3 research outputs found

    Evolution of Controllers for the Speed Control in Thyristor Fed Induction Motor Drive

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    Induction Motors (IMs) are now becoming the pillar of almost all the motoring applications related to the industry and household. The practical applications of IMs usually require constant motoring speed. As a result, different types of control systems for IM's speed controlling have been shaped. One of the important techniques is the utilization of thyristor fed drive. Although, the thyristor fed induction motor drive (TFIMD) offers stable speed performance, the practical speed control demand is much more precise. Hence, this drive system utilizes additional controllers to attain precise speed for practical applications. This paper offers a detailed review of the controllers utilized with the thyristor fed IM drive in the past few decades to achieve good speed control performance. The clear intent of the paper is to provide a comprehensible frame of the pros and cons of the existing controllers developed for the TFIMD speed control requirements. Keywords: Thyristor Fed Drives, Induction Motors, Speed Controller, Conventional Controllers, and Soft Computing Techniques

    Development and Implementation of Novel Intelligent Motor Control for Performance Enhancement of PMSM Drive in Electrified Vehicle Application

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    The demand for electrified vehicles has grown significantly over the last decade causing a shift in the automotive industry from traditional gasoline vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs). With the growing evolution of EVs, high power density, and high efficiency of electric powertrains (e–drive) are of the utmost need to achieve an extended driving range. However, achieving an extended driving range with enhanced e-drive performance is still a bottleneck. The control algorithm of e–drive plays a vital role in its performance and reliability over time. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) based intelligent control methods have proven their continued success in fault determination and analysis of motor–drive systems. Considering the potential of intelligent control, this thesis investigates the legacy space vector modulation (SVM) strategy for wide–bandgap (WBG) inverter and conventional current PI controller for permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) control to reduce the switching loss, computation time and enhance transient performance in the available state–of–the-art e–drive systems. The thesis converges on AI– and ML–based control for e–drives to enhance the performance by focusing in reducing switching loss using ANN–based modulation technique for GaN–based inverter and improving transient performance of PMSM by incorporating ML–based parameter independent controller

    Otimização de parâmetros de projeto de amortecedores de massa sintonizados para controle de vibrações em passarelas metálicas

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    O projeto de estruturas mais resistentes e econômicas é um fator importante para a indústria, e a constante evolução tecnológica permite aprimorar a forma como se projeta. Na área de construção civil, em especial de passarelas, uma das principais preocupações é a minimização de vibrações provenientes de carregamentos dinâmicos como o tráfego de pedestres e de veículos, ventos, sismos, etc. Esses carregamentos podem colocar em risco tanto a estabilidade da estrutura quanto a segurança dos pedestres. Para minimizar a amplitude das vibrações, uma das alternativas é a instalação de dispositivos de controle, como o amortecedor de massa sintonizado (AMS). Sendo um sistema passivo, o AMS não necessita controle externo, e sua estrutura simples facilita a instalação e diminui custos com manutenção. Mesmo com elevada capacidade de redução de vibrações, é possível melhorar a eficiência de AMSs por meio da otimização de seus parâmetros. Neste contexto, o processo de otimização realizado neste trabalho tem por objetivo reduzir a resposta dinâmica de duas passarelas submetidas à carga de pedestres, por meio da instalação de AMSs. Para isso, definiram-se dois parâmetros como variáveis de projeto: a rigidez e a constante de amortecimento dos AMSs. Com os parâmetros obtidos pelo algoritmo de otimização, o Backtracking Search Optimization Algorithm (BSA), determinam-se as respostas dinâmicas otimizadas das estruturas. Foram estudados três casos de otimização para cada passarela, considerando 1, 2 e 3 AMSs posicionados nos nós centrais dessas estruturas. Para a passarela Warren, as reduções por otimização foram em torno de 15%, 40% e 50% maiores em relação ao dimensionamento sem otimização, em termos de deslocamento, velocidade e aceleração, respectivamente. Para a passarela Pratt essas reduções foram acima de 20%, 10% e 5%. Os resultados demonstram a efetividade do método proposto, visto que foi capaz de otimizar os parâmetros dos AMSs, reduzindo a resposta dinâmica das estruturas e assim minimizando os efeitos de vibração sobre as passarelas, o que por sua vez reduz o risco de falhas estruturais. Além disso, após a otimização, a resposta em termos de aceleração se situou dentro da faixa estabelecida nas normas consultadas, o que garante, além da segurança, também o conforto dos pedestres.The design of more resistant and economical structures is an important factor for the industry, and the constant technological evolution allows to improve the way it is projected. In the area of civil construction, especially structures as footbridges, one of the main concerns is the minimization of vibrations from dynamic loads such as pedestrian and vehicle traffic, winds, earthquakes, among others. Such loads can endanger both the stability of the structure and the safety of pedestrians. To reduce vibration amplitudes, one of the alternatives is the installation of control devices, such as the tuned mass damper (TMD). As a passive system, the TMD does not require external control, and its simple construction structure facilitates installation and reduces maintenance costs. Even with high vibration reduction capacity, it is possible to improve the efficiency of TMDs by optimizing their design parameters. In this context, the optimization process performed in this work aims to reduce the dynamic response of two footbridges under pedestrian load, through the installation of TMDs. For this, two parameters were defined as design variables: stiffness and damping coefficient of the TMDs. With the parameters obtained by the optimization algorithm, the Backtracking Search Optimization Algorithm (BSA), the optimized dynamic responses of the structures are determined. Three optimization cases were studied for each footbridge, considering 1, 2 and 3 TMDs positioned in the central nodes of these structures. For the Warren footbridge, optimization reduced dynamic response above 15%, 40% and 50% more than non-optimized TMDs, in terms of displacement, speed and acceleration, respectively. For the Pratt footbridge, these reductions were above 20%, 10% and 5% higher. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, since it was able to optimize the parameters of the AMSs, reducing the dynamic response of the structures and thus minimizing the effects of vibration on the footbridges, which in turn reduces the risk of structural failures. In addition, after optimization, the response in terms of acceleration was within the range established in the consulted standards, which guarantees, in addition to safety, also pedestrian comfort