147 research outputs found

    Macro- and microscopic analysis of the internet economy from network measurements

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    Tesi per compendi de publicacions.The growth of the Internet impacts multiple areas of the world economy, and it has become a permanent part of the economic landscape both at the macro- and at microeconomic level. On-line traffic and information are currently assets with large business value. Even though commercial Internet has been a part of our lives for more than two decades, its impact on global, and everyday, economy still holds many unknowns. In this work we analyse important macro- and microeconomic aspects of the Internet. First we investigate the characteristics of the interdomain traffic, which is an important part of the macroscopic economy of the Internet. Finally, we investigate the microeconomic phenomena of price discrimination in the Internet. At the macroscopic level, we describe quantitatively the interdomain traffic matrix (ITM), as seen from the perspective of a large research network. The ITM describes the traffic flowing between autonomous systems (AS) in the Internet. It depicts the traffic between the largest Internet business entities, therefore it has an important impact on the Internet economy. In particular, we analyse the sparsity and statistical distribution of the traffic, and observe that the shape of the statistical distribution of the traffic sourced from an AS might be related to congestion within the network. We also investigate the correlations between rows in the ITM. Finally, we propose a novel method to model the interdomain traffic, that stems from first-principles and recognizes the fact that the traffic is a mixture of different Internet applications, and can have regional artifacts. We present and evaluate a tool to generate such matrices from open and available data. Our results show that our first-principles approach is a promising alternative to the existing solutions in this area, which enables the investigation of what-if scenarios and their impact on the Internet economy. At the microscopic level, we investigate the rising phenomena of price discrimination (PD). We find empirical evidences that Internet users can be subject to price and search discrimination. In particular, we present examples of PD on several ecommerce websites and uncover the information vectors facilitating PD. Later we show that crowd-sourcing is a feasible method to help users to infer if they are subject to PD. We also build and evaluate a system that allows any Internet user to examine if she is subject to PD. The system has been deployed and used by multiple users worldwide, and uncovered more examples of PD. The methods presented in the following papers are backed with thorough data analysis and experiments.Internet es hoy en día un elemento crucial en la economía mundial, su constante crecimiento afecta directamente múltiples aspectos tanto a nivel macro- como a nivel microeconómico. Entre otros aspectos, el tráfico de red y la información que transporta se han convertido en un producto de gran valor comercial para cualquier empresa. Sin embargo, más de dos decadas después de su introducción en nuestras vidas y siendo un elemento de vital importancia, el impacto de Internet en la economía global y diaria es un tema que alberga todavía muchas incógnitas que resolver. En esta disertación analizamos importantes aspectos micro y macroeconómicos de Internet. Primero, investigamos las características del tráfico entre Sistemas Autónomos (AS), que es un parte decisiva de la macroeconomía de Internet. A continuacin, estudiamos el controvertido fenómeno microeconómico de la discriminación de precios en Internet. A nivel macroeconómico, mostramos cuantitatívamente la matriz del tráfico entre AS ("Interdomain Traffic Matrix - ITM"), visto desde la perspectiva de una gran red científica. La ITM obtenida empíricamente muestra la cantidad de tráfico compartido entre diferentes AS, las entidades más grandes en Internet, siendo esto uno de los principales aspectos a evaluar en la economiá de Internet. Esto nos permite por ejemplo, analizar diferentes propiedades estadísticas del tráfico para descubrir si la distribución del tráfico producido por un AS está directamente relacionado con la congestión dentro de la red. Además, este estudio también nos permite investigar las correlaciones entre filas de la ITM, es decir, entre diferentes AS. Por último, basándonos en el estudio empírico, proponemos una innovadora solución para modelar el tráfico en una ITM, teniendo en cuenta que el tráfico modelado es dependiente de las particularidades de cada escenario (e.g., distribución de apliaciones, artefactos). Para obtener resultados representativos, la herramienta propuesta para crear estas matrices es evaluada a partir de conjuntos de datos abiertos, disponibles para toda la comunidad científica. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el método propuesto es una prometedora alternativa a las soluciones de la literatura. Permitiendo así, la nueva investigación de escenarios desconocidos y su impacto en la economía de Internet. A nivel microeconómico, en esta tesis investigamos el fenómeno de la discriminación de precios en Internet ("price discrimination" - PD). Nuestros estudios permiten mostrar pruebas empíricas de que los usuarios de Internet están expuestos a discriminación de precios y resultados de búsquedas. En particular, presentamos ejemplos de PD en varias páginas de comercio electrónico y descubrimos que informacin usan para llevarlo a cabo. Posteriormente, mostramos como una herramienta crowdsourcing puede ayudar a la comunidad de usuarios a inferir que páginas aplican prácticas de PD. Con el objetivo de mitigar esta cada vez más común práctica, publicamos y evaluamos una herramienta que permite al usuario deducir si está siendo víctima de PD. Esta herramienta, con gran repercusión mediática, ha sido usada por multitud de usuarios alrededor del mundo, descubriendo así más ejemplos de discriminación. Por último remarcar que todos los metodos presentados en esta disertación están respaldados por rigurosos análisis y experimentos.Postprint (published version

