401 research outputs found

    Experience with Delay-Tolerant Networking from Orbit

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    We describe the first use from space of the Bundle Protocol for Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN) and lessons learned from experiments made and experience gained with this protocol. The Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC), constructed by Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL), is a multiple-satellite Earth-imaging low-Earth-orbit sensor network in which recorded image swaths are stored onboard each satellite and later downloaded from the satellite payloads to a ground station. Store-and-forward of images with capture and later download gives each satellite the characteristics of a node in a disruption-tolerant network. Originally developed for the Interplanetary Internet, DTNs are now under investigation in an Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) DTN research group (RG), which has developed a bundle architecture and protocol. The DMC is technically advanced in its adoption of the Internet Protocol (IP) for its imaging payloads and for satellite command and control, based around reuse of commercial networking and link protocols. These satellites use of IP has enabled earlier experiments with the Cisco router in Low Earth Orbit (CLEO) onboard the constellation s UK-DMC satellite. Earth images are downloaded from the satellites using a custom IP-based high-speed transfer protocol developed by SSTL, Saratoga, which tolerates unusual link environments. Saratoga has been documented in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for wider adoption. We experiment with the use of DTNRG bundle concepts onboard the UK-DMC satellite, by examining how Saratoga can be used as a DTN convergence layer to carry the DTNRG Bundle Protocol, so that sensor images can be delivered to ground stations and beyond as bundles. Our practical experience with the first successful use of the DTNRG Bundle Protocol in a space environment gives us insights into the design of the Bundle Protocol and enables us to identify issues that must be addressed before wider deployment of the Bundle Protocol. Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY WORDS: Internet; UK-DMC; satellite; Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN); Bundle Protoco

    Enabling DTN-based web access : the server side

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    Verkkoympäristö, jossa modernit protokollat joutuvat toimimaan ei ole enää vain staattinen ja yhtenäinen Internet. Verkkopalvelujen kysynnän kasvaessa Internet levittäytyy entistä monimuotoisempiin ympäristöihin, kuten mobiileihin ad-hoc-verkkoihin. Näissä ympäristöissä toimivat verkot eivät välttämättä täytä tiettyjä ehtoja, jotka ovat edellytyksenä nykyisten Internet-protokollien käytölle. Tällöin näiden protokollien käyttö voi olla vaikeaa tai jopa mahdotonta. Delay-tolerant Networking (DTN) on eräs lähestymistapa, jolla voidaan ratkaista haastavien verkkoympäristöjen aiheuttamia ongelmia. Tämän diplomityön ensimmäinen tavoite on mahdollistaa WWW:n käyttö DTN-verkoissa. Käytännössä tämä tarkoittaa HTTP-protokollan sovittamista DTN:n kuljetuskerrosprotokollan ("bundle protocol") päälle. DTN-ympäristössä yhteydet voivat olla katkonaisia ja tiedonsiirtoviiveet pitkiä, minkä vuoksi on tärkeää välttää turhaa edestakaista viestiliikennettä kommunikoivien noodien välillä. Normaalisti HTTP toimii siten, että se hakee WWW-sivuun liittyvät resurssit yksitellen. Tämä aiheuttaa turhaa liikennettä, joten HTTP ei suoraan sovellu DTN-ympäristöön. Työssä määritellään käsite "resource bundling", jonka avulla HTTP voidaan sovittaa paremmin DTN-yhteensopivaksi. Perusidea on koota WWW-sivun resurssit yhteen pakettiin, jolloin sivun noutamiseen tarvittavien edestakaisten protokollaviestien määrä saadaan minimoitua. Työn toinen tavoite on toteuttaa WWW-palvelinohjelma, joka tukee työssä määriteltyä "resource bundling"-konseptia. Palvelin pohjautuu kahteen vapaan lähdekoodin ohjelmakomponenttiin, jotka ovat vastuussa alemman tason protokollaoperaatioista sekä HTTP-palvelimen perustoiminnoista. Integroimalla nämä komponentit ja kehittämällä resurssien käsittelyyn liittyvä korkeamman tason logiikka, työssä toteutetaan natiivi DTN-pohjainen WWW-palvelin. Työssä myös suoritetaan mittauksia, joilla varmistetaan palvelimen soveltuvuus sen todelliseen käyttöympäristöön ja lisäksi todetaan, että suunniteltu järjestelmä todella parantaa WWW:n käyttömahdollisuuksia haastavissa verkko-olosuhteissa.The networking landscape in which modern protocols must operate is no longer just the static, homogeneous Internet. As the demand for ubiquitous connectivity grows, the Internet stretches out to increasingly diverse environments, such as mobile ad-hoc networks. In these environments, certain assumptions that current Internet protocols rely on may not hold, thus making these protocols inefficient or even useless. Delay-tolerant Networking (DTN) is one approach to solving the problems that arise in such settings. In this thesis, our first objective is to conceptualize the mechanisms needed to enable web access in a DTN environment. More specifically, the goal is to run the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) on top of the DTN transport protocol (i.e., the bundle protocol). In a DTN environment, where connectivity may be intermittent and transmission delays long, it is important to avoid unnecessary round-trips between the communicating nodes. Consequently, HTTP is not directly applicable to DTN due to its conversational style of operation in which the resources of a web page are fetched one at a time. We adapt HTTP to the DTN environment by introducing the concept of resource bundling, which means that web resources are grouped together into larger aggregates in order to minimize the number of round-trips required to retrieve a web page. The second objective of the thesis is to implement the resource bundling concept in a web server application. The server builds on two major open source software components that handle the low-level bundle protocol operations and form the basis of the HTTP server logic. We integrate these pieces and extend them with the high-level resource bundling logic to produce a native DTN web server. We also perform measurements on the server, verifying its adeptness for real-world deployment and proving that the resource bundling concept truly has a positive impact on the web browsing experience in challenged network environments

