106 research outputs found

    Towards an integrated model for citizen adoption of E-government services in developing countries: A Saudi Arabia case study

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    This paper considers the challenges that face the widespread adoption of E-government in developing countries, using Saudi Arabian our case study. E-government can be defined based on an existing set of requirements. In this paper we define E-government as a matrix of stakeholders; governments to governments, governments to business and governments to citizens using information and communications technology to deliver and consume services. E-government has been implemented for a considerable time in developed countries. However E-government services still faces many challenges their implemented and general adoption in developing countries. Therefore, this paper presents an integrated model for ascertaining the intention to adopt E-government services and thereby aid governments in accessing what is required to increase adoption

    Examination of the IT Projects Failure Within the Public Sector: State of Qatar

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    Information technology (IT) project management is a crucial issue for organizations today due to the time, resources, and high budgets. This paper examines the causes of IT projects failure within the public sector in State of Qatar. The paper investigates the primary reasons causing IT projects to fail, delayed, and goes over budget. The paper attempts to determine what causes management fail to foresee project failure. This is achieved by surveying government branches and government owned Oil & Gas companies in an attempt to outline the primary reasons causing IT projects to fail. Analysis of the surveyed sample shows that lack of communications, constant change in projects requirements, lack of clarity in projects scope, lack of individual skills in project management, are the leading factors causing IT projects to fail in the Qatari public sector


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    The rapid and increasingly universal acceptance of online transactions has resulted in governments providing an increasingly wide range of online services to the general public. The successful experience of launching e-government portals and services, including transactional ones, in the industrialised countries has led to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to adopt similar such models for a wide array of public service entities. Although there is now a considerable literature on the various aspects of the efficiency, effectiveness and customer satisfaction with regard to e-government services, the majority of the associated analytical frameworks and models were not designed within the sociocultural context of the Arabian Gulf and its business environment. The purpose of this study is therefore to identify and present a framework on the quality determinants of the e-services which are currently provided by the UAE’s Ministry of Interior (MOI) to the public. As these services are already in place, it will focus in particular on a theoretical model and the mechanisms by which these services can be adapted and enhanced

    O governo electrónico: entre a interactividade técnica e o retorno para o cidadão

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    Os serviços de governo electrónico (e-government) têm vindo a ser avaliados, em grande parte dos estudos até agora realizados, através de uma tipologia baseada no aproveitamento das capacidades de interactividade técnica que as novas tecnologias permitem. É proposto, neste texto, um critério alternativo, orientado para a diferenciação entre perspectivas baseadas no Estado (ponto de vista “interno”) e perspectivas baseadas no utilizador (ponto de vista “externo”). A análise de informação disponibilizada através de estudos realizados por empresas de consultoria (Accenture e Capgemini) sustenta a hipótese de que tende a prevalecer uma perspectiva baseada no Estado, nos seus interesses e necessidades imediatos, em detrimento de uma perspectiva baseada no utilizador, nas suas expectativas e necessidades, e no retorno que este possa retirar da transição para serviços prestados através do canal Internet.ABSTRACT: E-government services have been evaluated, to a large extent of research carried out so far, through a typology based on the use of technical interactivity capacities permited by new technologies. It is presented, in this text, an alternative criteria, differentiating perspectives based on the State (“internal” point of view) and perspectives based on the user (“external” point of view). The analysis of information available through research from consultancy companies (Accenture and Capgemini) supports the hypothesis that a perspective based on the State tends to prevail, in its immediate interests and necessities, instead of a perspective based on the users, in their expectations and necessities, and in the return they can obtain from the transition to services provided through the Internet.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Security readiness evaluation framework for Tonga e-government initiatives

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    The rapid expansion of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the Pacific have reached the Kingdom of Tonga. The submarine fibre-optic cable which connects Tonga to Fiji and onward to a hub in Sydney went live 2013. Now the people of Tonga experience the high-speed impact of digital communication, fast international access, and social changes such as the government is implementing a digital society through e-government services. This study focuses on identifying the factors that will later become a vulnerability and a risk to the security of Tonga government e-government initiatives. Data was collected through interviews with three government officials, document analysis, and critical reflection on the theory context. Consequently, a security-readiness evaluation framework has been designed from the data analysis to inform the e-government initiatives. This study contributes a security-readiness evaluation framework for use in developing countries to guide the implementation of e-government initiatives


