16 research outputs found

    A proof of the Kahn principle for input/output automata

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    AbstractWe use input/output automata to define a simple and general model of networks of concurrently executing, nondeterministic processes that communicate through unidirectional, named ports. A notion of the input/output relation computed by a process is defined, and determinate processes are defined to be processes whose input/output relations are single-valued. We show that determinate processes compute continuous functions, and that networks of determinate processes obey Kahn's fixed-point principle. Although these results are already known, our contribution lies in the fact that the input/output automata model yields extremely simple proofs of them (the simplest we have seen), in spite of its generality

    Towards a proof of the Kahn principle for linear dynamic networks

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    We consider dynamic Kahn-like data flow networks, i.e. networks consisting of deterministic processes each of which is able to expand into a subnetwork. The Kahn principle states that such networks are deterministic, i.e. that for each network we have that each execution provided with the same input delivers the same output. Moreover, the principle states that the output streams of such networks can be obtained as the smallest fixed point of a suitable operator derived from the network specification. This paper is meant as a first step towards a proof of this principle. For a specific subclass of dynamic networks, linear arrays of processes, we define a transition system yielding an operational semantics which defines the meaning of a net as the set of all possible interleaved executions. We then prove that, although on the execution level there is much nondeterminism, this nondeterminism disappears when viewing the system as a transformation from an input stream to an output stream. This result is obtained from the graph of all computations. For any configuration such a graph can be constructed. All computation sequences that start from this configuration and that are generated by the operational semantics are embedded in it

    Kahn Process Networks and a Reactive Extension

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    Kahn and MacQueen have introduced a generic class of determinate asynchronous data-flow applications, called Kahn Process Networks (KPNs) with an elegant mathematical model and semantics in terms of Scott-continuous functions on data streams together with an implementation model of independent asynchronous sequential programs communicating through FIFO buffers with blocking read and non-blocking write operations. The two are related by the Kahn Principle which states that a realization according to the implementation model behaves as predicted by the mathematical function. Additional steps are required to arrive at an actual implementation of a KPN to take care of scheduling of independent processes on a single processor and to manage communication buffers. Because of the expressiveness of the KPN model, buffer sizes and schedules cannot be determined at design time in general and require dynamic run-time system support. Constraints are discussed that need to be placed on such system support so as to maintain the Kahn Principle.We then discuss a possible extension of the KPN model to include the possibility for sporadic, reactive behavior which is not possible in the standard model. The extended model is called Reactive Process Networks. We introduce its semantics, look at analyzability and at more constrained data-flow models combined with reactive behavior

    Liveness in Timed and Untimed Systems

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    AbstractWhen proving the correctness of algorithms in distributed systems, one generally considerssafetyconditions andlivenessconditions. The Input/Output (I/O) automaton model and its timed version have been used successfully, but have focused on safety conditions and on a restricted form of liveness called fairness. In this paper we develop a new I/O automaton model, and a new timed I/O automaton model, that permit the verification of general liveness properties on the basis of existing verification techniques. Our models include a notion ofreceptivenesswhich extends the idea ofreceptivenessof other existing formalisms, and enables the use of compositional verification techniques. The presentation includes anembeddingof the untimed model into the timed model which preserves all the interesting attributes of the untimed model. Thus, our models constitute acoordinated frameworkfor the description of concurrent and distributed systems satisfying general liveness properties

    TLA+ Model Checking Made Symbolic

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    International audienceTLA + is a language for formal specification of all kinds of computer systems. System designers use this language to specify concurrent, distributed, and fault-tolerant protocols, which are traditionally presented in pseudo-code. TLA + is extremely concise yet expressive: The language primitives include Booleans, integers, functions, tuples, records, sequences, and sets thereof, which can be also nested. This is probably why the only model checker for TLA + (called TLC) relies on explicit enumeration of values and states. In this paper, we present APALACHE-a first symbolic model checker for TLA +. Like TLC, it assumes that all specification parameters are fixed and all states are finite structures. Unlike TLC, APALACHE translates the underlying transition relation into quantifier-free SMT constraints, which allows us to exploit the power of SMT solvers. Designing this translation is the central challenge that we address in this paper. Our experiments show that APALACHE outperforms TLC on examples with large state spaces