174 research outputs found

    Reuse Mechanisms and Concurrency: From Actors to Agent-Oriented Programming

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    La presente tesi è dedicata al riuso nel software. Eccettuata un'introduzione organica al tema, l'analisi è a livello dei meccanismi offerti dai linguaggi di programmazione e delle tecniche di sviluppo, con speciale attenzione rivolta al tema della concorrenza. Il primo capitolo fornisce un quadro generale nel quale il riuso del software è descritto, assieme alle ragioni che ne determinano l'importanza e ai punti cruciali relativi alla sua attuazione. Si individuano diversi livelli di riuso sulla base dell'astrazione e degli artefatti in gioco, e si sottolinea come i linguaggi contribuiscano alla riusabilità e alla realizzazione del riuso. In seguito, viene esplorato, con esempi di codice, il supporto al riuso da parte del paradigma ad oggetti, in termini di incapsulamento, ereditarietà, polimorfismo, composizione. La trattazione prosegue analizzando differenti feature – tipizzazione, interfacce, mixin, generics – offerte da vari linguaggi di programmazione, mostrando come esse intervengano sulla riusabilità dei componenti software. A chiudere il capitolo, qualche parola contestualizzata sull'inversione di controllo, la programmazione orientata agli aspetti, e il meccanismo della delega. Il secondo capitolo abbraccia il tema della concorrenza. Dopo aver introdotto l'argomento, vengono approfonditi alcuni significativi modelli di concorrenza: programmazione multi-threaded, task nel linguaggio Ada, SCOOP, modello ad Attori. Essi vengono descritti negli elementi fondamentali e ne vengono evidenziati gli aspetti cruciali in termini di contributo al riuso, con esempi di codice. Relativamente al modello ad Attori, viene presentata la sua implementazione in Scala/Akka come caso studio. Infine, viene esaminato il problema dell'inheritance anomaly, sulla base di esempi e delle tre classi principali di anomalia, e si analizza la suscettibilità del supporto di concorrenza di Scala/Akka a riscontrare tali problemi. Inoltre, in questo capitolo si nota come alcuni aspetti relativi al binomio riuso/concorrenza, tra cui il significato profondo dello stesso, non siano ancora stati adeguatamente affrontati dalla comunità informatica. Il terzo e ultimo capitolo esordisce con una panoramica dell'agent-oriented programming, prendendo il linguaggio simpAL come riferimento. In seguito, si prova ad estendere al caso degli agenti la nozione di riuso approfondita nei capitoli precedenti

    Composition for component-based modeling

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    We propose a framework for component-based modeling using an abstract layered model for components. A component is the superposition of two models: a behavior model and an interaction model. Interaction models describe architectural constraints induced by connectors between components. We propose and analyze general requirements for component composition that motivated and guided the development of the framework. We define an associative and commutative composition operator on components encompassing heterogeneous interaction. As a particular instance of the proposed framework, we consider components where behavior models are transition systems and interaction models are described by priority relations on interactions. This leads to a concept of "flexible" composition different from usual composition in that it preserves deadlock-freedom and is appropriate for correctness by construction. Nevertheless, flexible composition is a partial operation. Product systems should be interaction safe in the sense that they do not violate constraints of the interaction model. We propose results ensuring correctness by construction of a system from properties of its interaction model and of its components. The properties considered include global deadlock-freedom, individual deadlock-freedom of components, and interaction safety. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Embedded Control: From Asynchrony to Synchrony and Back

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    Abstract. We propose in this paper a historical perspective of programming issues found in the implementation of control systems, based on the author’s observations for more than fifteen years, but especially during the Crisys Esprit project. We show that in contrast with the asynchronous tradition of computer scientists, control engineers were naturally led to a synchronous practice that was later formalised and generalised by computer people. But, we also show that, for the sake of robustness and distribution those practitioners had to incorporate some degree of asynchrony in this synchronous approach and we try to comment the resulting programming style.

