44 research outputs found

    A pairing-based blind signature scheme with message recovery

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    Blind signatures enable users to obtain valid signatures for a message without revealing its content to the signer. This paper presents a new blind signature scheme, i.e. identity-based blind signature scheme with message recovery. Due to the message recovery property, the new scheme requires less bandwidth than the identity based blind signatures with similar constructions. The scheme is based on modified Weil/Tate pairings over elliptic curves, and thus requires smaller key sizes for the same level of security compared to previous approaches not utilizing bilinear pairings. Security and efficiency analysis for the scheme is provided in this paper

    Partially blind password-based signatures using elliptic curves

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    Password-based signatures allow a user who can only remember a password to create digital signatures with the help of a server, without revealing the messages to be signed to the server. Certain applications require the ability to disclose part of the message to the server. We define partially blind password-based signatures and construct a scheme based that we prove secure, based on a novel computational problem related to computing discrete logarithms. Our scheme is based on Nyberg-Rueppel signatures. We give a variant of Nyberg-Rueppel signatures that we prove secure based on our novel computational problem. Unlike previous password-based signature schemes, our scheme can be instantiated using elliptic curve arithmetic over small prime fields. This is important for many application

    Практические схемы реализации алгоритмов электронной цифровой подписи

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    Проведено порівняльний аналіз асиметричних схем формування ЕЦП, які засновані на проблемі дискретного логарифмування над скінченним полем та еліптичними кривими. На основі проведеного аналізу складена порівняльна таблиця оцінки ефективності використання даних алгоритмів. Описані основні стандарти, такі як DSA, ElGamal, ECDSA, ГОСТ Р 34.10-2001, що базуються на складності вирішення задачі дискретного логарифмування у скінченному полі. Також детально розглянуто криптографічні алгоритми з можливістю відновлення повідомлення при проведенні процедури верифікації цифрового підпису. Аналіз дозволив сформувати переваги і недоліки даних алгоритмів та виділити ефективний алгоритм цифрового підпису на дискретному логарифмі з властивістю відновлення повідомлення.The article provides a comparative analysis of the formation of the asymmetric digital signature schemes based on the discrete logarithm problem over finite fields and elliptic curves. Based on the analysis compiled a comparative table of assessing the efficiency of these algorithms. This paper describes the basic standards, such as DSA, ElGamal, ECDSA, GOST R 34.10-2001, based on the complexity of solving the discrete logarithm problem in a finite field. Also discussed in detail the cryptographic algorithms with the ability to recover the message during the procedure of verification of the digital signature. This analysis helped to formulate the advantages and disadvantages of these algorithms, and an efficient algorithm to allocate the digital signature of the discrete logarithm with property recovery messages.Проведен сравнительный анализ асимметричных схем формирования ЭЦП, основанных на проблеме дискретного логарифмирования над конечным полем и эллиптическими кривыми. На основе проведенного анализа составлена сравнительная таблица оценки эффективности использования данных алгоритмов. Описаны базовые стандарты, такие как DSA, ElGamal, ECDSA, ГОСТ Р 34.10-2001, основанные на сложности решения задачи дискретного логарифмирования в конечном поле. Также подробно рассмотрены криптографические алгоритмы с возможностью восстановления сообщения при проведении процедуры верификации цифровой подписи. Данный анализ позволил сформировать преимущества и недостатки данных алгоритмов и выделить эффективный алгоритм цифровой подписи на базе дискретного логарифма со свойством восстановления сообщения

    Generalized ID-based elgamal signatures and extensions

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2008.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2008.Includes bibliographical references leaves 58-62.ID-based cryptography helps us to simplify key management process in traditional public key infrastructures. Any public information such as the e-mail address, name, etc., can be used as a public key and this solves the problem of obtaining the public key of a party and checking that its certificate is valid. ID-based cryptography has been a very active area of research in cryptography since bilinear pairings were introduced as a cryptographic tool. There have been many proposals for ID-based signatures recently. In this thesis, we introduce the concept of generalized ID-based ElGamal signatures and show that most of the proposed ID-based signature schemes in the literature are special instances of this generalized scheme. We also investigate ID-based signatures providing additional properties. Signature schemes with message recovery provide the feature that the message is recoverable from the signature and hence does not need to be transmitted separately. Blind signatures provide the feature that a user is able to get a signature without giving the actual message to the signer. Finally, signcryption schemes fulfill the job of a digital signature and encryption in a single step with a lower computational cost. We generalize the ID-based signatures providing these properties and obtain numerous new signatures which have not been explored before. The generalized ID-based signatures we described provide a unified framework for ID-based ElGamal signatures and extensions. Additionally, some of our blind signatures turn out to be more efficient than the previously proposed schemes.Kalkan, SaidM.S

