6 research outputs found

    Multichannel surface EMG decomposition based on measurement correlation and LMMSE

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    A method based on measurement correlation (MC) and linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) for multichannel surface electromyography (sEMG) signal decomposition was developed in this study. This MC-LMMSE method gradually and iteratively increases the correlation between an optimized vector and a reconstructed matrix that is correlated with the measurement matrix. The performance of the proposed MC-LMMSE method was evaluated with both simulated and experimental sEMG signals. Simulation results show that the MC-LMMSE method can successfully reconstruct up to 53 innervation pulse trains with a true positive rate greater than 95%. The performance of the MC-LMMSE method was also evaluated using experimental sEMG signals collected with a 64-channel electrode array from the first dorsal interosseous muscles of three subjects at different contraction levels. A maximum of 16 motor units were successfully extracted from these multichannel experimental sEMG signals. The performance of the MC-LMMSE method was further evaluated with multichannel experimental sEMG data by using the “two sources” method. The large population of common MUs extracted from the two independent subgroups of sEMG signals demonstrates the reliability of the MC-LMMSE method in multichannel sEMG decomposition

    Recursive decomposition of electromyographic signals with a varying number of active sources: Bayesian modelling and filtering

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    International audienceThis paper describes a sequential decomposition algorithm for single channel intramuscular electromyography (iEMG) generated by a varying number of active motor neurons. As in previous work, we establish a Hidden Markov Model of iEMG, in which each motor neuron spike train is modeled as a renewal process with inter-spike intervals following a discrete Weibull law and motor unit action potentials are modeled as impulse responses of linear time-invariant systems with known prior. We then expand this model by introducing an activation vector associated to the state vector of the Hidden Markov Model. This activation vector represents recruitment/derecruitment of motor units and is estimated together with the state vector using Bayesian filtering. Non-stationarity of the model parameters is addressed by means of a sliding window approach, thus making the algorithm adaptive to variations in contraction force and motor unit action potential waveforms. The algorithm was validated using simulated and experimental iEMG signals with varying number of active motor units. The experimental signals were acquired from the tibialis anterior and abductor digiti minimi muscles by fine wire and needle electrodes. The decomposition accuracy in both simulated and experimental signals exceeded 90% and the recruitment/derecruitment was successfully tracked by the algorithm. Because of its parallel structure, this algorithm can be efficiently accelerated, which lays the basis for its future real-time applications in human-machine interfaces, e.g. for prosthetic control

    An Accurate and Real-time Method for Resolving Superimposed Action Potentials in MultiUnit Recordings

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    Objective: Spike sorting of muscular and neural recordings requires separating action potentials that overlap in time (superimposed action potentials (APs)). We propose a new algorithm for resolving superimposed action potentials, and we test it on intramuscular EMG (iEMG) and intracortical recordings. Methods: Discrete-time shifts of the involved APs are first selected based on a heuristic extension of the peel-off algorithm. Then, the time shifts that provide the minimal residual Euclidean norm are identified (Discrete Brute force Correlation (DBC)). The optimal continuous-time shifts are then estimated (High-Resolution BC (HRBC)). In Fusion HRBC (FHRBC), two other cost functions are used. A parallel implementation of the DBC and HRBC algorithms was developed. The performance of the algorithms was assessed on 11,000 simulated iEMG and 14,000 neural recording superpositions, including two to eight APs, and eight experimental iEMG signals containing four to eleven active motor units. The performance of the proposed algorithms was compared with that of the Branch-and-Bound (BB) algorithm using the Rank-Product (RP) method in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Results: The average accuracy of the DBC, HRBC and FHRBC methods on the entire simulated datasets was 92.16\ub117.70, 93.65\ub116.89, and 94.90\ub115.15 (%). The DBC algorithm outperformed the other algorithms based on the RP method. The average accuracy and running time of the DBC algorithm on 10.5 ms superimposed spikes of the experimental signals were 92.1\ub121.7 (%) and 2.3\ub115.3 (ms). Conclusion and Significance: The proposed algorithm is promising for real-time neural decoding, a central problem in neural and muscular decoding and interfacing

    A Real-Time Method for Decoding the Neural Drive to Muscles Using Single-Channel Intra-Muscular EMG Recordings

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    The neural command from motor neurons to muscles — sometimes referred to as the neural drive to muscle — can be identified by decomposition of electromyographic (EMG) signals. This approach can be used for inferring the voluntary commands in neural interfaces in patients with limb amputations. This paper proposes for the first time an innovative method for fully automatic and real-time intramuscular EMG (iEMG) decomposition. The method is based on online single-pass density-based clustering and adaptive classification of bivariate features, using the concept of potential measure. No attempt was made to resolve superimposed motor unit action potentials. The proposed algorithm was validated on sets of simulated and experimental iEMG signals. Signals were recorded from the biceps femoris long-head, vastus medialis and lateralis and tibialis anterior muscles during low-to-moderate isometric constant-force and linearly-varying force contractions. The average number of missed, duplicated and erroneous clusters for the examined signals was 0.5±0.8, 1.2±1.0, and 1.0±0.8, respectively. The average decomposition accuracy (defined similar to signal detection theory but without using True Negatives in the denominator) and coefficient of determination (variance accounted for) for the cumulative discharge rate estimation were 70±9%, and 94±5%, respectively. The time cost for processing each 200ms iEMG interval was 43±16 (21–97)ms. However, computational time generally increases over time as a function of frames/signal epochs. Meanwhile, the incremental accuracy defined as the accuracy of real-time analysis of each signal epoch, was 74±18% for epochs recorded after initial one second. The proposed algorithm is thus a promising new tool for neural decoding in the next-generation of prosthetic control.peerReviewe

    A real-time method for decoding the neural drive to muscles using single-channel intra-muscular EMG recordings

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    The neural command from motor neurons to muscles — sometimes referred to as the neural drive to muscle — can be identified by decomposition of electromyographic (EMG) signals. This approach can be used for inferring the voluntary commands in neural interfaces in patients with limb amputations. This paper proposes for the first time an innovative method for fully automatic and real-time intramuscular EMG (iEMG) decomposition. The method is based on online single-pass density-based clustering and adaptive classification of bivariate features, using the concept of potential measure. No attempt was made to resolve superimposed motor unit action potentials. The proposed algorithm was validated on sets of simulated and experimental iEMG signals. Signals were recorded from the biceps femoris long-head, vastus medialis and lateralis and tibialis anterior muscles during low-to-moderate isometric constant-force and linearly-varying force contractions. The average number of missed, duplicated and erroneous clusters for the examined signals was 0.5±0.80.5±0.8, 1.2±1.01.2±1.0, and 1.0±0.81.0±0.8, respectively. The average decomposition accuracy (defined similar to signal detection theory but without using True Negatives in the denominator) and coefficient of determination (variance accounted for) for the cumulative discharge rate estimation were 70±9%70±9%, and 94±5%94±5%, respectively. The time cost for processing each 200ms iEMG interval was 43±1643±16 (21–97)ms. However, computational time generally increases over time as a function of frames/signal epochs. Meanwhile, the incremental accuracy defined as the accuracy of real-time analysis of each signal epoch, was 74±1874±18% for epochs recorded after initial one second. The proposed algorithm is thus a promising new tool for neural decoding in the next-generation of prosthetic control.Peer Reviewe