    Building an Emulation Environment for Cyber Security Analyses of Complex Networked Systems

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    Computer networks are undergoing a phenomenal growth, driven by the rapidly increasing number of nodes constituting the networks. At the same time, the number of security threats on Internet and intranet networks is constantly growing, and the testing and experimentation of cyber defense solutions requires the availability of separate, test environments that best emulate the complexity of a real system. Such environments support the deployment and monitoring of complex mission-driven network scenarios, thus enabling the study of cyber defense strategies under real and controllable traffic and attack scenarios. In this paper, we propose a methodology that makes use of a combination of techniques of network and security assessment, and the use of cloud technologies to build an emulation environment with adjustable degree of affinity with respect to actual reference networks or planned systems. As a byproduct, starting from a specific study case, we collected a dataset consisting of complete network traces comprising benign and malicious traffic, which is feature-rich and publicly available

    Addressing practical challenges for anomaly detection in backbone networks

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    Network monitoring has always been a topic of foremost importance for both network operators and researchers for multiple reasons ranging from anomaly detection to tra c classi cation or capacity planning. Nowadays, as networks become more and more complex, tra c increases and security threats reproduce, achieving a deeper understanding of what is happening in the network has become an essential necessity. In particular, due to the considerable growth of cybercrime, research on the eld of anomaly detection has drawn signi cant attention in recent years and tons of proposals have been made. All the same, when it comes to deploying solutions in real environments, some of them fail to meet some crucial requirements. Taking this into account, this thesis focuses on lling this gap between the research and the non-research world. Prior to the start of this work, we identify several problems. First, there is a clear lack of detailed and updated information on the most common anomalies and their characteristics. Second, unawareness of sampled data is still common although the performance of anomaly detection algorithms is severely a ected. Third, operators currently need to invest many work-hours to manually inspect and also classify detected anomalies to act accordingly and take the appropriate mitigation measures. This is further exacerbated due to the high number of false positives and false negatives and because anomaly detection systems are often perceived as extremely complex black boxes. Analysing an issue is essential to fully comprehend the problem space and to be able to tackle it properly. Accordingly, the rst block of this thesis seeks to obtain detailed and updated real-world information on the most frequent anomalies occurring in backbone networks. It rst reports on the performance of di erent commercial systems for anomaly detection and analyses the types of network nomalies detected. Afterwards, it focuses on further investigating the characteristics of the anomalies found in a backbone network using one of the tools for more than half a year. Among other results, this block con rms the need of applying sampling in an operational environment as well as the unacceptably high number of false positives and false negatives still reported by current commercial tools. On the whole, the presence of ampling in large networks for monitoring purposes has become almost mandatory and, therefore, all anomaly detection algorithms that do not take that into account might report incorrect results. In the second block of this thesis, the dramatic impact of sampling on the performance of well-known anomaly detection techniques is analysed and con rmed. However, we show that the results change signi cantly depending on the sampling technique used and also on the common metric selected to perform the comparison. In