57 research outputs found

    Bundle methods in nonsmooth DC optimization

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    Due to the complexity of many practical applications, we encounter optimization problems with nonsmooth functions, that is, functions which are not continuously differentiable everywhere. Classical gradient-based methods are not applicable to solve such problems, since they may fail in the nonsmooth setting. Therefore, it is imperative to develop numerical methods specifically designed for nonsmooth optimization. To date, bundle methods are considered to be the most efficient and reliable general purpose solvers for this type of problems. The idea in bundle methods is to approximate the subdifferential of the objective function by a bundle of subgradients. This information is then used to build a model for the objective. However, this model is typically convex and, due to this, it may be inaccurate and unable to adequately reflect the behaviour of the objective function in the nonconvex case. These circumstances motivate to design new bundle methods based on nonconvex models of the objective function. In this dissertation, the main focus is on nonsmooth DC optimization that constitutes an important and broad subclass of nonconvex optimization problems. A DC function can be presented as a difference of two convex functions. Thus, we can obtain a model that utilizes explicitly both the convexity and concavity of the objective by approximating separately the convex and concave parts. This way we end up with a nonconvex DC model describing the problem more accurately than the convex one. Based on the new DC model we introduce three different bundle methods. Two of them are designed for unconstrained DC optimization and the third one is capable of solving also multiobjective and constrained DC problems. The finite convergence is proved for each method. The numerical results demonstrate the efficiency of the methods and show the benefits obtained from the utilization of the DC decomposition. Even though the usage of the DC decomposition can improve the performance of the bundle methods, it is not always available or possible to construct. Thus, we present another bundle method for a general objective function implicitly collecting information about the DC structure. This method is developed for large-scale nonsmooth optimization and its convergence is proved for semismooth functions. The efficiency of the method is shown with numerical results. As an application of the developed methods, we consider the clusterwise linear regression (CLR) problems. By applying the support vector machines (SVM) approach a new model for these problems is proposed. The objective in the new formulation of the CLR problem is expressed as a DC function and a method based on one of the presented bundle methods is designed to solve it. Numerical results demonstrate robustness of the new approach to outliers.Monissa käytännön sovelluksissa tarkastelun kohteena oleva ongelma on monimutkainen ja joudutaan näin ollen mallintamaan epäsileillä funktioilla, jotka eivät välttämättä ole jatkuvasti differentioituvia kaikkialla. Klassisia gradienttiin perustuvia optimointimenetelmiä ei voida käyttää epäsileisiin tehtäviin, sillä epäsileillä funktioilla ei ole olemassa klassista gradienttia kaikkialla. Näin ollen epäsileään optimointiin on välttämätöntä kehittää omia numeerisia ratkaisumenetelmiä. Näistä kimppumenetelmiä pidetään tällä hetkellä kaikista tehokkaimpina ja luotettavimpina yleismenetelminä kyseisten tehtävien ratkaisemiseksi. Ideana kimppumenetelmissä on approksimoida kohdefunktion alidifferentiaalia kimpulla, joka on muodostettu keräämällä kohdefunktion aligradientteja edellisiltä iteraatiokierroksilta. Tätä tietoa hyödyntämällä voidaan muodostaa kohdefunktiolle malli, joka on alkuperäistä tehtävää helpompi ratkaista. Käytetty malli on tyypillisesti konveksi ja näin ollen se voi olla epätarkka ja kykenemätön esittämään alkuperäisen tehtävän rakennetta epäkonveksissa tapauksessa. Tästä syystä väitöskirjassa keskitytään kehittämään uusia kimppumenetelmiä, jotka mallinnusvaiheessa muodostavat kohdefunktiolle epäkonveksin mallin. Pääpaino väitöskirjassa on epäsileissä optimointitehtävissä, joissa funktiot voidaan esittää kahden konveksin funktion erotuksena (difference of two convex functions). Kyseisiä funktioita kutsutaan DC-funktioiksi ja ne muodostavat tärkeän ja laajan epäkonveksien funktioiden osajoukon. Tämä valinta mahdollistaa kohdefunktion konveksisuuden ja konkaavisuuden eksplisiittisen hyödyntämisen, sillä uusi malli kohdefunktiolle muodostetaan yhdistämällä erilliset konveksille ja konkaaville osalle rakennetut mallit. Tällä tavalla päädytään epäkonveksiin DC-malliin, joka pystyy kuvaamaan ratkaistavaa tehtävää tarkemmin kuin konveksi arvio. Väitöskirjassa esitetään kolme erilaista uuden DC-mallin pohjalta kehitettyä kimppumenetelmää sekä todistetaan menetelmien konvergenssit. Kaksi näistä menetelmistä on suunniteltu rajoitteettomaan DC-optimointiin ja kolmannella voidaan ratkaista myös monitavoitteisia ja rajoitteellisia DC-optimointitehtäviä. Numeeriset tulokset havainnollistavat menetelmien tehokkuutta sekä DC-hajotelman käytöstä saatuja etuja. Vaikka DC-hajotelman käyttö voi parantaa kimppumenetelmien suoritusta, sitä ei aina ole saatavilla tai mahdollista muodostaa. Tästä syystä väitöskirjassa esitetään myös neljäs kimppumenetelmä konvergenssitodistuksineen yleiselle kohdefunktiolle, jossa kerätään implisiittisesti tietoa kohdefunktion DC-rakenteesta. Menetelmä on kehitetty erityisesti suurille epäsileille optimointitehtäville ja sen tehokkuus osoitetaan numeerisella testauksella Sovelluksena väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan datalle klustereittain tehtävää lineaarista regressiota (clusterwise linear regression). Kyseiselle sovellukselle muodostetaan uusi malli hyödyntäen koneoppimisessa käytettyä SVM-lähestymistapaa (support vector machines approach) ja saatu kohdefunktio esitetään DC-funktiona. Näin ollen yhtä kehitetyistä kimppumenetelmistä sovelletaan tehtävän ratkaisemiseen. Numeeriset tulokset havainnollistavat uuden lähestymistavan robustisuutta ja tehokkuutta

