number of printed layers. The fully printed devices withstand a minimum of 2% tensile strain for at least 200 cycles of applied stress without any crack formation. The area usage of the printed two-input neuron is 16.25 mm2, with a power consumption of 37.7 mW, a propagation delay of 1 s, and a voltage supply of 2 V, which renders the device a promising candidate for future applications in smart wearable sensors

    Realization and training of an inverter-based printed neuromorphic computing system

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    Emerging applications in soft robotics, wearables, smart consumer products or IoT-devices benefit from soft materials, flexible substrates in conjunction with electronic functionality. Due to high production costs and conformity restrictions, rigid silicon technologies do not meet application requirements in these new domains. However, whenever signal processing becomes too comprehensive, silicon technology must be used for the high-performance computing unit. At the same time, designing everything in flexible or printed electronics using conventional digital logic is not feasible yet due to the limitations of printed technologies in terms of performance, power and integration density. We propose to rather use the strengths of neuromorphic computing architectures consisting in their homogeneous topologies, few building blocks and analog signal processing to be mapped to an inkjet-printed hardware architecture. It has remained a challenge to demonstrate non-linear elements besides weighted aggregation. We demonstrate in this work printed hardware building blocks such as inverter-based comprehensive weight representation and resistive crossbars as well as printed transistor-based activation functions. In addition, we present a learning algorithm developed to train the proposed printed NCS architecture based on specific requirements and constraints of the technology

    Some phenomenological investigations in deep learning

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    Les remarquables performances des réseaux de neurones profonds dans de nombreux domaines de l'apprentissage automatique au cours de la dernière décennie soulèvent un certain nombre de questions théoriques. Par exemple, quels mecanismes permettent à ces reseaux, qui ont largement la capacité de mémoriser entièrement les exemples d'entrainement, de généraliser correctement à de nouvelles données, même en l'absence de régularisation explicite ? De telles questions ont fait l'objet d'intenses efforts de recherche ces dernières années, combinant analyses de systèmes simplifiés et études empiriques de propriétés qui semblent être corrélées à la performance de généralisation. Les deux premiers articles présentés dans cette thèse contribuent à cette ligne de recherche. Leur but est de mettre en évidence et d'etudier des mécanismes de biais implicites permettant à de larges modèles de prioriser l'apprentissage de fonctions "simples" et d'adapter leur capacité à la complexité du problème. Le troisième article aborde le problème de l'estimation de information mutuelle en haute, en mettant à profit l'expressivité et la scalabilité des reseaux de neurones profonds. Il introduit et étudie une nouvelle classe d'estimateurs, dont il présente plusieurs applications en apprentissage non supervisé, notamment à l'amélioration des modèles neuronaux génératifs.The striking empirical success of deep neural networks in machine learning raises a number of theoretical puzzles. For example, why can they generalize to unseen data despite their capacity to fully memorize the training examples? Such puzzles have been the subject of intense research efforts in the past few years, which combine rigorous analysis of simplified systems with empirical studies of phenomenological properties shown to correlate with generalization. The first two articles presented in these thesis contribute to this line of work. They highlight and discuss mechanisms that allow large models to prioritize learning `simple' functions during training and to adapt their capacity to the complexity of the problem. The third article of this thesis addresses the long standing problem of estimating mutual information in high dimension, by leveraging the scalability of neural networks. It introduces and studies a new class of estimators and present several applications in unsupervised learning, especially on enhancing generative models

    Hyper-parameter learning for graph based semi-supervised learning algorithms

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    Learnable Nonlinear Circuit for Printed Neuromorphic Circuits

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