8 research outputs found

    Dimension Reduction of Large AND-NOT Network Models

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    Boolean networks have been used successfully in modeling biological networks and provide a good framework for theoretical analysis. However, the analysis of large networks is not trivial. In order to simplify the analysis of such networks, several model reduction algorithms have been proposed; however, it is not clear if such algorithms scale well with respect to the number of nodes. The goal of this paper is to propose and implement an algorithm for the reduction of AND-NOT network models for the purpose of steady state computation. Our method of network reduction is the use of "steady state approximations" that do not change the number of steady states. Our algorithm is designed to work at the wiring diagram level without the need to evaluate or simplify Boolean functions. Also, our implementation of the algorithm takes advantage of the sparsity typical of discrete models of biological systems. The main features of our algorithm are that it works at the wiring diagram level, it runs in polynomial time, and it preserves the number of steady states. We used our results to study AND-NOT network models of gene networks and showed that our algorithm greatly simplifies steady state analysis. Furthermore, our algorithm can handle sparse AND-NOT networks with up to 1000000 nodes

    An Abstraction Theory for Qualitative Models of Biological Systems

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    Multi-valued network models are an important qualitative modelling approach used widely by the biological community. In this paper we consider developing an abstraction theory for multi-valued network models that allows the state space of a model to be reduced while preserving key properties of the model. This is important as it aids the analysis and comparison of multi-valued networks and in particular, helps address the well-known problem of state space explosion associated with such analysis. We also consider developing techniques for efficiently identifying abstractions and so provide a basis for the automation of this task. We illustrate the theory and techniques developed by investigating the identification of abstractions for two published MVN models of the lysis-lysogeny switch in the bacteriophage lambda.Comment: In Proceedings MeCBIC 2010, arXiv:1011.005

    Abstracting Asynchronous Multi-Valued Networks: An Initial Investigation

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    Multi-valued networks provide a simple yet expressive qualitative state based modelling approach for biological systems. In this paper we develop an abstraction theory for asynchronous multi-valued network models that allows the state space of a model to be reduced while preserving key properties of the model. The abstraction theory therefore provides a mechanism for coping with the state space explosion problem and supports the analysis and comparison of multi-valued networks. We take as our starting point the abstraction theory for synchronous multi-valued networks which is based on the finite set of traces that represent the behaviour of such a model. The problem with extending this approach to the asynchronous case is that we can now have an infinite set of traces associated with a model making a simple trace inclusion test infeasible. To address this we develop a decision procedure for checking asynchronous abstractions based on using the finite state graph of an asynchronous multi-valued network to reason about its trace semantics. We illustrate the abstraction techniques developed by considering a detailed case study based on a multi-valued network model of the regulation of tryptophan biosynthesis in Escherichia coli.Comment: Presented at MeCBIC 201

    Reduction of dynamical biochemical reaction networks in computational biology

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    Biochemical networks are used in computational biology, to model the static and dynamical details of systems involved in cell signaling, metabolism, and regulation of gene expression. Parametric and structural uncertainty, as well as combinatorial explosion are strong obstacles against analyzing the dynamics of large models of this type. Multi-scaleness is another property of these networks, that can be used to get past some of these obstacles. Networks with many well separated time scales, can be reduced to simpler networks, in a way that depends only on the orders of magnitude and not on the exact values of the kinetic parameters. The main idea used for such robust simplifications of networks is the concept of dominance among model elements, allowing hierarchical organization of these elements according to their effects on the network dynamics. This concept finds a natural formulation in tropical geometry. We revisit, in the light of these new ideas, the main approaches to model reduction of reaction networks, such as quasi-steady state and quasi-equilibrium approximations, and provide practical recipes for model reduction of linear and nonlinear networks. We also discuss the application of model reduction to backward pruning machine learning techniques

