722 research outputs found

    Performance Benchmarks for Custom Applications: Considerations and Strategies

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    The motivation for this research came from the need to solve a problem affecting not only the company used in this study, but also the many other companies in the information technology industry having similar problem: how to conduct performance benchmarks for custom applications in an effective, unbiased, and accurate manner. This paper presents the pros and cons of existing benchmark methodologies. It proposes a combination of the best characteristics of these benchmarks into a methodology that addresses the problem from an application perspective considering the overall synergy between operating system and software. The author also discusses a software design to implement the proposed methodology. The methodology proposed is generic enough to be adapted to any particular application performance-benchmarking situation

    CPA performance view services : a practitioner\u27s guide to providing performance measurement engagements

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    Time series database in Industrial IoT and its testing tool

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    Abstract. In the essence of the Industrial Internet of Things is data gathering. Data is time and event-based and hence time series data is key concept in the Industrial Internet of Things, and specific time series database is required to process and store the data. Solution development and choosing the right time series database for Industrial Internet of Things solution can be difficult. Inefficient comparison of time series databases can lead to wrong choices and consequently to delays and financial losses. This thesis is improving the tools to compare different time series databases in context of the Industrial Internet of Things. In addition, the thesis identifies the functional and non-functional requirements of time series database in Industrial Internet of Things and designs and implements a performance test bench. A practical example of how time series databases can be compared with identified requirements and developed test bench is also provided. The example is used to examine how selected time series databases fulfill these requirements. Eight functional requirements and eight non-functional requirements were identified. Functional requirements included, e.g., aggregation support, information models, and hierarchical configurations. Non-functional requirements included, e.g., scalability, performance, and lifecycle. Developed test bench took Industrial Internet of Things point of view by testing the database in three scenarios: write heavy, read heavy, and concurrent write and read operations. In the practical example, ABB’s cpmPlus History, InfluxDB, and TimescaleDB were evaluated. Both requirement evaluation and performance testing resulted that cpmPlus History performed best, InfluxDB second best, and TimescaleDB the worst. cpmPlus History showed extensive support for the requirements and best performance in all performance test cases. InfluxDB showed high performance for data writing while TimescaleDB showed better performance for data reading.Aikasarjatietokanta teollisuuden esineiden internetissä ja sen testipenkki. Tiivistelmä. Teollisuuden esineiden internetin ytimessä on tiedon keruu. Tieto on aika ja tapahtuma pohjaista ja sen vuoksi aikasarjatieto on teollisuuden esineiden internetin avainkäsitteitä. Prosessoidakseen tällaista tietoa tarvitaan erityinen aikasarjatietokanta. Sovelluskehitys ja oikean aikasarjatietokannan valitseminen teollisuuden esineiden internetin ratkaisuun voi olla vaikeaa. Tehoton aikasarjatietokantojen vertailu voi johtaa vääriin valintoihin ja siten viiveisiin sekä taloudellisiin tappioihin. Tässä diplomityössä kehitetään työkaluja, joilla eri aikasarjatietokantoja teollisuuden esineiden internetin ympäristössä voidaan vertailla. Diplomityössä tunnistetaan toiminnalliset ja ei-toiminnalliset vaatimukset aikasarjatietokannalle teollisuuden esineiden internetissä ja suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan suorituskykytestipenkki aikasarjatietokannoille. Työ tarjoaa myös käytännön esimerkin kuinka aikasarjatietokantoja voidaan vertailla tunnistetuilla vaatimuksilla ja kehitetyllä testipenkillä. Esimerkkiä hyödynnetään tutkimuksessa, jossa selvitetään kuinka nykyiset aikasarjatietokannat täyttävät tunnistetut vaatimukset. Diplomityössä tunnistettiin kahdeksan toiminnallista ja kahdeksan ei-toiminnallista vaatimusta. Toiminnallisiin vaatimuksiin sisältyi mm. aggregoinnin tukeminen, informaatiomallit ja hierarkkiset konfiguraatiot. Ei-toiminnallisiin vaatimuksiin sisältyi mm. skaalautuvuus, suorituskyky ja elinkaari. Kehitetty testipenkki otti teollisuuden esineiden internetin näkökulman kolmella eri testiskenaariolla: kirjoituspainoitteinen, lukemispainoitteinen ja yhtäaikaiset kirjoitus- ja lukemisoperaatiot. Käytännön esimerkissä ABB:n cpmPlus History, InfluxDB ja TimescaleDB tietokannat olivat arvioitavina. Sekä vaatimusten arviointi että suorituskykytestit osoittivat cpmPlus History:n suoriutuvan parhaiten, InfluxDB:n toiseksi parhaiten ja TimescaleDB:n huonoiten. cpmPlus History tuki tunnistettuja vaatimuksia laajimmin ja tarjosi parhaan suorituskyvyn kaikissa testiskenaarioissa. InfluxDB antoi hyvän suorituskyvyn tiedon kirjoittamiselle, kun vastaavasti TimescaleDB osoitti parempaa suorituskykyä tiedon lukemisessa

    An investigation into the use of B-Nodes and state models for computer network technology and education