particular, we show that, Packet Sampling outperforms Flow Sampling unlike previously reported. Furthermore, we observe that Selective Sampling (SES), a sampling technique that focuses on small ows, obtains much better results than traditional sampling techniques for scan detection. Consequently, we propose Online Selective Sampling, a sampling technique that obtains the same good performance for scan detection than SES but works on a per-packet basis instead of keeping all ows in memory. We validate and evaluate our proposal and show that it can operate online and uses much less resources than SES. Although the literature is plenty of techniques for detecting anomalous events, research on anomaly classi cation and extraction (e.g., to further investigate what happened or to share evidence with third parties involved) is rather marginal. This makes it harder for network operators to analise reported anomalies because they depend solely on their experience to do the job. Furthermore, this task is an extremely time-consuming and error-prone process. The third block of this thesis targets this issue and brings it together with the knowledge acquired in the previous blocks. In particular, it presents a system for automatic anomaly detection, extraction and classi cation with high accuracy and very low false positives. We deploy the system in an operational environment and show its usefulness in practice. The fourth and last block of this thesis presents a generalisation of our system that focuses on analysing all the tra c, not only network anomalies. This new system seeks to further help network operators by summarising the most signi cant tra c patterns in their network. In particular, we generalise our system to deal with big network tra c data. In particular, it deals with src/dst IPs, src/dst ports, protocol, src/dst Autonomous Systems, layer 7 application and src/dst geolocation. We rst deploy a prototype in the European backbone network of G EANT and show that it can process large amounts of data quickly and build highly informative and compact reports that are very useful to help comprehending what is happening in the network. Second, we deploy it in a completely di erent scenario and show how it can also be successfully used in a real-world use case where we analyse the behaviour of highly distributed devices related with a critical infrastructure sector.La monitoritzaci o de xarxa sempre ha estat un tema de gran import ancia per operadors de xarxa i investigadors per m ultiples raons que van des de la detecci o d'anomalies fins a la classi caci o d'aplicacions. Avui en dia, a mesura que les xarxes es tornen m es i m es complexes, augmenta el tr ansit de dades i les amenaces de seguretat segueixen creixent, aconseguir una comprensi o m es profunda del que passa a la xarxa s'ha convertit en una necessitat essencial. Concretament, degut al considerable increment del ciberactivisme, la investigaci o en el camp de la detecci o d'anomalies ha crescut i en els darrers anys s'han fet moltes i diverses propostes. Tot i aix o, quan s'intenten desplegar aquestes solucions en entorns reals, algunes d'elles no compleixen alguns requisits fonamentals. Tenint aix o en compte, aquesta tesi se centra a omplir aquest buit entre la recerca i el m on real. Abans d'iniciar aquest treball es van identi car diversos problemes. En primer lloc, hi ha una clara manca d'informaci o detallada i actualitzada sobre les anomalies m es comuns i les seves caracter stiques. En segona inst ancia, no tenir en compte la possibilitat de treballar amb nom es part de les dades (mostreig de tr ansit) continua sent bastant est es tot i el sever efecte en el rendiment dels algorismes de detecci o d'anomalies. En tercer lloc, els operadors de xarxa actualment han d'invertir moltes hores de feina per classi car i inspeccionar manualment les anomalies detectades per actuar en conseqüencia i prendre les mesures apropiades de mitigaci o. Aquesta situaci o es veu agreujada per l'alt nombre de falsos positius i falsos negatius i perqu e els sistemes de detecci o d'anomalies s on sovint percebuts com caixes negres extremadament complexes. Analitzar un tema es essencial per comprendre plenament l'espai del problema i per