154 research outputs found


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    Perkembangan information system (IS) dan information technology (IT) sangat pesat. Hampir semua perusahaan mengalami transformasi peningkatan digital agar mampu berkompetitif di pasar global. Namun permasalahan, sulitnya mencapai keselarasan strategi IT dengan strategi bisnis dikarenakan karena proses perencanaan yang salah, dimana hanya manajemen tingkat atas yang terlibat dalam proses perencanaan. Oleh karena itu salah satu metode perencanaan strategi IT dan strategi bisnis agar selaras dan efektif dengan mengukur strategic alignment maturity level pada organisasi tersebut. Dengan begitu, organisasi mengetahui kondisi keselarasan strategis dengan melihat faktor kritis organisasi yang dapat dioptimalkan dan menjadi dasar perencanaan strategis. Pada penelitian ini penilaian dilakukan berdasarkan tiga faktor yaitu business driver, technology driver serta management and customer driver dengan menggunakan keranga kerja SAMM sebagai acuannya. Untuk pengujian aplikasi, dilakukan studi kasus di lingkungan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI). Dari hasil pengukuran, menunjukkan bahwa strategic alignement maturity UPI berada pada tingkat 3. Maka rekomendasi strategi yang bisa digunakan oleh UPI untuk menyusun rencana strategis sebaiknya fokus terhadap area-area kritisnya. Kata kunci— IT/ Business/ Management Customer-Driver, Alignment Maturity Business - IT, Strategic Planning, SAMM

    The Ambidextrous Pursuit of Strategic Information Technology Alignment and Organizational Agility in the Community Benefit Sector

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    The information systems literature suggests a positive relationship between strategic information technology alignment and organizational agility, and the implications on performance for organizations operating in turbulent environments. This emerging stream of integrated research has begun to provide key insight on the positive benefits of the ambidextrous pursuit of alignment and agility in for-profit organizations. However, these relationships have been largely unexplored in nonprofit settings. Nonprofit organizations exist to address social, political, economic, and cultural challenges rather than maximizing shareholder wealth. In order to address this void in research, this paper draws on the alignment and agility research in order to examine how one exemplary nonprofit is strategically exploiting its information system resources in order to improve performance and social value creation. This paper concludes with implications for research and practice

    Impact Of Business And Information Strategies Alignment On Business Performance

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    Alignment between business strategy and information strategy has been in focus for several years. It can be stated that the research suggests different explanations and differs in how alignment influences firms’ performance. In this paper, we present results from an investigation among firms in Slovenia in which we asked about how they perceive that their business strategy and information strategy were aligned to each other. Respondents’ statements about alignment were then checked against the firms’ turnover growth. One conclusion, which is possible to draw from the analysis, is that there is a significant relationship between alignment and turnover growt

    Conceptualizing the Agile Work Organization: A systematic literature review, framework and research agenda

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    The ongoing discussion of the Agile Work Organization (AO) in research and practice permeates a multitude of research areas. However, no clear conceptualization of the AO has been provided. In this paper, we conduct a Systematic Literature Review to investigate what constitutes and defines the AO. The SLR reveals three dimensions in the research field of the AO: Strategic, Functional and Operative Agility. These dimensions define the AO through different unique capabilities by influencing and enhancing the overall goal of the AO in adaptation and flexibility. Building up on the insights from the review, we develop proposition which describe the interrelationship between the dimensions and towards the AO. Furthermore, implications for academia and practice as well as a research agenda are provided in order to trigger and guide further discussions and research surrounding the AO

    Alignment between data warehouse design and business strategy

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    Data warehouse has become a very important tool for supporting the corporate executives in making important decisions in a highly competitive business environment. Data warehouse enables the top management to acquire and analyze integrated data extracted globally across the enterprise. Many organizations are sitting on vast amount of data already accumulated in their operational database. The huge data repository with potential strategic business information can be analysed comprehensively only through the usage of data warehouse system. The main objective of this paper is to systematically review the development and adoption of data warehouse design in business environment and the different models to assess the alignment between information technology strategy and business strategy

    Drivers of Big Data Analysis Adoption and Implications on Management Decision-Making on Financial and Non- Financial Performance: Evidence from Nigeria’s Manufacturing and Service Industries

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    Despite advances in ‘Big Data’ utility, its adoption by contemporary organizations is yet to move beyond early capture, especially in developing countries like Nigeria. This study empirically collected and analyzed survey data from 261 professionals across Nigeria’s manufacturing and service industries in 2021. This study draws on business-to-business marketing context, dynamic capabilities theory, and Technology-Organization-Environment frameworks to examine the factors affecting organizations' BDA adoption and management's policy decision making and their impact on financial and non-financial performance of firms in dynamic environments. The findings address 7 hypotheses, namely 1 and 2 which support that the anticipated organizational value and technological competence positively influence management’s BDA adoption. Interestingly, hypotheses 3 and 4 confirmed that top management support and organizational readiness positively impact BDA adoption. Hypotheses 5, 6 and 7 highlight environmental contextual factors such as competitive pressure, external support, and regulatory environment as critical and positive influences for management’s BDA decision adoption. However, our results found that the paths between competitive pressure and regulatory environment to management’s decision for BDA adoption were both insignificant. Furthermore, the results demonstrated that management’s decision to develop policy on financial and non-financial performance was positively influenced by BDA adoption. The implication and limitations are discussed


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    Alignment between business and IT functions is a critical yet unsolved problem of many organizations. Despite considerable amount of research devoted to address this issue, the quest for alignment re-mains challenging, particularly in light of the rapid and widespread digitization of the business world. This paper argues that a research-practice gap exists in the alignment field, and that academic litera-ture fails to discuss key aspects of high practical relevance: alignment as an (emergent) process ra-ther than a state, and operational realities rather than strategic goals. To reduce this gap, we draw on extant alignment research and psychological approach-avoidance theory to develop a model of misa-ligned organizations, emphasizing the need for coordination between strategy and operations and in-vestigating the adverse effects of operational misalignment. Results from two case companies facing operational misalignment provide preliminary confirmation for our propositions and support the call for more practice-oriented research in this highly complex domain

    An evaluation of the goal-oriented approaches for modelling strategic alignment concept

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    Several frameworks have been proposed in Requirements Engineering (RE) discipline that use goal-oriented approach to model the concept of strategic alignment. Understanding the concept of strategic alignment from the perspective of Management Information Systems (MIS) discipline and evaluating goal-oriented approaches in the context of strategic alignment appear to be the fundamental weakness in the RE frameworks that claim to model strategic alignment. In this research we developed a list of constructs by analysing the concept of strategic alignment embedded in strategy map which is one of the widely used frameworks to develop strategic alignment in MIS discipline. In this regard we analysed details of a case study conducted to develop strategic alignment. Against the identified list of constructs we evaluated five well-known goal-oriented approaches and presented their level of effectiveness to model the concept of strategic alignment. © 2011 IEEE