    Threshold Kleptographic Attacks on Discrete Logarithm Based Signatures

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    In an \ell out of nn threshold scheme, \ell out of nn members must cooperate to recover a secret. A kleptographic attack is a backdoor which can be implemented in an algorithm and further used to retrieve a user\u27s secret key. We combine the notions of threshold scheme and kleptographic attack to construct the first \ell out of nn threshold kleptographic attack on discrete logarithm based digital signatures and prove its security in the standard and random oracle models


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    The gap between abstract, mathematics-oriented research in cryptography and the engineering approach of designing practical, network security protocols is widening. Network researchers experiment with well-known cryptographic protocols suitable for different network models. On the other hand, researchers inclined toward theory often design cryptographic schemes without considering the practical network constraints. The goal of this dissertation is to address problems in these two challenging areas: building bridges between practical network security protocols and theoretical cryptography. This dissertation presents techniques for building performance sensitive security protocols, using primitives from linear feedback register sequences (LFSR) sequences, for a variety of challenging networking applications. The significant contributions of this thesis are: 1. A common problem faced by large-scale multicast applications, like real-time news feeds, is collecting authenticated feedback from the intended recipients. We design an efficient, scalable, and fault-tolerant technique for combining multiple signed acknowledgments into a single compact one and observe that most signatures (based on the discrete logarithm problem) used in previous protocols do not result in a scalable solution to the problem. 2. We propose a technique to authenticate on-demand source routing protocols in resource-constrained wireless mobile ad-hoc networks. We develop a single-round multisignature that requires no prior cooperation among nodes to construct the multisignature and supports authentication of cached routes. 3. We propose an efficient and scalable aggregate signature, tailored for applications like building efficient certificate chains, authenticating distributed and adaptive content management systems and securing path-vector routing protocols. 4. We observe that blind signatures could form critical building blocks of privacypreserving accountability systems, where an authority needs to vouch for the legitimacy of a message but the ownership of the message should be kept secret from the authority. We propose an efficient blind signature that can serve as a protocol building block for performance sensitive, accountability systems. All special forms digital signatures—aggregate, multi-, and blind signatures—proposed in this dissertation are the first to be constructed using LFSR sequences. Our detailed cost analysis shows that for a desired level of security, the proposed signatures outperformed existing protocols in computation cost, number of communication rounds and storage overhead

    Increased Resilience in Threshold Cryptography: Sharing a Secret with Devices That Cannot Store Shares

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    Threshold cryptography has been used to secure data and control access by sharing a private cryptographic key over different devices. This means that a minimum number of these devices, the threshold t+1t+1, need to be present to use the key. The benefits are increased security, because an adversary can compromise up to tt devices, and resilience, since any subset of t+1t+1 devices is sufficient. Many personal devices are not suitable for threshold schemes, because they do not offer secure storage, which is needed to store shares of the private key. This article presents several protocols in which shares are stored in protected form (possibly externally). This makes them suitable for low-cost devices with a factory-embedded key, e.g., car keys and access cards. All protocols are verifiable through public broadcast, thus without private channels. In addition, distributed key generation does not require all devices to be present