    Web browser for delay-tolerant networks

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    Due to growth of the Internet, the number of devices increasing and the structure of networks becoming more complex, the problem of time delays during information transmissions has arisen. In environments with long transmission delays modern protocols may become inefficient or even useless. Delay-tolerant Networking (DTN) is one approach that allows to solve the problem of long transmission delay times. In the thesis, an approach to web access in such networks is proposed. The problem of data transmission in the networks with long delays is considered. Special methods exist for data transmission in computer networks. But traditional data transmission protocols do not work well in networks with long delays, e.g. when transmitting over long distances, such as in space, or when connectivity may be disrupted, such as in mobile networks. It is necessary, therefore, to replace TCP and to change the existing web protocol (Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP) in order to allow HTTP data transmissions in DTN environments. In the thesis, HTTP is analyzed and an adaptation of HTTP to DTN environments, as proposed in earlier research, is reviewed and extended further. A client part is created and the implementation is described. The client allows solving the problem of HTTP over DTN usage. An open-source browser is modified and the necessary extensions are developed. The extensions allow to use the DTN transport protocol (i.e. the Bundle Protocol) as another option of transport other than TCP. The software module for a web browser is built on the Mozilla platform. It was shown that it is possible to create a browser to work in DTNs

    The Power of Sharing: More Flexible Power System through Mobility-as-a-Service

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    An increasing number of European cities are actively supporting Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) in order to make the personal transportation system more efficient and to increase the liveability of the cities. MaaS provides an opportunity to expand the market for electric vehicles to everyday users. It also helps to create a more seamless connection between electric vehicles and the power system from the technical, as well as from the economic viewpoint. This will help to exploit the potential of electric vehicles in order to increase flexibility in the power system and to avoid technical occurrences, such as overloads. However, there are still some obstacles in harnessing the best symbiosis between MaaS electric vehicle fleets and smart grid solutions. While some of these obstacles are linked to the markets that are not yet fully generated, there are also obstacles linked to different policies that are yet not supporting these new methods of mobility.publishedVersio

    Microgrids & District Energy: Pathways To Sustainable Urban Development

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    A microgrid is an energy system specifically designed to meet some of the energy needs of a group of buildings, a campus, or an entire community. It can include local facilities that generate electricity, heating, and/or cooling; store energy; distribute the energy generated; and manage energy consumption intelligently and in real time. Microgrids enable economies of scale that facilitate local production of energy in ways that can advance cost reduction, sustainability, economic development, and resilience goals. As they often involve multiple stakeholders, and may encompass numerous distinct property boundaries, municipal involvement is often a key factor for successful implementation. This report provides an introduction to microgrid concepts, identifies the benefits and most common road blocks to implementation, and discusses proactive steps municipalities can take to advance economically viable and environmentally superior microgrids. It also offers advocacy suggestions for municipal leaders and officials to pursue at the state and regional level. The contents are targeted to municipal government staff but anyone looking for introductory material on microgrids should find it useful

