685 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable RF Front End Components for Multi-Radio Platform Applications

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    The multi-service requirements of the 3G and 4G communication systems, and their backward compatibility requirements, create challenges for the antenna and RF front-end designs with multi-band and wide-band techniques. These challenges include: multiple filters, which are lossy, bulky, and expensive, are needed in the system; device board size limitation and the associated isolation problems caused by the limited space and crowd circuits; and the insertion loss issues created by the single-pole-multi-through antenna switch. As will be shown, reconfigurable antennas can perform portions of the filter functions, which can help solve the multiple filters problem. Additionally, reconfigurable RF circuits can decrease the circuit size and output ports, which can help solve board size limitation, and isolation and antenna switch insertion loss issues. To validate the idea that reconfigurable antennas and reconfigurable RF circuits are a viable option for multi-service communication system, a reconfigurable patch antenna, a reconfigurable monopole antenna, and a reconfigurable power amplifier (PA) have been developed. All designs adapt state-of-the-art techniques. For the reconfigurable antenna designs, an experiment demonstrating its advantages, such as jamming signal resistance, has been performed. Reconfigurable antennas provide a better out-ofoperating- band noise performance than the multi-band antennas design, decreasing the need for filters in the system. A full investigation of reconfigurable antennas, including the single service reconfigurable antenna, the mixed signal service reconfigurable antenna, and the multi-band reconfigurable antenna, has been completed. The design challenges, which include switches investigation, switches integration, and service grouping techniques, have been discussed. In the reconfigurable PA portion, a reconfigurable PA structure has first been demonstrated, and includes a reconfigurable output matching network (MN) and a reconfigurable die design. To validate the proposed reconfigurable PA structure, a reconfigurable PA for a 3G cell phone system has been designed with a multi-chip module technique. The reconfigurable PA structure can significantly decrease the real-estate, cost, and complexity of the PA design. Further, by decreasing the number of output ports, the number of poles for the antenna switch will be decreased as well, leading to an insertion loss decrease

    Cost and energy efficient operation of converged, reconfigurable optical wireless networks

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    This paper presents a converged fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) based access network architecture featuring wireless services. In order to fulfill the bandwidth demands from end users, a dynamic architecture is proposed with co-existence of LTE, WiMax and UWB technologies. Hybrid wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) and a time division multiplexing (TDM) based optical access network offer reconfigurable provision. This enhances the ability to allocate different wavelengths to different optical networking units (ONUs) on demand. In addition, two different channel routing modules (CRMs) are introduced in order to address the cost effectiveness and energy efficiency issues of the proposed network. Take-up rate adaptive-mode operation and traffic-adaptive power management are utilized to optimize the benefits of low investment cost with energy efficiency. Up to 26% power consumption reduction is achieved at the time of minimum traffic conditions while 10% consumption is achieved at the time of maximum traffic conditions. Besides, 23% energy saving can be achieved compared to conventional systems in fully operated stage

    RF SDR for Wideband PMR

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    TErrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) offers capabilities equivalent to the second generation of mobile phones with voice and limited data capabilities. TETRA needs to evolve to satisfy increasing user demand for new services and facilities as well as gleaning the benefits of new technology. An initial enhancement (TETRA Enhanced Data Service, TEDS) has been agreed. The enhanced TETRA services allows for more flexibility in the communication modes used, so as to provide adaptability in applications. We propose that it is possible to deploy Software Defined Radio (SDR) technologies into the basestation to economically provide this level of flexibility and to further extend the capability of TETRA services by deploying a WiMAX channel into the proposed TETRA tuning range. Thus delivering true broadband data service while simultaneously supporting the original and enhanced TETRA services

    [[alternative]]High Speed Low Power Sigma Delta Modulator Analog-to-Digital Converter for Heterogeneously Next Generation Communication System(I)

