2,764 research outputs found

    A Bio-Polymer Transistor: Electrical Amplification by Microtubules

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    Microtubules (MTs) are important cytoskeletal structures, engaged in a number of specific cellular activities, including vesicular traffic, cell cyto-architecture and motility, cell division, and information processing within neuronal processes. MTs have also been implicated in higher neuronal functions, including memory, and the emergence of "consciousness". How MTs handle and process electrical information, however, is heretofore unknown. Here we show new electrodynamic properties of MTs. Isolated, taxol-stabilized microtubules behave as bio-molecular transistors capable of amplifying electrical information. Electrical amplification by MTs can lead to the enhancement of dynamic information, and processivity in neurons can be conceptualized as an "ionic-based" transistor, which may impact among other known functions, neuronal computational capabilities.Comment: This is the final submitted version. The published version should be downloaded from Biophysical Journa

    Open-ended evolution to discover analogue circuits for beyond conventional applications

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10710-012-9163-8. Copyright @ Springer 2012.Analogue circuits synthesised by means of open-ended evolutionary algorithms often have unconventional designs. However, these circuits are typically highly compact, and the general nature of the evolutionary search methodology allows such designs to be used in many applications. Previous work on the evolutionary design of analogue circuits has focused on circuits that lie well within analogue application domain. In contrast, our paper considers the evolution of analogue circuits that are usually synthesised in digital logic. We have developed four computational circuits, two voltage distributor circuits and a time interval metre circuit. The approach, despite its simplicity, succeeds over the design tasks owing to the employment of substructure reuse and incremental evolution. Our findings expand the range of applications that are considered suitable for evolutionary electronics

    Entwicklung einer berührungslosen EEG-Mütze mittels kapazitiver Elektroden

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    Non-contact capacitive electrodes for bioelectric diagnostics provide an interesting alternative to classical galvanically coupled electrodes. Such a low cost diagnostic system can be applied without preparation time and in mobile wireless environments. For even higher user comfort textile capacitive electrodes are preferable. In this work, a comprehensive model for the electronic noise properties and frequency dependent responses of PCB-based, as well as textile non-contact capacitive electrodes, is presented. A thorough study of the influence of the electrical components on the resulting noise properties of these electrodes, is provided by independently measuring the corresponding noise spectra. The most important low frequency noise source of capacitive electrode is the necessary high input bias resistance. By comparing the noise measurements with the theoretical noise model of the electrode, it is concluded that the surface of the electrode contributes to an additional 1/f-power noise. It is also found that the highest possible coupling capacitance is most favorable for low noise behavior. Therefore, we implemented electrodes with electrically conducting fabric surfaces. With these electrodes, it is possible to enlarge the surface of the electrode while simultaneously maintaining a small distance between the body and the electrode over the whole surface area, thus maximizing the capacitance. We also show that the use of textile capacitive electrodes, reduces the noise considerably. Furthermore, this thesis describes the construction of a capacitive non-contact textile electroencephalography measuring hat (cEEG hat) with seven measuring channels. This hat benefits from the low noise characteristics of the integrated developed textile capacitive electrodes. The measured noise spectrum of this cEEG hat shows low noise characteristics at low frequencies. This fulfills many requirements for measuring brain signals. The implemented cEEG hat is comfortable to wear during very long measurements and even during sleep periods. In contrast to common methods, the cEEG hat provides a possibility of measuring EEG signal during sleep outside laboratories and in the comfort of home. EEG sleep measurements shown in this work, are recorded inside a normal apartment. The possibility of brain computer interface application is also shown by measuring steady state visually evoked potentials (SSVEP) at different frequencies.Berührungslose, kapazitive Elektroden für bioelekrische Untersuchungen stellen eine interessante Alternative zu klassischen galvanisch gekoppelten Elektroden dar. Ein solches preisgünstiges Diagnosesystem kann ohne lange Vorbereitungszeit und in mobilen Umgebungen eingesetzt werden. Für gesteigerten Tragekomfort sind textile Elektroden von Vorteil. In dieser Arbeit wird eine umfassende Beschreibung der elektronischen Rauscheigenschaften und des frequenzabhängigen Verhaltens von sowohl platinenbasierten, als auch textilen kapazitiven Elektroden vorgestellt. Die Einflüsse aller elektronischen Komponenten auf die resultierenden Rauscheigenschaften werden durch Messungen der entsprechenden Rauschspektren untersucht. Die wichtigste niederfrequente Rauschquelle kapazitiver Elektroden stellt der notwendige und zugleich hohe Bias-Eingangswiderstand dar. Durch Vergleich der gemessenen Rauschspektren mit dem theoretischen Modell wird die Oberfläche der Elektroden als eine zusätzliche 1/f-Rauschquelle identifiziert. Dabei ist die größtmögliche Kopplungskapazität vorteilhaft für ein niedriges Rauschen. Deshalb setzen wir im Folgenden Elektroden aus elektrisch leitfähigen Textilien ein. Mit diesen Elektroden ist es möglich, die Oberfläche der Elektrode unter gleichzeitiger Beibehaltung eines kleinen Abstandes zum Körper zu vergrößern. Dies maximiert wiederum die Kapazität. Wir zeigen zudem, dass die Verwendung textiler kapazitiver Elektroden die Rauscheigenschaften deutlich verbessert. Desweiteren wird in dieser Arbeit die Konstruktion eines kapazitiven, berührungslosen EEG-Helmes (cEEG-Mütze) mit sieben Kanälen beschrieben. Dieser Helm profitiert von den guten Rauscheigenschaften der zuvor entwickelten und hier integrierten textilen Elektroden. Die gemessenen Rauschspektren zeigen ein niedriges Rauschen im unteren Frequenzbereich. Dies erfüllt viele Voraussetzungen für die Messung von Gehirnsignalen. Die erstellte cEEG-Mütze lässt sich während langer Messzeiten und Schlafperioden angenehm tragen. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Methoden ermöglicht sie Messungen außerhalb von Laboratorien und im gewohnten Umfeld. Alle in dieser Arbeit gezeigten Schlafmessungen wurden in einer normalen Wohnung aufgezeichnet. Außerdem wird die Einsatzmöglichkeit für sogenannte ”Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstellen” anhand der Messung von ”steady state visually evoked potentials” (SSVEP) Signalen bei verschiedenen Frequenzen demonstriert

