9 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study of Card Not Present E-commerce Architectures with Card Schemes: What About Privacy?

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    International audienceInternet is increasingly used for card not present e-commerce ar-chitectures. Several protocols, such as 3D-Secure, have been proposed in the literature by Card schemes or academics. Even if some of them are deployed in real life, these solutions are not perfect considering data security and user's privacy. In this paper, we present a comparative study of existing solutions for card not present e-commerce solutions. We consider the main security and privacy trends of e-payment in order to make an objective comparison of existing solutions. This comparative study illustrates the need to consider privacy in deployed e-commerce architectures. This has never been more urgent with the recent release of the new specifications of 3D-secure


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    This article analyses the challenges of implementing a new electronic identification (eID) framework in Finland. We employ the theoretical lens of dialectics to explain how two opposing forces in the form of public and private actors, the government and banks respectively, engaged in a process of resistance and acquiescence. By interviewing the key organizations from both sides, we identify the rationale of the conflict, mechanisms that have led and may lead to further conflict, and the outcome. The root cause of the problems with the framework include the conflicting goals of the government and banks: the regulators’ interests to create more competition in the market, generate cost savings, decrease the dependence on banks vs. the objectives of the banks to maintain the status quo. Moreover, the framework implementation practices, such as the hard enforcement strategy, an inherent infrastructuring mindset of the government and communication problems, have considerably contributed to further conflict development. As a result, divergent views on the framework architecture and the pricing models are the outcomes of the confrontation. Our findings emphasize the importance of strategic and operational coherence in the governance of a changing ecosystem with a proprietary banking platform playing a role in a national eID scheme

    Experimental Study on One-Time Password used in Authentication within Norwegian Banking

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2021-06-02Authentication is a vital part of this fast-growing, digitalized world. Fundamentally, today’s society is more reliant on computer technology and digitalization than ever before. Therefore, the use of dynamic one-time passwords plays a significant role within online banking in Norway by strengthening the level of security. This study examines four tokens provided by DNB, Sparebanken MĂžre, Sparebank 1 and Nordea used in token-based authentication and the one-time passwords they generate. By studying one-time passwords collected at various time intervals, it was able to reconstruct the internal token-algorithm and the verification protocol. This research argues that three out of four tokens indicate weaknesses that can have damaging effects. This is also proven by explaining a basic theoretical attack, which demonstrates that the success probability of an attack is higher than the expected probability of 10^(-6) or 10^(-8).MasteroppgĂ„ve i informatikkINF399MAMN-PROGMAMN-IN

    A Proof of Concept Attack against Norwegian Internet Banking Systems

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    Filtrering og overvÄkning av Internett : En casestudie i bruk av filtreringsmetoder og effektene de gir

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    Denne studien undersĂžker hva slags betydning filtrering har pĂ„ en global infrastruktur som Internett, og hvordan filtreringsmetodene brukes i praksis for individer, private aktĂžrer og myndigheter i utvalgte land. Ved Ă„ se nĂŠrmere pĂ„ dette blir det klarere hvordan filtrering fungerer, hvem som bruker det og til hvilke formĂ„l. Sett i lys av at Internett er en infrastruktur som stadig utvikler seg, skjer det et stadig Ăžkende tilskudd av filtreringsapplikasjoner i nettverkskjernen. Studien prĂžver Ă„ finne ut om en slik utvikling skader generativiteten og fleksibiliteten, og dermed integriteten til Internett. Dette kan fĂžre til at vi i framtiden stĂ„r overfor et lĂ„st og usikkert nettverk hvor utviklingen har gĂ„tt fra en distribuert til desentralisert topologi. Ved Ă„ analysere innsamlet materiale fra Internett – inkludert tekst, nettsider, dokumenter, blogger, artikler og bĂžker – blir filtreringens rolle identifisert bĂ„de pĂ„ en praktisk og teoretisk mĂ„te. Det brukes blant annet teori og begreper hentet fra informasjonsinfrastrukturer, ende-til-ende designteori og teknologisk determinisme. Generativitet og fleksibilitet er sterkt koblet til ende-til-ende arkitekturen, og filtreringsapplikasjoner har en direkte pĂ„virkning pĂ„ denne arkitekturen. Denne studien viser at dagens Internett har gĂ„tt over til en ny struktur hvor ende-tilende arkitekturen fortsatt eksisterer, men ikke etter de samme prinsippene som ble formulert flere tiĂ„r tilbake. Filtreringsapplikasjoner bidrar med en nyttig tjeneste ved Ă„ Ăžke brukerkontrollen over Internett, og bĂžr derfor ikke nedprioriteres i nettverket. Studien konkluderer med at i den videre utviklingen av filtreringsapplikasjoner er det viktig Ă„ innfĂžre mer Ă„penhet og gjennomskinnelighet til hvordan filtreringskriteriene blir satt. Dette vil bidra til Ă„ styrke pĂ„liteligheten til applikasjoner i nettverket. Med dette er mĂ„let at den mer komplekse nettverksstrukturen vi ser allerede i dag skal bidra til en fleksibel, tilpasningsdyktig og pĂ„litelig nettverksstruktur ogsĂ„ i framtiden, slik de fĂžrste Internettarkitektene mente det skulle vĂŠre

    Public Key Infrastructure

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