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    計畫編號:NSC96-2221-E032-053研究期間:200708~200807研究經費:911,000[[abstract]]本計畫專注於4G晶片組中介面轉換器的設計,由完整的系統模擬中,設計適合系統使用的積分三角調變器(Sigma Delta Modulator, SDM)式類比數位轉換器(Analog to Digital Converter, ADC)。在設計ADC時,由於未來的4G將使用在許多具行動概念的器材上,結合現有高經濟效益的GSM、WiMax、與WLAN等系統,多重系統的結合將是一個重要的應用趨勢;由於是行動通信器材,因此在設計電路時,必須審慎考量低功率消耗(Low Power)、高速度(High Speed)、與高解析度(High Resolution)等三項特點,以求達到長時間使用及降低成本的目的。在研究與設計4G所使用的ADC的過程中,我們將著重於從系統的層級來考慮及設計電路,也就是Top-Down Design的電路設計方式,使執行本計畫的研究生能建立對整體系統的設計概念,在有限的資源與成本下,精確的設計符合系統需求的電路,並期望藉著本研究計畫的執行,能對國內混合式系統IC的設計能力有所助益。 本計畫為期兩年,計畫中將發展下列兩項技術: (1) 多模切換技術之積分三角調變器。 使用SC電路時,適當的切換在不同系統下的電路架構,利用可重新配置的特性節省電路的功率消耗與成本;在最佳電流值與供應電流時間下,使消耗功率最佳化,同時保有高速操作的特色。 (2) 低功率消耗、高解析度的連續時間式多級串接積分三角調變器。 利用連續型積分三角調變器高速度低功率消耗的特色,使第一年完成的離散型積分三角調變器高解析度的轉換成連續型積分三角調變器,再配合最佳化功率技術,使得調變器之消耗功率達到最低,並同時保有高速度與高解析度的特色。 預期之工作項目如下: 第ㄧ年 (1) 瞭解整個4G系統,並訂定規格與參數。 (2) 以Matlab做DT MASH SDM ADC的系統參數設計。 (3) 協調各區塊信號之傳輸形式。 (4) 類比數位轉換器之參數量測及規格制定。 (5) 發展可重新配置式電路技術。 (6) 發展低功率電路技術。 (7) 高速、低功率之寬頻類比數位轉換器研製與晶片量測。 第二年 (1) 瞭解整個4G系統,並訂定規格與參數。 (2) 以Matlab做CT MASH SDM ADC的系統參數設計。 (3) 協調各區塊信號之傳輸形式。 (4) 發展CT電路。 (5) 發展低功率電路技術。 (6) 類比數位轉換器之參數量測及規格制定。 (7) 高速、低功率之寬頻類比數位轉換器研製與晶片量測。[[sponsorship]]行政院國家科學委員

    A New Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna Using Proximity Fed Technique for Wireless Applications

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    This electronic paper presents an innovative technologyfor efficient use of the radio spectrum. This new frequencyreconfigurable rotatable antenna is intended for wirelessapplications such as WLAN, WiMAX and Bluetooth mobileapplications. The working principle of this proposed work isto print square patches mounted on the same circular dielectricsubstrate feed by a proximity coupling to eliminate the noisesignal transmission and problems related to interference. Thethree positions correspond to an operating frequency controlledby a bipolar step-by-step engine. An optimization of the structureusing the FEM finite element method as well as a comparisonwith other structures recently realized are detailed in this paper.The final numerical simulation results are: WLAN 4.95-5.53 GHz(BW = 11%) Gain = 6.06 dBi, WiMAX 3.35-3.75 GHz (BW =11.2%) Gain = 7.48 dBi and Bluetooth 2.3-2.51 GHz (BW =8.7%) Gain = 17.78 dBi

    Optical switching for dynamic distribution of wireless-over-fiber signals in active optical networks