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    This thesis consists of a series of internationally published, peer reviewed, conference research papers and one journal paper. The papers evaluate and further develop two modelling methods for use in Information Technology (IT) design and for the educational and training needs of students within the area of computer and network technology. The IT age requires technical talent to fill positions such as network managers, web administrators, e-commerce consultants and network security experts as IT is changing rapidly, and this is placing considerable demands on higher educational institutions, both within Australia and internationally, to respond to these changes

    Database performance monitoring: use of software tools and traditional practices

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    A database must perform quickly and accurately to be useful to an organization. To monitor database performance, a database administrator (DBA) analyzes many types of data. As the complexity of database systems increases, so does the amount of required information. Recently available software tools facilitate this information gathering process for the DBA. This study describes a survey of database professionals that used Internet newsgroups and discussion forums to determine DBAs' use of traditional performance management practices, such as system tweaking and benchmarking, and these software tools. Although survey response was small, examination of responses uncovered some common themes. Traditional practices were still used. DBAs overall did not use many tools, for many reasons, but agreed that the generated information would have been useful and necessary. To construct this data, they used scripts or functions built into the database. The study provides a basis for future research into database performance management

    Seasonal forecasting of groundwater levels in principal aquifers of the United Kingdom

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    To date, the majority of hydrological forecasting studies have focussed on using medium-range (3–15 days) weather forecasts to drive hydrological models and make predictions of future river flows. With recent developments in seasonal (1–3 months) weather forecast skill, such as those from the latest version of the UK Met Office global seasonal forecast system (GloSea5), there is now an opportunity to use similar methodologies to forecast groundwater levels in more slowly responding aquifers on seasonal timescales. This study uses seasonal rainfall forecasts and a lumped groundwater model to simulate groundwater levels at 21 locations in the United Kingdom up to three months into the future. The results indicate that the forecasts have skill; outperforming a persistence forecast and demonstrating reliability, resolution and discrimination. However, there is currently little to gain from using seasonal rainfall forecasts over using site climatology for this type of application. Furthermore, the forecasts are not able to capture extreme groundwater levels, primarily because of inadequacies in the driving rainfall forecasts. The findings also show that the origin of forecast skill, be it from the meteorological input, groundwater model or initial condition, is site specific and related to the groundwater response characteristics to rainfall and antecedent hydro-meteorological conditions

    Technology Infusion of CodeSonar into the Space Network Ground Segment (RII07)

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    The NASA Software Assurance Research Program (in part) performs studies as to the feasibility of technologies for improving the safety, quality, reliability, cost, and performance of NASA software. This study considers the application of commercial automated source code analysis tools to mission critical ground software that is in the operations and sustainment portion of the product lifecycle

    Framework Programmable Platform for the Advanced Software Development Workstation (FPP/ASDW). Demonstration framework document. Volume 1: Concepts and activity descriptions

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    The Framework Programmable Software Development Platform (FPP) is a project aimed at effectively combining tool and data integration mechanisms with a model of the software development process to provide an intelligent integrated software development environment. Guided by the model, this system development framework will take advantage of an integrated operating environment to automate effectively the management of the software development process so that costly mistakes during the development phase can be eliminated. The Advanced Software Development Workstation (ASDW) program is conducting research into development of advanced technologies for Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)

    A Study to Understand and Compare Evidence Based Practice Among Health Professionals Involved in Pain Management

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    Pain management is a common concern of multiple health professionals. Evidence-based practice (EBP) in pain management is a recognized approach used to improve health outcomes. EBP tools can facilitate its implementation. PAIN+ is a tool that provides access to pre-appraised current best research evidence on pain to support clinical decisions. It is important to understand the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of professionals towards EBP and more specifically how they access research about pain management. The overarching purpose of this thesis is to better understand how clinicians from different professions involved in pain management view EBP and implement specific strategies to find pain related research evidence. We conducted a series of studies incorporating various methods to address these questions. Data was collected supplementary to a large randomized control trial to compare “Push” vs. “Pull” strategies for uptake of pain research. In the first study, we compared the knowledge, attitudes, outcomes expectations and behaviors of physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and psychologists towards EBP in pain management using a validated knowledge attitude and behavior (KABQ) questionnaire. In the second study, we used a mixed methods approach to understand the competencies of clinicians accessing electronic databases to search for evidence on pain management. In the third study, we performed a structured classification of the abstracts that were viewed by clinicians to understand their access behaviors. In the last part of the thesis, we compared the usefulness of PAIN+ with PubMed using a randomized crossover trial approach. The results of this thesis indicate that the professionals involved in pain management have good knowledge of and attitudes towards EBP, but behavior i.e. implementation of EBP in practice and perception of outcomes of implementing EBP were low. In the second study, we found that professionals had acceptable levels of basic literature searching skills but had low levels of use of more advanced skills, and were not aware of using clinical queries in their search. In the third study, we found that all professionals accessed research evidence when provided alerts about pain research and some variations in the types of studies accessed were observed. Differences in access behaviors might reflect differences in professional approach to pain management. In our fourth study the crossover randomized controlled trial; we found PAIN+ and PubMed were both rated useful in retrieving pain evidence for clinicians. Professionals showed an interest in evidence-based pain management, but their skills for finding evidence were limited, they appeared to need training in locating and appraising pain related research evidence, and may benefit from tools that reduce this burden