225,543 research outputs found

    Stepwise refinement of heap-manipulating code in Chalice

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    Stepwise refinement is a well-studied technique for developing a program from an abstract description to a concrete implementation. This paper describes a system with automated tool support for refinement, powered by a state-of-the-art verification engine that uses an SMT solver. Unlike previous refinement systems, users of the presented system interact only via declarations in the programming language. Another aspect of the system is that it accounts for dynamically allocated objects in the heap, so that data representations in an abstract program can be refined into ones that use more objects. Finally, the system uses a language with familiar imperative features, including sequential composition, loops, and recursive calls, offers a syntax with skeletons for describing program changes between refinements, and provides a mechanism for supplying witnesses when refining non-deterministic programs

    Information Flow Control-by-Construction for an Object-Oriented Language Using Type Modifiers

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    In security-critical software applications, confidential information must be prevented from leaking to unauthorized sinks. Static analysis techniques are widespread to enforce a secure information flow by checking a program after construction. A drawback of these systems is that incomplete programs during construction cannot be checked properly. The user is not guided to a secure program by most systems. We introduce IFbCOO, an approach that guides users incrementally to a secure implementation by using refinement rules. In each refinement step, confidentiality or integrity (or both) is guaranteed alongside the functional correctness of the program, such that insecure programs are declined by construction. In this work, we formalize IFbCOO and prove soundness of the refinement rules. We implement IFbCOO in the tool CorC and conduct a feasibility study by successfully implementing case studies

    The Shadow Knows: Refinement and security in sequential programs

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    AbstractStepwise refinement is a crucial conceptual tool for system development, encouraging program construction via a number of separate correctness-preserving stages which ideally can be understood in isolation. A crucial conceptual component of security is an adversary’s ignorance of concealed information. We suggest a novel method of combining these two ideas.Our suggestion is based on a mathematical definition of “ignorance-preserving” refinement that extends classical refinement by limiting an adversary’s access to concealed information: moving from specification to implementation should never increase that access. The novelty is the way we achieve this in the context of sequential programs.Specifically we give an operational model (and detailed justification for it), a basic sequential programming language and its operational semantics in that model, a “logic of ignorance” interpreted over the same model, then a program-logical semantics bringing those together — and finally we use the logic to establish, via refinement, the correctness of a real (though small) protocol: Rivest’s Oblivious Transfer. A previous report⋆ treated Chaum’s Dining Cryptographers similarly.In passing we solve the Refinement Paradox for sequential programs

    HSF(C): A Software Verifier Based on Horn Clauses

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    Abstract. HSF(C) is a tool that automates verification of safety and liveness properties for C programs. This paper describes the verification approach taken by HSF(C) and provides instructions on how to install and use the tool. 1 Verification Approach HSF(C) is a tool for verification of C programs based on predicate abstraction and refinement following the counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CE-GAR) paradigm [4]. There are a number of successful tools [1, 7, 5, 10, 2] based on abstraction refinement. We give here a brief description of our verification algorithm; interested readers can find more details about the underlying theory behind our implementation in [10, 6]. The algorithm used in HSF(C) is a generalization of the CEGAR scheme that deals with Horn-like clauses instead of transition systems/programs with procedures. We use Horn clauses to represent both the program to be verified and the proof rule used for verification, i.e., safety checking for programs wit

    Helmholtz: A Verifier for Tezos Smart Contracts Based on Refinement Types

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    27th International Conference, TACAS 2021, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2021, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, March 27 - April 1, 2021Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNTCS, volume 12652)A smart contract is a program executed on a blockchain, based on which many cryptocurrencies are implemented, and is being used for automating transactions. Due to the large amount of money that smart contracts deal with, there is a surging demand for a method that can statically and formally verify them. This tool paper describes our type-based static verification tool HELMHOLTZ for Michelson, which is a statically typed stack-based language for writing smart contracts that are executed on the blockchain platform Tezos. HELMHOLTZ is designed on top of our extension of Michelson’s type system with refinement types. HELMHOLTZ takes a Michelson program annotated with a user-defined specification written in the form of a refinement type as input; it then typechecks the program against the specification based on the refinement type system, discharging the generated verification conditions with the SMT solver Z3. We briefly introduce our refinement type system for the core calculus Mini-Michelson of Michelson, which incorporates the characteristic features such as compound datatypes (e.g., lists and pairs), higher-order functions, and invocation of another contract. HELMHOLTZ successfully verifies several practical Michelson programs, including one that transfers money to an account and that checks a digital signature

    A wide-spectrum language for verification of programs on weak memory models

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    Modern processors deploy a variety of weak memory models, which for efficiency reasons may (appear to) execute instructions in an order different to that specified by the program text. The consequences of instruction reordering can be complex and subtle, and can impact on ensuring correctness. Previous work on the semantics of weak memory models has focussed on the behaviour of assembler-level programs. In this paper we utilise that work to extract some general principles underlying instruction reordering, and apply those principles to a wide-spectrum language encompassing abstract data types as well as low-level assembler code. The goal is to support reasoning about implementations of data structures for modern processors with respect to an abstract specification. Specifically, we define an operational semantics, from which we derive some properties of program refinement, and encode the semantics in the rewriting engine Maude as a model-checking tool. The tool is used to validate the semantics against the behaviour of a set of litmus tests (small assembler programs) run on hardware, and also to model check implementations of data structures from the literature against their abstract specifications