    The films of Chantal Akerman : a cinema of displacements

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    This thesis attempts to broaden the critical boundaries within which the films of Chantal Akerman have been discussed. First, it extends analysis from Akerman's 70s to her 80s and 90s films. Second, it argues that as well as her gender and aesthetic identities, Akerman's Belgian and Jewish identities should be acknowledged. Finally, it suggests that each of these four identities: woman, independent film-maker, Belgian and Jewish allow her a position of marginality, figured in her films through the trope of 'displacement'. The structure of the thesis is two-fold: it extends discussion of Akerman's cinema to films not previously considered, and through this extension engages with contemporary issues in film and cultural theory such as female authorship, independent and national, and marginal cinemas. Chapter one `Woman' and chapter two `Independent' extend the reading of gender and sexuality and formal and aesthetic innovation in Akerman's cinema. In the first chapter this is done through consideration of the films Golden Eighties (1986) and Nuit et jour (1990), while in the second her short films, video work and work for television are examined. My third and fourth chapters offer areas of Akerman's work which have not previously been studied. Chapter three, `Belgian', considers the significance of Akerman's nationality for her film-making while engaging with theories around national cinema. It examines the possibility of a `Belgian national cinema' and the intersections which arise between this and Akerman's cinema, especially around Toute une nuit (1982). Finally, in my fourth chapter, `Jewish', I use Histoires d'Amerigue (1989) and D'Est (1993) to argue that Akerman's is a `wandering' cinema, in which she is constantly examining the homelessness and displacement that her Jewishness engenders

    An incremental prototyping methodology for distributed systems based on formal specifications

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    This thesis presents a new incremental prototyping methodology for formally specified distributed systems. The objective of this methodology is to fill the gap which currently exists between the phase where a specification is simulated, generally using some sequential logical inference tool, and the phase where the modeled system has a reliable, efficient and maintainable distributed implementation in a main-stream object-oriented programming language. This objective is realized by application of a methodology we call Mixed Prototyping with Object-Orientation (in short: OOMP). This is an extension of an existing approach, namely Mixed Prototyping, that we have adapted to the object-oriented paradigm, of which we exploit the flexibility and inherent capability of modeling abstract entities. The OOMP process proceeds as follows. First, the source specifications are automatically translated into a class-based object-oriented language, thus providing a portable and high-level initial implementation. The generated class hierarchy is designed so that the developer may independently derive new sub-classes in order to make the prototype more efficient or to add functionalities that could not be specified with the given formalism. This prototyping process is performed incrementally in order to safely validate the modifications against the semantics of the specification. The resulting prototype can finally be considered as the end-user implementation of the specified software. The originality of our approach is that we exploit object-oriented programming techniques in the implementation of formal specifications in order to gain flexibility in the development process. Simultaneously, the object paradigm gives the means to harness this newly acquired freedom by allowing automatic generation of test routines which verify the conformance of the hand-written code with respect to the specifications. We demonstrate the generality of our prototyping scheme by applying it to a distributed collaborative diary program within the frame of CO-OPN (Concurrent Object-Oriented Petri Nets), a very powerful specification formalism which allows expressing concurrent and non-deterministic behaviours, and which provides structuring facilities such as modularity, encapsulation and genericity. An important effort has also been accomplished in the development or adaptation of distributed algorithms for cooperative symbolic resolution. These algorithms are used in the run-time support of the generated CO-OPN prototypes

    On the engineering of crucial software

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    The various aspects of the conventional software development cycle are examined. This cycle was the basis of the augmented approach contained in the original grant proposal. This cycle was found inadequate for crucial software development, and the justification for this opinion is presented. Several possible enhancements to the conventional software cycle are discussed. Software fault tolerance, a possible enhancement of major importance, is discussed separately. Formal verification using mathematical proof is considered. Automatic programming is a radical alternative to the conventional cycle and is discussed. Recommendations for a comprehensive approach are presented, and various experiments which could be conducted in AIRLAB are described
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