    A modular, qualitative modelling of regulatory networks using Petri nets

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    International audienceAdvances in high-throughput technologies have enabled the de-lineation of large networks of interactions that control cellular processes. To understand behavioural properties of these complex networks, mathematical and computational tools are required. The multi-valued logical formalism, initially defined by R. Thomas and co-workers, proved well adapted to account for the qualitative knowledge available on regulatory interactions, and also to perform analyses of their dynamical properties. In this context, we present two representations of logical models in terms of Petri nets. In a first step, we briefly show how logical models of regulatory networks can be transposed into standard (place/transition) Petri nets, and discuss the capabilities of such representation. In the second part, we focus on logical regulatory modules and their composition, demonstrating that a high-level Petri net representation greatly facilitates the modelling of interconnected modules. Doing so, we introduce an explicit means to integrate signals from various interconnected modules, taking into account their spatial distribution. This provides a flexible modelling framework to handle regulatory networks that operate at both intra-and intercellular levels. As an illustration, we describe a simplified model of the segment-polarity module involved in the segmentation of the Drosophila embryo

    Patient-specific modeling of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

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    Personalized medicine aims to tailor treatment to patients based on their individual genetic or molecular background. Especially in diseases with a large molecular heterogeneity, such as diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), personalized medicine has the potential to improve outcome and/or to reduce resistance towards treatment. However, integration of patient-specific information into a computational model is challenging and has not been achieved for DLBCL. Here, we developed a computational model describing signaling pathways and expression of critical germinal center markers. The model integrates the regulatory mechanism of the signaling and gene expression network and covers more than 50 components, many carrying genetic lesions common in DLBCL. Using clinical and genomic data of 164 primary DLBCL patients, we implemented mutations, structural variants and copy number alterations as perturbations in the model using the CoLoMoTo notebook. Leveraging patient-specific genotypes and simulation of the expression of marker genes in specific germinal center conditions allows us to predict the consequence of the modeled pathways for each patient. Finally, besides modeling how genetic perturbations alter physiological signaling, we also predicted for each patient model the effect of rational inhibitors, such as Ibrutinib, that are currently discussed as possible DLBCL treatments, showing patient-dependent variations in effectiveness and synergies

    Abstracting Asynchronous Multi-Valued Networks

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    Multi-valued networks (MVNs) provide a simple yet expressive qualitative state based modelling approach for biological systems. In this paper we develop an abstraction theory for asynchronous MVNs that allows the state space of a model to be reduced while preserving key properties. The abstraction theory therefore provides a mechanism for coping with the state space explosion problem and supports the analysis and comparison of MVNs. We take as our starting point the abstraction theory for synchronous MVNs which uses the under- approximation approach of trace set inclusion. We show this definition of asynchronous abstraction allows the sound inference of analysis properties and preserves other interesting model properties. One problem that arises in the asynchronous case is that the trace set of an MVN can be infinite making a simple trace set inclusion check infeasible. To address this we develop a decision procedure for checking asynchronous abstractions based on using the finite state graph of an asynchronous MVN to reason about its trace semantics and formally show that this decision procedure is correct. We illustrate the abstraction techniques developed by considering two detailed case studies in which asynchronous abstractions are identified and validated for existing asynchronous MVN models taken from the literature

    Identification of Biologically Essential Nodes via Determinative Power in Logical Models of Cellular Processes

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    A variety of biological networks can be modeled as logical or Boolean networks. However, a simplification of the reality to binary states of the nodes does not ease the difficulty of analyzing the dynamics of large, complex networks, such as signal transduction networks, due to the exponential dependence of the state space on the number of nodes. This paper considers a recently introduced method for finding a fairly small subnetwork, representing a collection of nodes that determine the states of most other nodes with a reasonable level of entropy. The subnetwork contains the most determinative nodes that yield the highest information gain. One of the goals of this paper is to propose an algorithm for finding a suitable subnetwork size. The information gain is quantified by the so-called determinative power of the nodes, which is obtained via the mutual information, a concept originating in information theory. We find the most determinative nodes for 36 network models available in the online database Cell Collective (http://cellcollective.org). We provide statistical information that indicates a weak correlation between the subnetwork size and other variables, such as network size, or maximum and average determinative power of nodes. We observe that the proportion represented by the subnetwork in comparison to the whole network shows a weak tendency to decrease for larger networks. The determinative power of nodes is weakly correlated to the number of outputs of a node, and it appears to be independent of other topological measures such as closeness or betweenness centrality. Once the subnetwork of the most determinative nodes is identified, we generate a biological function analysis of its nodes for some of the 36 networks. The analysis shows that a large fraction of the most determinative nodes are essential and involved in crucial biological functions. The biological pathway analysis of the most determinative nodes shows that they are involved in important disease pathways