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    Multiple challenges and risks to democratic values and fundamental human rights emerge from the constitutulization processes of social media platforms. This article submits that more consideration has to be put on how private governance of social media platforms should be transparent, consensual, relatively stable in its application and how it should be enforced fairly. The values presented by the rule of law as well as traditional democratic principles of a sovereign state should inform the debate around contested relationship between the users and social media platforms. Digital constitutionalism is a concept that explains waves of constitutional counteractions as a result of a fast pace development of digital technologies. Digital constitutionalism is regarded as the idea that considers the constitutionalism of the digital society. This article focuses on examining constitutional tone of existing terms of service of a world leading social media platform Facebook and reviews potential value that digital Bills of Rights, intiated by various non-governmental organizations and individuals, may hold in shaping  human rights’ compliant governance framework for social media platforms in the years to come. From the terms of service and bills of rights, it is based to show that Facebook is ready to show a peculiar configuration. At present, social media bills of rights and terms of service play the constitutionalizing roles.  Nevertheless, it is not the aim of the current author to exhaust the topic, but rather to provide potential answers to the matters examined.Multiple challenges and risks to democratic values and fundamental human rights emerge from the constitutulization processes of social media platforms. This article submits that more consideration has to be put on how private governance of social media platforms should be transparent, consensual, relatively stable in its application and how it should be enforced fairly. The values presented by the rule of law as well as traditional democratic principles of a sovereign state should inform the debate around contested relationship between the users and social media platforms. Digital constitutionalism is a concept that explains waves of constitutional counteractions as a result of a fast pace development of digital technologies. Digital constitutionalism is regarded as the idea that considers the constitutionalism of the digital society. This article focuses on examining constitutional tone of existing terms of service of a world leading social media platform Facebook and reviews potential value that digital Bills of Rights, intiated by various non-governmental organizations and individuals, may hold in shaping  human rights’ compliant governance framework for social media platforms in the years to come. From the terms of service and bills of rights, it is based to show that Facebook is ready to show a peculiar configuration. At present, social media bills of rights and terms of service play the constitutionalizing roles.  Nevertheless, it is not the aim of the current author to exhaust the topic, but rather to provide potential answers to the matters examined

    A Cross-National Comparison E-government Success Measures: A Theory-Based Empirical Research

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    The continuing rapid convergence of government and e-technologies presents new opportunities for research to investigate the ways citizens interact with e-government. The literature in the area is, however, still in its infancy with little or no theoretically grounded empirical research conducted in the area. The present research investigates citizen experience with e-government in the United States and Spain by utilizing difference tests. Results of the difference tests show that the Spanish e-government citizens put more emphasis on information quality in terms of relevance, reliability, timeliness, clarity, conciseness, and currency. Results of the difference tests also show that for the system usage construct, e-government citizens on both side of the Atlantic agree that their e-government should provide superior user training, facilitate use of extranets to communicate with governmental agencies, allow automated transmitting and processing of data, and allow real time monitoring of citizen request for information in an e-government integrated with governmental agencies environment

    Russian oil and gas regions during the COVID-19 crisis and their digital transformation

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    Relevance. One of the key long-term strategic goals of Russia's economic development is to increase the share of the digital and green economy in the gross product of the country and its regions.  The recession caused by the pandemic has brought to the forefront the challenges of digitalization in the country's oil and gas sector, which was among the hardest hit sectors, and thus required significant effort on the part of regional governments.Research objective. This research aims to demonstrate the key role played by digitalization and environmentalization in the recovery of the Russian oil and gas regions from the pandemic.Data and methods. The study provides an overview of the Russian and international research literature on the ways to foster economic recovery and growth after the COVID-19 pandemic, including the publications of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. Methodologically, the study relies on the empirical, general scientific methods and methods of economic statistics. We used in our calculations the data from the open-access statistical yearbook 'Russian Regions' published by Rosstat.Results The study analyzed the challenges of digitalization faced by Russian oil and gas regions to show the need for institutional transformations on the national level. We also formulated some recommendations for the improvement of the evaluation of regional governments' digitalization efforts in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the more general evaluation of the digital transformation of regional economies.Conclusions To stimulate economic growth of Russian oil and gas regions recovering from the pandemic, a viable strategy would be to place a greater emphasis on their sustainable and digital development. In the international rankings such as the EDGI Ranking presented  annually by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), Russia occupies a high position in terms of e-government services and digitalization in other spheres. Nevertheless, as far as the Russian oil and gas regions are concerned, there are considerable disparities in terms of digitalization. To accelerate digital transformation, we would highly recommend to improve the methods of evaluation of the digital progress in regional government, especially to include a set of indicators characterising regional governments' responses to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic

    E-Government implementation Challenges: A Case study

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore empirically the implementation of e-government in a developing country in the Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC) and the key challenges that influence implementation. A case study (using interview-based research) was undertaken within the State of Qatar. After reviewing the available literature, the paper first proposes a conceptual model, which was then used to explore e-government related change by considering the key forces influencing implementation from an organisational, technological, social and political context. The empirical results confirmed previously findings in literature and identified a number of new issues that were influencing e-government implementation in Qatar which were not explicitly discussed in prior e-government research