poder-hi fer front de forma adequada. Per tant, el primer bloc d'aquesta tesi pret en proporcionar informaci o detallada i actualitzada del m on real sobre les anomalies m es freqüents en una xarxa troncal. Primer es comparen tres eines comercials per a la detecci o d'anomalies i se n'estudien els seus punts forts i febles, aix com els tipus d'anomalies de xarxa detectats. Posteriorment, s'investiguen les caracter stiques de les anomalies que es troben en la mateixa xarxa troncal utilitzant una de les eines durant m es de mig any. Entre d'altres resultats, aquest bloc con rma la necessitat de l'aplicaci o de mostreig de tr ansit en un entorn operacional, aix com el nombre inacceptablement elevat de falsos positius i falsos negatius en eines comercials actuals. En general, el mostreig de tr ansit de dades de xarxa ( es a dir, treballar nom es amb una part de les dades) en grans xarxes troncals s'ha convertit en gaireb e obligatori i, per tant, tots els algorismes de detecci o d'anomalies que no ho tenen en compte poden veure seriosament afectats els seus resultats. El segon bloc d'aquesta tesi analitza i confi rma el dram atic impacte de mostreig en el rendiment de t ecniques de detecci o d'anomalies plenament acceptades a l'estat de l'art. No obstant, es mostra que els resultats canvien signi cativament depenent de la t ecnica de mostreig utilitzada i tamb e en funci o de la m etrica usada per a fer la comparativa. Contr ariament als resultats reportats en estudis previs, es mostra que Packet Sampling supera Flow Sampling. A m es, a m es, s'observa que Selective Sampling (SES), una t ecnica de mostreig que se centra en mostrejar fluxes petits, obt e resultats molt millors per a la detecci o d'escanejos que no pas les t ecniques tradicionals de mostreig. En conseqü encia, proposem Online Selective Sampling, una t ecnica de mostreig que obt e el mateix bon rendiment per a la detecci o d'escanejos que SES, per o treballa paquet per paquet enlloc de mantenir tots els fluxes a mem oria. Despr es de validar i evaluar la nostra proposta, demostrem que es capa c de treballar online i utilitza molts menys recursos que SES. Tot i la gran quantitat de tècniques proposades a la literatura per a la detecci o d'esdeveniments an omals, la investigaci o per a la seva posterior classi caci o i extracci o (p.ex., per investigar m es a fons el que va passar o per compartir l'evid encia amb tercers involucrats) es m es aviat marginal. Aix o fa que sigui m es dif cil per als operadors de xarxa analalitzar les anomalies reportades, ja que depenen unicament de la seva experi encia per fer la feina. A m es a m es, aquesta tasca es un proc es extremadament lent i propens a errors. El tercer bloc d'aquesta tesi se centra en aquest tema tenint tamb e en compte els coneixements adquirits en els blocs anteriors. Concretament, presentem un sistema per a la detecci o extracci o i classi caci o autom atica d'anomalies amb una alta precisi o i molt pocs falsos positius. Adicionalment, despleguem el sistema en un entorn operatiu i demostrem la seva utilitat pr actica. El quart i ultim bloc d'aquesta tesi presenta una generalitzaci o del nostre sistema que se centra en l'an alisi de tot el tr ansit, no nom es en les anomalies. Aquest nou sistema pret en ajudar m es als operadors ja que resumeix els patrons de tr ansit m es importants de la seva xarxa. En particular, es generalitza el sistema per fer front al "big data" (una gran quantitat de dades). En particular, el sistema tracta IPs origen i dest i, ports origen i destí , protocol, Sistemes Aut onoms origen i dest , aplicaci o que ha generat el tr ansit i fi nalment, dades de geolocalitzaci o (tamb e per origen i dest ). Primer, despleguem un prototip a la xarxa europea per a la recerca i la investigaci o (G EANT) i demostrem que el sistema pot processar grans quantitats de dades r apidament aix com crear informes altament informatius i compactes que s on de gran utilitat per ajudar a comprendre el que est a succeint a la xarxa. En segon lloc, despleguem la nostra eina en un escenari completament diferent i mostrem com tamb e pot ser utilitzat amb exit en un cas d' us en el m on real en el qual s'analitza el comportament de dispositius altament distribuïts