    Voice Communication in Mobile Delay-Tolerant Networks

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    Push-to-talk (PTT) is one class of voice communication system generally employed in cellular phone services. Today's PTT services mainly rely on infrastructure and require stable end-to-end path for successful communication. But users with PTT enabled mobile devices may travel in challenged environments where infrastructure is not available or end-to-end path is highly unreliable. In such cases those PTT services may exhibit poor performance or may even fail completely. Even though some existing PTT solutions allow users to communicate in an ad-hoc fashion, they need sufficient node density to establish end-to-end path and eventually fail to communicate in sparse mobile ad-hoc environments. Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN) is an emerging research area that addresses the communication requirements specfic to challenged networks. In this thesis we develop a voice communication system (DT-Talkie) which enables both individual and group users to communicate over infrastructure-less and challenged networks in the walkie-talkie fashion. The DTN concept of asynchronous message forwarding is applied to the DT-Talkie in order to transmit voice messages reliably. We employ variable-length fragmentation mechanism in the application layer with the vision to speed-up session interactivity in stable scenarios. Some approaches to resolve codec interoperability issues are implied in this thesis. To validate the concepts of the DT-Talkie, we implement an application for Maemo based Nokia Internet Tablets, leveraging the DTN reference implementation developed in the DTN Research Group. Moreover in this thesis we evaluate the performance of the DT-Talkie through conducting a set of simulations using several DTN routing protocols and using different mobility models

    The Impact of Rogue Nodes on the Dependability of Opportunistic Networks

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    Opportunistic Networks (OppNets) are an extension to the classical Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) where the network is not dependent on any infrastructure (e.g. Access Points or centralized administrative nodes). OppNets can be more flexible than MANETs because an end to end path does not exist and much longer delays can be expected. Whereas a Rogue Access Point is typically immobile in the legacy infrastructure based networks and can have considerable impact on the overall connectivity, the research question in this project evaluates how the pattern and mobility of a rogue nodes impact the dependability and overall "Average Latency" in an Opportunistic Network Environment. We have simulated a subset of the mathematical modeling performed in a previous publication in this regard. Ad hoc networks are very challenging to model due to their mobility and intricate routing schemes. We strategically started our research by exploring the evolution of Opportunistic networks, and then implemented the rogue behavior by utilizing The ONE (Opportunistic Network Environment, by Nokia Research Centre) simulator to carry out our research over rogue behavior. The ONE simulator is an open source simulator developed in Java, simulating the layer 3 of the OSI model. The Rogue behavior is implemented in the simulator to observe the effect of rogue nodes. Finally we extracted the desired dataset to measure the latency by carefully simulating the intended behavior, keeping rest of the parameters (e.g. Node Movement Models, Signal Range and Strength, Point of Interest (POI) etc) unchanged. Our results are encouraging, and coincide with the average latency deterioration patterns as modeled by the previous researchers, with a few exceptions. The practical implementation of plug-in in ONE simulator has shown that only a very high degree of rogue nodes impact the latency, making OppNets more resilient and less vulnerable to malicious attacks

    Data availability in challenging networking environments in presence of failures

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    This Doctoral thesis presents research on improving data availability in challenging networking environments where failures frequently occur. The thesis discusses the data retrieval and transfer mechanisms in challenging networks such as the Grid and the delay-tolerant networking (DTN). The Grid concept has gained adaptation as a solution to high-performance computing challenges that are faced in international research collaborations. Challenging networking is a novel research area in communications. The first part of the thesis introduces the challenges of data availability in environment where resources are scarce. The focus is especially on the challenges faced in the Grid and in the challenging networking scenarios. A literature overview is given to explain the most important research findings and the state of the standardization work in the field. The experimental part of the thesis consists of eight scientific publications and explains how they contribute to research in the field. Focus in on explaining how data transfer mechanisms have been improved from the application and networking layer points of views. Experimental methods for the Grid scenarios comprise of running a newly developed storage application on the existing research infrastructure. A network simulator is extended for the experimentation with challenging networking mechanisms in a network formed by mobile users. The simulator enables to investigate network behavior with a large number of nodes, and with conditions that are difficult to re-instantiate. As a result, recommendations are given for data retrieval and transfer design for the Grid and mobile networks. These recommendations can guide both system architects and application developers in their work. In the case of the Grid research, the results give first indications on the applicability of the erasure correcting codes for data storage and retrieval with the existing Grid data storage tools. In the case of the challenging networks, the results show how an application-aware communication approach can be used to improve data retrieval and communications. Recommendations are presented to enable efficient transfer and management of data items that are large compared to available resources

    Reducing Internet Latency : A Survey of Techniques and their Merit

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    Bob Briscoe, Anna Brunstrom, Andreas Petlund, David Hayes, David Ros, Ing-Jyh Tsang, Stein Gjessing, Gorry Fairhurst, Carsten Griwodz, Michael WelzlPeer reviewedPreprin