7 research outputs found

    Utilising pair programming to enhance the performance of slow-paced students on introductory programming

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    Due to its high failure rate, Introductory Programming has become a main concern. One of the main issues is the incapability of slow-paced students to cope up with given programming materials. This paper proposes a learning technique which utilises pair programming to help slow-paced students on Introductory Programming; each slow-paced student is paired with a fast-paced student and the latter is encouraged to teach the former as a part of grading system. An evaluation regarding that technique has been conducted on three undergraduate classes from an Indonesian university for the second semester of 2018. According to the evaluation, the use of pair programming may help both slow-paced and fast-paced students. Nevertheless, it may not significantly affect individual academic performancePeer Reviewe

    Combining program visualization with programming workspace to assist students for completing programming laboratory task

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    Numerous Program Visualization tools (PVs) have been developed for assisting novice students to understand their source code further. However, none of them are practical to be used in the context of completing programming laboratory task; students are required to keep switching between PV and programming workspace since PV’s features are considerably limited for developing programming solution from scratch. This paper combines PV with programming workspace to handle such issue. Resulted tool (which is named PITON) has 13 features extracted from PythonTutor (a program visualization tool), PyCharm (a programming workspace), and student’s feedbacks about PythonTutor. According to think-aloud and user study, PITON is more practical to be used than a combination of PythonTutor and PyCharm. Further, its features are considerably helpful; students rated these features as useful and frequently usedPeer Reviewe

    An Embedding Technique for Language-Independent Lecturer-Oriented Program Visualization

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    Nowadays, programming is a promising skill to be learned; the demand of programmer is increased. To align with such trend, several Program Visualization (PV) tools have been developed. Using such tool, user can learn how a particular program works through interactive and descriptive visualization. However, most of the tools are language-dependent: they use either language-dependent debugger or code to generate visualization. Such dependency may become a problem when a program written in new programming language is incorporated. Therefore, this paper proposes an embedding technique to handle given issue. To incorporate new programming language, it only needs five language-dependent features to be set. In general, our proposed technique works in threefold: embedding some statements to target program, generating visualization states by running the program with console commands, and visualizing given program based on generated visualization states. According to our evaluation, proposed technique is able to incorporate program written in any programming languages as long as those languages provide required language-dependent features. Further, it is practical to be used since it still have the benefits of conventional PV even though it is designed as a language-independent PV

    A Quasi-Experimental Design to Evaluate the Use of PythonTutor on Programming Laboratory Session

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    Abstract—Educational tool is one of the prominent solutions for aiding students to learn course material in Information Technology (IT) domain. However, most of them are not used in practice since they do not properly fit student necessity. This paper evaluates the impact of an educational tool, namely PythonTutor, for completing programming laboratory task regarding data structure materials. Such evaluation will be conducted in one semester by implementing a quasi-experimental design. As a result, six findings can be deducted which are: 1) PythonTutor might positively affect student performance when the students have used such tool before; 2) Sometimes, student perspective regarding the impact of educational tool is not always in-sync with actual laboratory result; 3) the impact of PythonTutor might be improved when similar data representation is used consequently for several weeks; 4) the correlation between the use of PythonTutor and student performance might not be significant when the control and intervened group share completely different characteristics; 5) the students might experience some difficulties when they are asked to handle a big task for the first time; and 6) the students might be able to complete a particular weekly task with a promising result if the students have understood the material well

    A Quasi-Experimental Design to Evaluate the Use of PythonTutor on Programming Laboratory Session

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    Abstract—Educational tool is one of the prominent solutions for aiding students to learn course material in Information Technology (IT) domain. However, most of them are not used in practice since they do not properly fit student necessity. This paper evaluates the impact of an educational tool, namely PythonTutor, for completing programming laboratory task regarding data structure materials. Such evaluation will be conducted in one semester by implementing a quasi-experimental design. As a result, six findings can be deducted which are: 1) PythonTutor might positively affect student performance when the students have used such tool before; 2) Sometimes, student perspective regarding the impact of educational tool is not always in-sync with actual laboratory result; 3) the impact of PythonTutor might be improved when similar data representation is used consequently for several weeks; 4) the correlation between the use of PythonTutor and student performance might not be significant when the control and intervened group share completely different characteristics; 5) the students might experience some difficulties when they are asked to handle a big task for the first time; and 6) the students might be able to complete a particular weekly task with a promising result if the students have understood the material well

    A Quasi-Experimental Design to Evaluate the Use of PythonTutor on Programming Laboratory Session

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    Implementación de la metodología PDCA para mejorar la calidad del servicio, empresa Caramelo & Chocolate S.A.C., Lima 2020

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    En el presente proyecto de investigación cuyo nombre por título tiene “IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE LA METODOLOGÍA PDCA PARA MEJORAR LA CALIDAD DEL SERVICIO, EMPRESA CARAMELO & CHOCOLATE S.A.C., LIMA 2020” tiene por objetivo principal comprobar cómo, mediante con la aplicación de la metodología PDCA (Ciclo de Deming), se obtendrá la mejora en la calidad del servicio. El presente estudio abordó un enfoque de investigación cuantitativo, diseño cuasi experimental y nivel explicativo; el instrumento encargado de medir la variable dependiente, fue la “metodología PDCA” (Plan-Do-Check-Act), el caso de esta variable dependiente “calidad del servicio”, se desarrollaron fórmulas relacionadas con la “capacidad de respuesta” y la “satisfacción al cliente”, cuyos resultados se presentan en tablas y gráficos. Entre los principales resultados se tiene que, tras la implementación de la metodología PDCA, hubo una mejora en la calidad del servicio, pues al medirla antes de la implementación (pre test), tenía el valor de 89.39%. Así mismo, al proceder a medirla luego de realizar la implementación (post test), se obtuvo como resultado un valor del 96.86%. Con ello se puede precisar como principal conclusión, que tras el empleo de la metodología PDCA, se logró una mejora en la calidad del servicio de un 7.47%