2,684 research outputs found

    A Radial Basis Function and Semantic Learning Space Based Composite Learning Approach to Image Retrieval

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    This paper introduces a composite learning approach for image retrieval with relevance feedback. The proposed system combines the radial basis function (RBF) based low-level learning and the semantic learning space (SLS) based high-level learning to retrieve the desired images with fewer than 3 feedback steps. User’s relevance feedback is utilized for updating both low-level and high-level features of the query image. Specifically, the RBF-based learning captures the non-linear relationship between the low-level features and the semantic meaning of an image. The SLS-based learning stores semantic features of each database image using randomly chosen semantic basis images. The similarity score is computed as the weighted combination of normalized similarity scores yielded from both RBF and SLS learning. Extensive experiments evaluate the performance of the proposed approach and demonstrate our system achieves higher retrieval accuracy than peer systems. Index Terms — Radial basis function, semanti

    Siamese Instance Search for Tracking

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    In this paper we present a tracker, which is radically different from state-of-the-art trackers: we apply no model updating, no occlusion detection, no combination of trackers, no geometric matching, and still deliver state-of-the-art tracking performance, as demonstrated on the popular online tracking benchmark (OTB) and six very challenging YouTube videos. The presented tracker simply matches the initial patch of the target in the first frame with candidates in a new frame and returns the most similar patch by a learned matching function. The strength of the matching function comes from being extensively trained generically, i.e., without any data of the target, using a Siamese deep neural network, which we design for tracking. Once learned, the matching function is used as is, without any adapting, to track previously unseen targets. It turns out that the learned matching function is so powerful that a simple tracker built upon it, coined Siamese INstance search Tracker, SINT, which only uses the original observation of the target from the first frame, suffices to reach state-of-the-art performance. Further, we show the proposed tracker even allows for target re-identification after the target was absent for a complete video shot.Comment: This paper is accepted to the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 201

    Image Retrieval Method Combining Bayes and SVM Classifier Based on Relevance Feedback with Application to Small-scale Datasets

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    A vast amount of images has been generated due to the diversity and digitalization of devices for image acquisition. However, the gap between low-level visual features and high-level semantic representations has been a major concern that hinders retrieval accuracy. A retrieval method based on the transfer learning model and the relevance feedback technique was formulated in this study to optimize the dynamic trade-off between the structural complexity and retrieval performance of the small- and medium-scale content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system. First, the pretrained deep learning model was fine-tuned to extract features from target datasets. Then, the target dataset was clustered into the relative and irrelative image library by exploring the Bayes classifier. Next, the support vector machine (SVM) classifier was used to retrieve similar images in the relative library. Finally, the relevance feedback technique was employed to update the parameters of both classifiers iteratively until the request for the retrieval was met. Results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves 95.87% in classification index F1 - Score, which surpasses that of the suboptimal approach DCNN-BSVM by 6.76%. The performance of the proposed method is superior to that of other approaches considering retrieval criteria as average precision, average recall, and mean average precision. The study indicates that the Bayes + SVM combined classifier accomplishes the optimal quantities more efficiently than only either Bayes or SVM classifier under the transfer learning framework. Transfer learning skillfully excels training from scratch considering the feature extraction modes. This study provides a certain reference for other insights on applications of small- and medium-scale CBIR systems with inadequate samples