    An Energy-Efficient, Dynamic Voltage Scaling Neural Stimulator for a Proprioceptive Prosthesis

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    Wired, wireless and wearable bioinstrumentation for high-precision recording of bioelectrical signals in bidirectional neural interfaces

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    It is widely accepted by the scientific community that bioelectrical signals, which can be used for the identification of neurophysiological biomarkers indicative of a diseased or pathological state, could direct patient treatment towards more effective therapeutic strategies. However, the design and realisation of an instrument that can precisely record weak bioelectrical signals in the presence of strong interference stemming from a noisy clinical environment is one of the most difficult challenges associated with the strategy of monitoring bioelectrical signals for diagnostic purposes. Moreover, since patients often have to cope with the problem of limited mobility being connected to bulky and mains-powered instruments, there is a growing demand for small-sized, high-performance and ambulatory biopotential acquisition systems in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and in High-dependency wards. Furthermore, electrical stimulation of specific target brain regions has been shown to alleviate symptoms of neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, dystonia, epilepsy etc. In recent years, the traditional practice of continuously stimulating the brain using static stimulation parameters has shifted to the use of disease biomarkers to determine the intensity and timing of stimulation. The main motivation behind closed-loop stimulation is minimization of treatment side effects by providing only the necessary stimulation required within a certain period of time, as determined from a guiding biomarker. Hence, it is clear that high-quality recording of local field potentials (LFPs) or electrocorticographic (ECoG) signals during deep brain stimulation (DBS) is necessary to investigate the instantaneous brain response to stimulation, minimize time delays for closed-loop neurostimulation and maximise the available neural data. To our knowledge, there are no commercial, small, battery-powered, wearable and wireless recording-only instruments that claim the capability of recording ECoG signals, which are of particular importance in closed-loop DBS and epilepsy DBS. In addition, existing recording systems lack the ability to provide artefact-free high-frequency (> 100 Hz) LFP recordings during DBS in real time primarily because of the contamination of the neural signals of interest by the stimulation artefacts. To address the problem of limited mobility often encountered by patients in the clinic and to provide a wide variety of high-precision sensor data to a closed-loop neurostimulation platform, a low-noise (8 nV/√Hz), eight-channel, battery-powered, wearable and wireless multi-instrument (55 × 80 mm2) was designed and developed. The performance of the realised instrument was assessed by conducting both ex vivo and in vivo experiments. The combination of desirable features and capabilities of this instrument, namely its small size (~one business card), its enhanced recording capabilities, its increased processing capabilities, its manufacturability (since it was designed using discrete off-the-shelf components), the wide bandwidth it offers (0.5 – 500 Hz) and the plurality of bioelectrical signals it can precisely record, render it a versatile tool to be utilized in a wide range of applications and environments. Moreover, in order to offer the capability of sensing and stimulating via the same electrode, novel real-time artefact suppression methods that could be used in bidirectional (recording and stimulation) system architectures are proposed and validated. More specifically, a novel, low-noise and versatile analog front-end (AFE), which uses a high-order (8th) analog Chebyshev notch filter to suppress the artefacts originating from the stimulation frequency, is presented. After defining the system requirements for concurrent LFP recording and DBS artefact suppression, the performance of the realised AFE is assessed by conducting both in vitro and in vivo experiments using unipolar and bipolar DBS (monophasic pulses, amplitude ranging from 3 to 6 V peak-to-peak, frequency 140 Hz and pulse width 100 µs). Under both in vitro and in vivo experimental conditions, the proposed AFE provided real-time, low-noise and artefact-free LFP recordings (in the frequency range 0.5 – 250 Hz) during stimulation. Finally, a family of tunable hardware filter designs and a novel method for real-time artefact suppression that enables wide-bandwidth biosignal recordings during stimulation are also presented. This work paves the way for the development of miniaturized research tools for closed-loop neuromodulation that use a wide variety of bioelectrical signals as control signals.Open Acces