    Privacy-Preserving Protocols for Vehicular Transport Systems

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    La present tesi es centra en la privadesa dels ciutadans com a usuaris de mitjans de transport vehiculars dins del marc d'una e-society. En concret, les contribucions de la tesi es focalitzen en les subcategories d'estacionament de vehicles privats en zones públiques regulades i en la realització de transbordaments entre línies intercomunicades en l'àmbit del transport públic. Una anàlisi acurada de les dades recopilades pels proveedors d'aquests serveis, sobre un determinat usuari, pot proporcionar informació personal sensible com per exemple: horari laboral, professió, hobbies, problemes de salut, tendències polítiques, inclinacions sexuals, etc. Tot i que existeixin lleis, com l'europea GDPR, que obliguin a utilitzar les dades recollides de forma correcta per part dels proveedors de serveis, ja sigui a causa d'un atac informàtic o per una filtració interna, aquestes dades poden ser utilitzades per finalitats il·legals. Per tant, el disseny protocols que garanteixin la privadesa dels ciutadans que formen part d'una e-society esdevé una tasca de gran importància.La presente tesis se centra en la privacidad de los ciudadanos en el transporte vehicular dentro del marco de una e-society. En concreto, las contribuciones de la tesis se centran en las subcategorías de estacionamiento de vehículos privados en zonas públicas reguladas y en la realización de transbordos entre líneas interconectadas en el ámbito del transporte público. Una análisi acurada de los datos recopilados por los proveedores de los servicios, sobre un determinado usuario, puede proporcionar información personal sensible como por ejemplo: horario laboral, profesión, hobbies, problemas de salud, tendencias políticas, inclinaciones sexuales, etc. A pesar que hay leyes, como la europea GDPR, que obligan a usar de forma correcta los datos recopilados por parte de los proveedores de servicios, ya sea por un ataque informático o por una filtración interna, estos datos pueden utilizarse para fines ilegales. Por lo tanto, es vital diseñar protocolos que garanticen la privacidad de los ciudadanos que forman parte de una e-society.This thesis is focused on the privacy of citizens while using vehicular transport systems within an e-society frame. Specifically, the thesis contributes to two subcategories. The first one refers to pay-by-phone systems for parking vehicles in regulated public areas. The second one is about the use of e-tickets in public transport systems allowing transfers between connecting lines. A careful analysis of data collected by service providers can provide sensitive personal information such as: work schedule, profession, hobbies, health problems, political tendencies, sexual inclinations, etc. Although the law, like the European GDPR, requires the correct use of the data collected by service providers, data can be used for illegal purposes after being stolen as a result of a cyber-attack or after being leaked by an internal dishonest employee. Therefore, the design of privacy-preserving solutions for mobility-based services is mandatory in the e-society


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    In large-scale distributed systems, where adversarial attacks can have widespread impact, authentication provides protection from threats involving impersonation of entities and tampering of data. Practical solutions to authentication problems in distributed systems must meet specific constraints of the target system, and provide a reasonable balance between security and cost. The goal of this dissertation is to address the problem of building practical and efficient authentication mechanisms to secure distributed applications. This dissertation presents techniques to construct efficient digital signature schemes using trapdoor hash functions for various distributed applications. Trapdoor hash functions are collision-resistant hash functions associated with a secret trapdoor key that allows the key-holder to find collisions between hashes of different messages. The main contributions of this dissertation are as follows: 1. A common problem with conventional trapdoor hash functions is that revealing a collision producing message pair allows an entity to compute additional collisions without knowledge of the trapdoor key. To overcome this problem, we design an efficient trapdoor hash function that prevents all entities except the trapdoor key-holder from computing collisions regardless of whether collision producing message pairs are revealed by the key-holder. 2. We design a technique to construct efficient proxy signatures using trapdoor hash functions to authenticate and authorize agents acting on behalf of users in agent-based computing systems. Our technique provides agent authentication, assurance of agreement between delegator and agent, security without relying on secure communication channels and control over an agent’s capabilities. 3. We develop a trapdoor hash-based signature amortization technique for authenticating real-time, delay-sensitive streams. Our technique provides independent verifiability of blocks comprising a stream, minimizes sender-side and receiver-side delays, minimizes communication overhead, and avoids transmission of redundant information. 4. We demonstrate the practical efficacy of our trapdoor hash-based techniques for signature amortization and proxy signature construction by presenting discrete log-based instantiations of the generic techniques that are efficient to compute, and produce short signatures. Our detailed performance analyses demonstrate that the proposed schemes outperform existing schemes in computation cost and signature size. We also present proofs for security of the proposed discrete-log based instantiations against forgery attacks under the discrete-log assumption

    SPM: Source Privacy for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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