    Standard Bundle Methods: Untrusted Models and Duality

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    We review the basic ideas underlying the vast family of algorithms for nonsmooth convex optimization known as "bundle methods|. In a nutshell, these approaches are based on constructing models of the function, but lack of continuity of first-order information implies that these models cannot be trusted, not even close to an optimum. Therefore, many different forms of stabilization have been proposed to try to avoid being led to areas where the model is so inaccurate as to result in almost useless steps. In the development of these methods, duality arguments are useful, if not outright necessary, to better analyze the behaviour of the algorithms. Also, in many relevant applications the function at hand is itself a dual one, so that duality allows to map back algorithmic concepts and results into a "primal space" where they can be exploited; in turn, structure in that space can be exploited to improve the algorithms' behaviour, e.g. by developing better models. We present an updated picture of the many developments around the basic idea along at least three different axes: form of the stabilization, form of the model, and approximate evaluation of the function

    An improved partial bundle method for linearly constrained minimax problems

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    Bundle methods for regularized risk minimization with applications to robust learning

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    Supervised learning in general and regularized risk minimization in particular is about solving optimization problem which is jointly defined by a performance measure and a set of labeled training examples. The outcome of learning, a model, is then used mainly for predicting the labels for unlabeled examples in the testing environment. In real-world scenarios: a typical learning process often involves solving a sequence of similar problems with different parameters before a final model is identified. For learning to be successful, the final model must be produced timely, and the model should be robust to (mild) irregularities in the testing environment. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate ways to speed up the learning process and improve the robustness of the learned model. We first develop a batch convex optimization solver specialized to the regularized risk minimization based on standard bundle methods. The solver inherits two main properties of the standard bundle methods. Firstly, it is capable of solving both differentiable and non-differentiable problems, hence its implementation can be reused for different tasks with minimal modification. Secondly, the optimization is easily amenable to parallel and distributed computation settings; this makes the solver highly scalable in the number of training examples. However, unlike the standard bundle methods, the solver does not have extra parameters which need careful tuning. Furthermore, we prove that the solver has faster convergence rate. In addition to that, the solver is very efficient in computing approximate regularization path and model selection. We also present a convex risk formulation for incorporating invariances and prior knowledge into the learning problem. This formulation generalizes many existing approaches for robust learning in the setting of insufficient or noisy training examples and covariate shift. Lastly, we extend a non-convex risk formulation for binary classification to structured prediction. Empirical results show that the model obtained with this risk formulation is robust to outliers in the training examples

    Uncontrolled inexact information within bundle methods

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    International audienceWe consider convex nonsmooth optimization problems where additional information with uncontrolled accuracy is readily available. It is often the case when the objective function is itself the output of an optimization solver, as for large-scale energy optimization problems tackled by decomposition. In this paper, we study how to incorporate the uncontrolled linearizations into (proximal and level) bundle algorithms in view of generating better iterates and possibly accelerating the methods. We provide the convergence analysis of the algorithms using uncontrolled linearizations, and we present numerical illustrations showing they indeed speed up resolution of two stochastic optimization problems coming from energy optimization (two-stage linear problems and chance-constrained problems in reservoir management)

    An inexact conic bundle variant suited to column generation

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    Final version to appear in Mathematical Programming Available in www.springerlink.com DOI 10.1007/s10107-007-0187-4We give a bundle method for constrained convex optimization. Instead of using penalty functions, it shifts iterates towards feasibility, by way of a Slater point, assumed to be known. Besides, the method accepts an oracle delivering function and subgradient values with unknown accuracy. Our approach is motivated by a number of applications in column generation, in which constraints are positively homogeneous -- so that 0 is a natural Slater point -- and an exact oracle may be time consuming. Finally, our convergence analysis employs arguments which have been little used so far in the bundle community. The method is illustrated on a number of cutting-stock problems

    Power management in a hydro-thermal system under uncertainty by Lagrangian relaxation

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    We present a dynamic multistage stochastic programming model for the cost-optimal generation of electric power in a hydro-thermal system under uncertainty in load, inflow to reservoirs and prices for fuel and delivery contracts. The stochastic load process is approximated by a scenario tree obtained by adapting a SARIMA model to historical data, using empirical means and variances of simulated scenarios to construct an initial tree, and reducing it by a scenario deletion procedure based on a suitable probability distance. Our model involves many mixed-integer variables and individual power unit constraints, but relatively few coupling constraints. Hence we employ stochastic Lagrangian relaxation that assigns stochastic multipliers to the coupling constraints. Solving the Lagarangian dual by a proximal bundle method leads to successive decomposition into single thermal and hydro unit subproblems that are solved by dynamic programming and a specialized descent algorithm, respectively. The optimal stochastic multipliers are used in Lagrangian heuristics to construct approximately optimal first stage decisions. Numerical results are presented for realistic data from a German power utility, with a time horizon of one week and scenario numbers ranging from 5 to 100. The corresponding optimization problems have up to 200,000 binary and 350,000 continuous variables, and more than 500,000 constraints

    A two-stage planning model for power scheduling in a hydro-thermal system under uncertainty

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