    Optimizing energy-efficiency for multi-core packet processing systems in a compiler framework

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    Network applications become increasingly computation-intensive and the amount of traffic soars unprecedentedly nowadays. Multi-core and multi-threaded techniques are thus widely employed in packet processing system to meet the changing requirement. However, the processing power cannot be fully utilized without a suitable programming environment. The compilation procedure is decisive for the quality of the code. It can largely determine the overall system performance in terms of packet throughput, individual packet latency, core utilization and energy efficiency. The thesis investigated compilation issues in networking domain first, particularly on energy consumption. And as a cornerstone for any compiler optimizations, a code analysis module for collecting program dependency is presented and incorporated into a compiler framework. With that dependency information, a strategy based on graph bi-partitioning and mapping is proposed to search for an optimal configuration in a parallel-pipeline fashion. The energy-aware extension is specifically effective in enhancing the energy-efficiency of the whole system. Finally, a generic evaluation framework for simulating the performance and energy consumption of a packet processing system is given. It accepts flexible architectural configuration and is capable of performingarbitrary code mapping. The simulation time is extremely short compared to full-fledged simulators. A set of our optimization results is gathered using the framework

    Real-time detection of malicious network activity using stochastic models

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 115-122).This dissertation develops approaches to rapidly detect malicious network traffic including packets sent by portscanners and network worms. The main hypothesis is that stochastic models capturing a host's particular connection-level behavior provide a good foundation for identifying malicious network activity in real-time. Using the models, the dissertation shows that a detection problem can be formulated as one of observing a particular "trajectory" of arriving packets and inferring from it the most likely classification for the given host's behavior. This stochastic approach enables us not only to estimate an algorithm's performance based on the measurable statistics of a host's traffic but also to balance the goals of promptness and accuracy in detecting malicious network activity. This dissertation presents three detection algorithms based on Wald's mathematical framework of sequential analysis. First, Threshold Random Walk (TRW) rapidly detects remote hosts performing a portscan to a target network. TRW is motivated by the empirically observed disparity between the frequency with which connections to newly visited local addresses are successful for benign hosts vs. for portscanners. Second, it presents a hybrid approach that accurately detects scanning worm infections quickly after the infected local host begins to engage in worm propagation.(cont.) Finally, it presents a targeting worm detection algorithm, Rate-Based Sequential Hypothesis Testing (RBS), that promptly identifies high-fan-out behavior by hosts (e.g., targeting worms) based on the rate at which the hosts initiate connections to new destinations. RBS is built on an empirically-driven probability model that captures benign network characteristics. It then presents RBS+TRW, a unified framework for detecting fast-propagating worms independently of their target discovery strategy. All these schemes have been implemented and evaluated using real packet traces collected from multiple network vantage points.by Jaeyeon Jung.Ph.D

    Macro- and microscopic analysis of the internet economy from network measurements

