3,043 research outputs found

    Interactive Simplifier Tracing and Debugging in Isabelle

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    The Isabelle proof assistant comes equipped with a very powerful tactic for term simplification. While tremendously useful, the results of simplifying a term do not always match the user's expectation: sometimes, the resulting term is not in the form the user expected, or the simplifier fails to apply a rule. We describe a new, interactive tracing facility which offers insight into the hierarchical structure of the simplification with user-defined filtering, memoization and search. The new simplifier trace is integrated into the Isabelle/jEdit Prover IDE.Comment: Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 201

    Evaluating Prolog environments

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    Using global analysis, partial specifications, and an extensible assertion language for program validation and debugging

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    We discuss a framework for the application of abstract interpretation as an aid during program development, rather than in the more traditional application of program optimization. Program validation and detection of errors is first performed statically by comparing (partial) specifications written in terms of assertions against information obtained from (global) static analysis of the program. The results of this process are expressed in the user assertion language. Assertions (or parts of assertions) which cannot be checked statically are translated into run-time tests. The framework allows the use of assertions to be optional. It also allows using very general properties in assertions, beyond the predefined set understandable by the static analyzer and including properties defined by user programs. We also report briefly on an implementation of the framework. The resulting tool generates and checks assertions for Prolog, CLP(R), and CHIP/CLP(fd) programs, and integrates compile-time and run-time checking in a uniform way. The tool allows using properties such as types, modes, non-failure, determinacy, and computational cost, and can treat modules separately, performing incremental analysis

    CLPGUI: a generic graphical user interface for constraint logic programming over finite domains

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    CLPGUI is a graphical user interface for visualizing and interacting with constraint logic programs over finite domains. In CLPGUI, the user can control the execution of a CLP program through several views of constraints, of finite domain variables and of the search tree. CLPGUI is intended to be used both for teaching purposes, and for debugging and improving complex programs of realworld scale. It is based on a client-server architecture for connecting the CLP process to a Java-based GUI process. Communication by message passing provides an open architecture which facilitates the reuse of graphical components and the porting to different constraint programming systems. Arbitrary constraints and goals can be posted incrementally from the GUI. We propose several dynamic 2D and 3D visualizations of the search tree and of the evolution of finite domain variables. We argue that the 3D representation of search trees proposed in this paper provides the most appropriate visualization of large search trees. We describe the current implementation of the annotations and of the interactive execution model in GNU-Prolog, and report some evaluation results.Comment: 16 pages; Alexandre Tessier, editor; WLPE 2002, http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cs.SE/020705
