6 research outputs found

    Fairs for e-commerce: the benefits of aggregating buyers and sellers

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    In recent years, many new and interesting models of successful online business have been developed. Many of these are based on the competition between users, such as online auctions, where the product price is not fixed and tends to rise. Other models, including group-buying, are based on cooperation between users, characterized by a dynamic price of the product that tends to go down. There is not yet a business model in which both sellers and buyers are grouped in order to negotiate on a specific product or service. The present study investigates a new extension of the group-buying model, called fair, which allows aggregation of demand and supply for price optimization, in a cooperative manner. Additionally, our system also aggregates products and destinations for shipping optimization. We introduced the following new relevant input parameters in order to implement a double-side aggregation: (a) price-quantity curves provided by the seller; (b) waiting time, that is, the longer buyers wait, the greater discount they get; (c) payment time, which determines if the buyer pays before, during or after receiving the product; (d) the distance between the place where products are available and the place of shipment, provided in advance by the buyer or dynamically suggested by the system. To analyze the proposed model we implemented a system prototype and a simulator that allow to study effects of changing some input parameters. We analyzed the dynamic price model in fairs having one single seller and a combination of selected sellers. The results are very encouraging and motivate further investigation on this topic

    Mining Customer Knowledge for Channel and Product Segmentation

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    [[abstract]]Segmentation is particularly challenging in current markets. Hence, companies operating on consumer markets face significant implementation complexities. However, successful implementation of market segmentation is reported problematic, despite being extensively researched and widely acknowledged as a powerful concept in practice. The desired outcome, and the knowledge discovery of market segmentation, is to reap the benefits of competitive advantage. This study takes Computers/Communications/Consumer (3C) products as an example and uses a two-step data mining approach to the cluster analysis and association rules to analyze customer channels and product segmentation. Moreover, we look at what kinds of products and brands customers of different segments prefer and how these preferences differ in relation to varying channel types. Thus, this study finds some 3C product-buying behavior patterns, including customer purchase preferences and customer purchase demands, in order to generate different 3C segmentation marketing alternatives.[[notice]]補正完畢[[incitationindex]]SCI[[booktype]]紙

    How group-buying servicescape affect consumers’ purchase intention, the regulating effects of price discount and time pressure

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    This paper constructs a conceptual model of how group-buying servicescape affect consumers’ purchase intention and discusses the regulating effects of price discount and time pressure. This research uses a survey approach to collect data, as a result, we collected 506 valid questionnaires. The results show that aesthetic appeal, information exchange, interpersonal interaction and perceived security have a positive effect on positive emotion; layout and functionality, information exchange and interpersonal interaction have a positive effect on virtual touch. Positive emotion and virtual touch can promote the consumer’s purchase intention, and time pressure and price discount play a regulatory function. The results of this study have an important reference value for group-buying operators to use servicescape to attract and retain consumers

    Consumer Behavior Analysis with Fruit Group-Buying

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    [[abstract]]This paper proposes the consumer group-buying the domestic fruit. "Group-buying" is collective buying that buyers offered products and services at reducing prices with a minimum number of buyers to make the purchase. This research was established the conduction of survey upon the nation divided into four different geographical districts. The decisions making for consumer-association are based greatly upon "convenience," "inexpensive price ranges," "trust in quality standards," and "consumption habits." Other important purchase variables are "reliability" and "kindness and compassion" of sellers. This extensive research thoroughly analyzes the reasons behind the decision making of a consumer upon purchasing the emerging circuit's expense patterns and the demands made regarding the group. It also provides the group with reason for purchase of businesses that develop entrustment upon marketing strategies, especially towards the emerging circuit

    Groupon, características y factores de éxito

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    Fil: Cukierman Himmel, Jeanette. Universidad de San Andrés. Escuela de Administración y Negocios; Argentina."GROUPON es un sitio Web de compras a través de Internet que brinda grandes ofertas diariamente, para diferentes productos, servicios y eventos culturales, ofrecidos por comerciantes locales en cada ciudad en la que opera. Una particularidad de estas ofertas es que si no se llega a alcanzar un número mínimo de personas interesadas en este descuento y en suscribirse al mismo, no se cierra el acuerdo y nadie lo obtiene. Groupon, entonces, induce a los suscriptos a utilizar las redes sociales, como un medio práctico para contactar a sus amigos y alentarlos a que ellos también se sumen a la compra, y todos puedan obtener entonces la oferta (“tip the Deal”). Se trata, aparentemente, de un modelo de negocio WIN-WIN-WIN en donde el cliente gana con los descuentos, el negocio minorista (proveedor de los servicios o productos ofertados) gana con las ventas a corto plazo, la publicidad que obtiene al ofertar su producto con Groupon y la seguridad de tener un numero suficiente de clientes que hagan que el descuento ofrecido valga la pena, y Groupon gana una parte del dinero de las promociones vendidas (Moosylvania, 2010). Con el rápido y significativo crecimiento que ha experimentado la compañía, muchos la conocen como “the fastest grow in the business, in Web history”. Con su modelo de negocios es considerado el propulsor y es tomado como representativo de esta nueva Industria que es la de las cuponeras online, habiendo atraído a expertos imitadores y miles de clones desplegados por todo el mundo. En el presente trabajo de graduación, se tratarán de desarrollar las particularidades de este fenómeno, teniendo como objetivo principal el de analizar su modelo de negocios, estudiando en detalle los componentes que lo integran. Palabras clave: Groupon, modelo de negocios, factores de éxito, industria de las cuponeras Online."Blugerman, Leopold