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    The growth of the Internet impacts multiple areas of the world economy, and it has become a permanent part of the economic landscape both at the macro- and at microeconomic level. On-line traffic and information are currently assets with large business value. Even though commercial Internet has been a part of our lives for more than two decades, its impact on global, and everyday, economy still holds many unknowns. In this work we analyse important macro- and microeconomic aspects of the Internet. First we investigate the characteristics of the interdomain traffic, which is an important part of the macroscopic economy of the Internet. Finally, we investigate the microeconomic phenomena of price discrimination in the Internet. At the macroscopic level, we describe quantitatively the interdomain traffic matrix (ITM), as seen from the perspective of a large research network. The ITM describes the traffic flowing between autonomous systems (AS) in the Internet. It depicts the traffic between the largest Internet business entities, therefore it has an important impact on the Internet economy. In particular, we analyse the sparsity and statistical distribution of the traffic, and observe that the shape of the statistical distribution of the traffic sourced from an AS might be related to congestion within the network. We also investigate the correlations between rows in the ITM. Finally, we propose a novel method to model the interdomain traffic, that stems from first-principles and recognizes the fact that the traffic is a mixture of different Internet applications, and can have regional artifacts. We present and evaluate a tool to generate such matrices from open and available data. Our results show that our first-principles approach is a promising alternative to the existing solutions in this area, which enables the investigation of what-if scenarios and their impact on the Internet economy. At the microscopic level, we investigate the rising phenomena of price discrimination (PD). We find empirical evidences that Internet users can be subject to price and search discrimination. In particular, we present examples of PD on several ecommerce websites and uncover the information vectors facilitating PD. Later we show that crowd-sourcing is a feasible method to help users to infer if they are subject to PD. We also build and evaluate a system that allows any Internet user to examine if she is subject to PD. The system has been deployed and used by multiple users worldwide, and uncovered more examples of PD. The methods presented in the following papers are backed with thorough data analysis and experiments.Internet es hoy en día un elemento crucial en la economía mundial, su constante crecimiento afecta directamente múltiples aspectos tanto a nivel macro- como a nivel microeconómico. Entre otros aspectos, el tráfico de red y la información que transporta se han convertido en un producto de gran valor comercial para cualquier empresa. Sin embargo, más de dos decadas después de su introducción en nuestras vidas y siendo un elemento de vital importancia, el impacto de Internet en la economía global y diaria es un tema que alberga todavía muchas incógnitas que resolver. En esta disertación analizamos importantes aspectos micro y macroeconómicos de Internet. Primero, investigamos las características del tráfico entre Sistemas Autónomos (AS), que es un parte decisiva de la macroeconomía de Internet. A continuacin, estudiamos el controvertido fenómeno microeconómico de la discriminación de precios en Internet. A nivel macroeconómico, mostramos cuantitatívamente la matriz del tráfico entre AS ("Interdomain Traffic Matrix - ITM"), visto desde la perspectiva de una gran red científica. La ITM obtenida empíricamente muestra la cantidad de tráfico compartido entre diferentes AS, las entidades más grandes en Internet, siendo esto uno de los principales aspectos a evaluar en la economiá de Internet. Esto nos permite por ejemplo, analizar diferentes propiedades estadísticas del tráfico para descubrir si la distribución del tráfico producido por un AS está directamente relacionado con la congestión dentro de la red. Además, este estudio también nos permite investigar las correlaciones entre filas de la ITM, es decir, entre diferentes AS. Por último, basándonos en el estudio empírico, proponemos una innovadora solución para modelar el tráfico en una ITM, teniendo en cuenta que el tráfico modelado es dependiente de las particularidades de cada escenario (e.g., distribución de apliaciones, artefactos). Para obtener resultados representativos, la herramienta propuesta para crear estas matrices es evaluada a partir de conjuntos de datos abiertos, disponibles para toda la comunidad científica. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el método propuesto es una prometedora alternativa a las soluciones de la literatura. Permitiendo así, la nueva investigación de escenarios desconocidos y su impacto en la economía de Internet. A nivel microeconómico, en esta tesis investigamos el fenómeno de la discriminación de precios en Internet ("price discrimination" - PD). Nuestros estudios permiten mostrar pruebas empíricas de que los usuarios de Internet están expuestos a discriminación de precios y resultados de búsquedas. En particular, presentamos ejemplos de PD en varias páginas de comercio electrónico y descubrimos que informacin usan para llevarlo a cabo. Posteriormente, mostramos como una herramienta crowdsourcing puede ayudar a la comunidad de usuarios a inferir que páginas aplican prácticas de PD. Con el objetivo de mitigar esta cada vez más común práctica, publicamos y evaluamos una herramienta que permite al usuario deducir si está siendo víctima de PD. Esta herramienta, con gran repercusión mediática, ha sido usada por multitud de usuarios alrededor del mundo, descubriendo así más ejemplos de discriminación. Por último remarcar que todos los metodos presentados en esta disertación están respaldados por rigurosos análisis y experimentos