11 research outputs found

    A Proof Theoretic View of Constraint Programming

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    We provide here a proof theoretic account of constraint programming that attempts to capture the essential ingredients of this programming style. We exemplify it by presenting proof rules for linear constraints over interval domains, and illustrate their use by analyzing the constraint propagation process for the {\tt SEND + MORE = MONEY} puzzle. We also show how this approach allows one to build new constraint solvers.Comment: 25 page

    Constraint Propagation in Presence of Arrays

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    We describe the use of array expressions as constraints, which represents a consequent generalisation of the "element" constraint. Constraint propagation for array constraints is studied theoretically, and for a set of domain reduction rules the local consistency they enforce, arc-consistency, is proved. An efficient algorithm is described that encapsulates the rule set and so inherits the capability to enforce arc-consistency from the rules.Comment: 10 pages. Accepted at the 6th Annual Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Constraints, 200

    Automatic Generation of CHR Constraint Solvers

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    In this paper, we present a framework for automatic generation of CHR solvers given the logical specification of the constraints. This approach takes advantage of the power of tabled resolution for constraint logic programming, in order to check the validity of the rules. Compared to previous works where different methods for automatic generation of constraint solvers have been proposed, our approach enables the generation of more expressive rules (even recursive and splitting rules) that can be used directly as CHR solvers.Comment: to be published in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 16 pages, 2 figure

    A logical analysis of Boolean constraints

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    Constraint Programming viewed as Rule-based Programming

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    We study here a natural situation when constraint programming can be entirely reduced to rule-based programming. To this end we explain first how one can compute on constraint satisfaction problems using rules represented by simple first-order formulas. Then we consider constraint satisfaction problems that are based on predefined, explicitly given constraints. To solve them we first derive rules from these explicitly given constraints and limit the computation process to a repeated application of these rules, combined with labeling.We consider here two types of rules. The first type, that we call equality rules, leads to a new notion of local consistency, called {\em rule consistency} that turns out to be weaker than arc consistency for constraints of arbitrary arity (called hyper-arc consistency in \cite{MS98b}). For Boolean constraints rule consistency coincides with the closure under the well-known propagation rules for Boolean constraints. The second type of rules, that we call membership rules, yields a rule-based characterization of arc consistency. To show feasibility of this rule-based approach to constraint programming we show how both types of rules can be automatically generated, as {\tt CHR} rules of \cite{fruhwirth-constraint-95}. This yields an implementation of this approach to programming by means of constraint logic programming. We illustrate the usefulness of this approach to constraint programming by discussing various examples, including Boolean constraints, two typical examples of many valued logics, constraints dealing with Waltz's language for describing polyhedral scenes, and Allen's qualitative approach to temporal logic.Comment: 39 pages. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Journa

    Temporal reasoning and constraint programming

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