    Advanced sensors technology survey

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    This project assesses the state-of-the-art in advanced or 'smart' sensors technology for NASA Life Sciences research applications with an emphasis on those sensors with potential applications on the space station freedom (SSF). The objectives are: (1) to conduct literature reviews on relevant advanced sensor technology; (2) to interview various scientists and engineers in industry, academia, and government who are knowledgeable on this topic; (3) to provide viewpoints and opinions regarding the potential applications of this technology on the SSF; and (4) to provide summary charts of relevant technologies and centers where these technologies are being developed

    An Adaptive Event-based Data Converter for Always-on Biomedical Applications at the Edge

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    Typical bio-signal processing front-ends are designed to maximize the quality of the recorded data, to allow faithful reproduction of the signal for monitoring and off-line processing. This leads to designs that have relatively large area and power consumption figures. However, wearable devices for always-on biomedical applications do not necessarily require to reproduce highly accurate recordings of bio-signals, provided their end-to-end classification or anomaly detection performance is not compromised. Within this context, we propose an adaptive Asynchronous Delta Modulator (ADM) circuit designed to encode signals with an event-based representation optimally suited for low-power on-line spiking neural network processors. The novel aspect of this work is the adaptive thresholding feature of the ADM, which allows the circuit to modulate and minimize the rate of events produced with the amplitude and noise characteristics of the signal. We describe the circuit's basic mode of operation, we validate it with experimental results, and characterize the new circuits that endow it with its adaptive thresholding properties

    A high-performance 8 nV/root Hz 8-channel wearable and wireless system for real-time monitoring of bioelectrical signals

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    Background: It is widely accepted by the scientific community that bioelectrical signals, which can be used for the identification of neurophysiological biomarkers indicative of a diseased or pathological state, could direct patient treatment towards more effective therapeutic strategies. However, the design and realisation of an instrument that can precisely record weak bioelectrical signals in the presence of strong interference stemming from a noisy clinical environment is one of the most difficult challenges associated with the strategy of monitoring bioelectrical signals for diagnostic purposes. Moreover, since patients often have to cope with the problem of limited mobility being connected to bulky and mains-powered instruments, there is a growing demand for small-sized, high-performance and ambulatory biopotential acquisition systems in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and in High-dependency wards. Finally, to the best of our knowledge, there are no commercial, small, battery-powered, wearable and wireless recording-only instruments that claim the capability of recording electrocorticographic (ECoG) signals. Methods: To address this problem, we designed and developed a low-noise (8 nV/√Hz), eight-channel, battery-powered, wearable and wireless instrument (55 × 80 mm2). The performance of the realised instrument was assessed by conducting both ex vivo and in vivo experiments. Results: To provide ex vivo proof-of-function, a wide variety of high-quality bioelectrical signal recordings are reported, including electroencephalographic (EEG), electromyographic (EMG), electrocardiographic (ECG), acceleration signals, and muscle fasciculations. Low-noise in vivo recordings of weak local field potentials (LFPs), which were wirelessly acquired in real time using segmented deep brain stimulation (DBS) electrodes implanted in the thalamus of a non-human primate, are also presented. Conclusions: The combination of desirable features and capabilities of this instrument, namely its small size (~one business card), its enhanced recording capabilities, its increased processing capabilities, its manufacturability (since it was designed using discrete off-the-shelf components), the wide bandwidth it offers (0.5 – 500 Hz) and the plurality of bioelectrical signals it can precisely record, render it a versatile and reliable tool to be utilized in a wide range of applications and environments