1,351 research outputs found

    A recursive algorithm for joint time-frequency wideband spectrum sensing

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    Abstract—In wideband spectrum sensing, secondary or un-licensed users take signal measurements over a given wide spectrum band and attempt to determine subbands for which the spectrum is idle and thus available for use. Some recent approaches to finding such spectrum holes generally employ some form of edge detection or energy detection. We propose an algorithm for joint time-frequency wideband spectrum sensing based on applying a form of temporal spectrum sensing together with a recursive tree search. The algorithm is able to detect spec-trum holes accurately even in the presence of bursting primary signals and primary signals whose power spectral densities have smooth band edges. Numerical results are presented which show the performance gain of the proposed algorithm over earlier approaches to wideband spectrum sensing.1 Index Terms—Cognitive radio, spectrum sensing, dynamic spectrum access I

    Power vs. Spectrum 2-D Sensing in Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Energy harvester based cognitive radio is a promising solution to address the shortage of both spectrum and energy. Since the spectrum access and power consumption patterns are interdependent, and the power value harvested from certain environmental sources are spatially correlated, the new power dimension could provide additional information to enhance the spectrum sensing accuracy. In this paper, the Markovian behavior of the primary users is considered, based on which we adopt a hidden input Markov model to specify the primary vs. secondary dynamics in the system. Accordingly, we propose a 2-D spectrum and power (harvested) sensing scheme to improve the primary user detection performance, which is also capable of estimating the primary transmit power level. Theoretical and simulated results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, in term of the performance gain achieved by considering the new power dimension. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to jointly consider the spectrum and power dimensions for the cognitive primary user detection problem

    Tracking of Time-Variant Radio Propagation Paths using Particle Filtering

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    A real valued neural network based autoregressive energy detector for cognitive radio application

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    A real valued neural network (RVNN) based energy detector (ED) is proposed and analyzed for cognitive radio (CR) application. This was developed using a known two-layered RVNN model to estimate the model coefficients of an autoregressive (AR) system. By using appropriate modules and a well-designed detector, the power spectral density (PSD) of the AR system transfer function was estimated and subsequent receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of the detector generated and analyzed. A high detection performance with low false alarm rate was observed for varying signal to noise ratio (SNR), sample number, and model order conditions. The proposed RVNN based ED was then compared to the simple periodogram (SP), Welch periodogram (WP), multitaper (MT), Yule-Walker (YW), Burg (BG), and covariance (CV) based ED techniques. The proposed detector showed better performance than the SP, WP, and MT while providing better false alarm performance than the YW, BG, and CV. Data provided here support the effectiveness of the proposed RVNN based ED for CR application