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    El continuo crecimiento de ancho de banda demandado por los usuarios finales está provocando una gran exigencia sobre las redes de acceso. Estas exigencias sobre las redes de acceso, que principalmente emplean tecnologías inalámbricas, están migrando hacia el dominio óptico con el fin de soportar estos altos requerimientos de ancho de banda. Dependiendo de los requerimientos y características de los usuarios finales, las redes de acceso óptico han evolucionado en diferentes direcciones. En entornos residenciales y urbanos los usuarios demandan conexiones fijas de alta capacidad y bajo coste. Las redes ópticas pasivas (PON) han cumplido estos requerimiento y son las tecnologías elegidas por los operadores. En los entornos empresariales, en los cuales la calidad y la seguridad son piezas clave, las redes ópticas activas han encontrado su hueco proveyendo flexibilidad, adaptabilidad, alto rendimiento y al mismo tiempo dando soporte a sistemas de control de redes. Los proveedores de equipos están ahora girando su vista hacia nuevos mercados, donde soluciones ópticas puede ser usado eficientemente. El transporte de datos de redes de móviles (o mobile backhaul en ingles) es un mercado que se ha convertido en objetivo principal, ya que el tráfico inalámbrico está creciendo exponencialmente. Nuevos dispositivos, junto a las aplicaciones de gran consumo de ancho de banda, son los principales motivos de este crecimiento. Las tecnologías de banda base puede soportar sobradamente mobile backhaul a las actuales velocidades de transmisión. Sin embargo, debido a la ubicación de nuevas licencias libres disponibles en la banda de frecuencias y el desarrollo de las tecnologías radio a través de fibra permitiendo generación, distribución y recepción óptica de señales, la migración hacia escenarios en los que se use señales inalámbricas a través de fibra son mas probables. Además, teniendo en cuenta aspectos como la seguridad y alta movilidad de los usuarios, todo parece indicar que soluciones activas son más atractivas, siempre y cuando que los consumos de energía se mantengan dentro de límites razonables. En esta tesis, se diseñó una red óptica de acceso basada en tecnologías de radio a través de fibra. El bloque principal de la red fue un conmutador óptico basado en componentes activos (amplificadores ópticos semiconductores); el resto de la red fue diseñada acorde a la distribución por canales del conmutador óptico. Utilizando este conmutador óptico, se realizó una validación experimental de la red. El experimento consistió en una implementación de un sistema de cuatro canales operando en la banda de frecuencia WiMax y empleando una modulación llamada multiplexado de división ortogonal en frecuencia (OFDM) a 625Mb/s por canal. La información fue enviada a través de 20 km de fibra óptica, y el redireccionamiento de la señal fue llevado a cabo por un conmutador de 1 entrada y 16 salidas. El resultado es una degradación imperceptible de la señal en cada canal en el mejor y en mejor escenario en términos de interferencia entre canales. Este sistema cumple con los requisitos de una red de acceso activa para señales de radio a través de una red de acceso óptica

    U-Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna for WLAN/WIMAX Applications

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    A full-duplex radio design communication systems design based on the WiMax/WLAN antenna. The design an antenna in this report presented a triple-band operation with significant impedance bandwidth for WLAN/WiMAX system. The designed antenna having the compact size of 10 x 26 mm2 and shaped of antenna is U-shaped. The overall performance of the antenna three different bands 1) band-1:- 2.40 to 2.53 GHz, 2) band-2:-3.40 o 3.60 GHz and 3) band-3:- 5.00 to 6.00 GHz, these bands cover the WiMAX (2.5, 3.5, 5.5) and WLAN (2.4, 5.2, 5.8) bands. Here HFSS simulator used to simulate and validate the results. By combining the performance of complete WLAN/WiMAX antenna with MIMO antenna, the proposed MIMO antenna with wide operating frequencies 2.4 GHz. Thus the simulation results along with the given parameter values show that the antenna can simultaneously operate over WLAN, WiMAX and MIMO frequency bands

    UWB Technology

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    Ultra Wide Band (UWB) technology has attracted increasing interest and there is a growing demand for UWB for several applications and scenarios. The unlicensed use of the UWB spectrum has been regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) since the early 2000s. The main concern in designing UWB circuits is to consider the assigned bandwidth and the low power permitted for transmission. This makes UWB circuit design a challenging mission in today's community. Various circuit designs and system implementations are published in this book to give the reader a glimpse of the state-of-the-art examples in this field. The book starts at the circuit level design of major UWB elements such as filters, antennas, and amplifiers; and ends with the complete system implementation using such modules