    Recuperação e identificação de momentos em imagens

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    In our modern society almost anyone is able to capture moments and record events due to the ease accessibility to smartphones. This leads to the question, if we record so much of our life how can we easily retrieve specific moments? The answer to this question would open the door for a big leap in human life quality. The possibilities are endless, from trivial problems like finding a photo of a birthday cake to being capable of analyzing the progress of mental illnesses in patients or even tracking people with infectious diseases. With so much data being created everyday, the answer to this question becomes more complex. There is no stream lined approach to solve the problem of moment localization in a large dataset of images and investigations into this problem have only started a few years ago. ImageCLEF is one competition where researchers participate and try to achieve new and better results in the task of moment retrieval. This complex problem, along with the interest in participating in the ImageCLEF Lifelog Moment Retrieval Task posed a good challenge for the development of this dissertation. The proposed solution consists in developing a system capable of retriving images automatically according to specified moments described in a corpus of text without any sort of user interaction and using only state-of-the-art image and text processing methods. The developed retrieval system achieves this objective by extracting and categorizing relevant information from text while being able to compute a similarity score with the extracted labels from the image processing stage. In this way, the system is capable of telling if images are related to the specified moment in text and therefore able to retrieve the pictures accordingly. In the ImageCLEF Life Moment Retrieval 2020 subtask the proposed automatic retrieval system achieved a score of 0.03 in the F1-measure@10 evaluation methodology. Even though this scores are not competitve when compared to other teams systems scores, the built system presents a good baseline for future work.Na sociedade moderna, praticamente qualquer pessoa consegue capturar momentos e registar eventos devido à facilidade de acesso a smartphones. Isso leva à questão, se registamos tanto da nossa vida, como podemos facilmente recuperar momentos específicos? A resposta a esta questão abriria a porta para um grande salto na qualidade da vida humana. As possibilidades são infinitas, desde problemas triviais como encontrar a foto de um bolo de aniversário até ser capaz de analisar o progresso de doenças mentais em pacientes ou mesmo rastrear pessoas com doenças infecciosas. Com tantos dados a serem criados todos os dias, a resposta a esta pergunta torna-se mais complexa. Não existe uma abordagem linear para resolver o problema da localização de momentos num grande conjunto de imagens e investigações sobre este problema começaram há apenas poucos anos. O ImageCLEF é uma competição onde investigadores participam e tentam alcançar novos e melhores resultados na tarefa de recuperação de momentos a cada ano. Este problema complexo, em conjunto com o interesse em participar na tarefa ImageCLEF Lifelog Moment Retrieval, apresentam-se como um bom desafio para o desenvolvimento desta dissertação. A solução proposta consiste num sistema capaz de recuperar automaticamente imagens de momentos descritos em formato de texto, sem qualquer tipo de interação de um utilizador, utilizando apenas métodos estado da arte de processamento de imagem e texto. O sistema de recuperação desenvolvido alcança este objetivo através da extração e categorização de informação relevante de texto enquanto calcula um valor de similaridade com os rótulos extraídos durante a fase de processamento de imagem. Dessa forma, o sistema consegue dizer se as imagens estão relacionadas ao momento especificado no texto e, portanto, é capaz de recuperar as imagens de acordo. Na subtarefa ImageCLEF Life Moment Retrieval 2020, o sistema de recuperação automática de imagens proposto alcançou uma pontuação de 0.03 na metodologia de avaliação F1-measure@10. Mesmo que estas pontuações não sejam competitivas quando comparadas às pontuações de outros sistemas de outras equipas, o sistema construído apresenta-se como uma boa base para trabalhos futuros.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Effective Graph-Based Content--Based Image Retrieval Systems for Large-Scale and Small-Scale Image Databases

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    This dissertation proposes two novel manifold graph-based ranking systems for Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). The two proposed systems exploit the synergism between relevance feedback-based transductive short-term learning and semantic feature-based long-term learning to improve retrieval performance. Proposed systems first apply the active learning mechanism to construct users\u27 relevance feedback log and extract high-level semantic features for each image. These systems then create manifold graphs by incorporating both the low-level visual similarity and the high-level semantic similarity to achieve more meaningful structures for the image space. Finally, asymmetric relevance vectors are created to propagate relevance scores of labeled images to unlabeled images via manifold graphs. The extensive experimental results demonstrate two proposed systems outperform the other state-of-the-art CBIR systems in the context of both correct and erroneous users\u27 feedback

    Annotate and retrieve in vivo images using hybrid self-organizing map

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    Multimodal retrieval has gained much attention lately due to its effectiveness over uni-modal retrieval. For instance, visual features often under-constrain the description of an image in content-based retrieval; however, another modality, such as collateral text, can be introduced to abridge the semantic gap and make the retrieval process more efficient. This article proposes the application of cross-modal fusion and retrieval on real in vivo gastrointestinal images and linguistic cues, as the visual features alone are insufficient for image description and to assist gastroenterologists. So, a cross-modal information retrieval approach has been proposed to retrieve related images given text and vice versa while handling the heterogeneity gap issue among the modalities. The technique comprises two stages: (1) individual modality feature learning; and (2) fusion of two trained networks. In the first stage, two self-organizing maps (SOMs) are trained separately using images and texts, which are clustered in the respective SOMs based on their similarity. In the second (fusion) stage, the trained SOMs are integrated using an associative network to enable cross-modal retrieval. The underlying learning techniques of the associative network include Hebbian learning and Oja learning (Improved Hebbian learning). The introduced framework can annotate images with keywords and illustrate keywords with images, and it can also be extended to incorporate more diverse modalities. Extensive experimentation has been performed on real gastrointestinal images obtained from a known gastroenterologist that have collateral keywords with each image. The obtained results proved the efficacy of the algorithm and its significance in aiding gastroenterologists in quick and pertinent decision making