870 research outputs found

    Towards delay-aware container-based Service Function Chaining in Fog Computing

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    Recently, the fifth-generation mobile network (5G) is getting significant attention. Empowered by Network Function Virtualization (NFV), 5G networks aim to support diverse services coming from different business verticals (e.g. Smart Cities, Automotive, etc). To fully leverage on NFV, services must be connected in a specific order forming a Service Function Chain (SFC). SFCs allow mobile operators to benefit from the high flexibility and low operational costs introduced by network softwarization. Additionally, Cloud computing is evolving towards a distributed paradigm called Fog Computing, which aims to provide a distributed cloud infrastructure by placing computational resources close to end-users. However, most SFC research only focuses on Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) use cases where mobile operators aim to deploy services close to end-users. Bi-directional communication between Edges and Cloud are not considered in MEC, which in contrast is highly important in a Fog environment as in distributed anomaly detection services. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an SFC controller to optimize the placement of service chains in Fog environments, specifically tailored for Smart City use cases. Our approach has been validated on the Kubernetes platform, an open-source orchestrator for the automatic deployment of micro-services. Our SFC controller has been implemented as an extension to the scheduling features available in Kubernetes, enabling the efficient provisioning of container-based SFCs while optimizing resource allocation and reducing the end-to-end (E2E) latency. Results show that the proposed approach can lower the network latency up to 18% for the studied use case while conserving bandwidth when compared to the default scheduling mechanism

    Trade & Cap: A Customer-Managed, Market-Based System for Trading Bandwidth Allowances at a Shared Link

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    We propose Trade & Cap (T&C), an economics-inspired mechanism that incentivizes users to voluntarily coordinate their consumption of the bandwidth of a shared resource (e.g., a DSLAM link) so as to converge on what they perceive to be an equitable allocation, while ensuring efficient resource utilization. Under T&C, rather than acting as an arbiter, an Internet Service Provider (ISP) acts as an enforcer of what the community of rational users sharing the resource decides is a fair allocation of that resource. Our T&C mechanism proceeds in two phases. In the first, software agents acting on behalf of users engage in a strategic trading game in which each user agent selfishly chooses bandwidth slots to reserve in support of primary, interactive network usage activities. In the second phase, each user is allowed to acquire additional bandwidth slots in support of presumed open-ended need for fluid bandwidth, catering to secondary applications. The acquisition of this fluid bandwidth is subject to the remaining "buying power" of each user and by prevalent "market prices" – both of which are determined by the results of the trading phase and a desirable aggregate cap on link utilization. We present analytical results that establish the underpinnings of our T&C mechanism, including game-theoretic results pertaining to the trading phase, and pricing of fluid bandwidth allocation pertaining to the capping phase. Using real network traces, we present extensive experimental results that demonstrate the benefits of our scheme, which we also show to be practical by highlighting the salient features of an efficient implementation architecture.National Science Foundation (CCF-0820138, CSR-0720604, EFRI-0735974, CNS-0524477, and CNS-0520166); Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and COLCIENCIAS–Instituto Colombiano para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología “Francisco Jose ́ de Caldas”

    Scheduling of Multicast and Unicast Services under Limited Feedback by using Rateless Codes

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    Many opportunistic scheduling techniques are impractical because they require accurate channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter. In this paper, we investigate the scheduling of unicast and multicast services in a downlink network with a very limited amount of feedback information. Specifically, unicast users send imperfect (or no) CSI and infrequent acknowledgements (ACKs) to a base station, and multicast users only report infrequent ACKs to avoid feedback implosion. We consider the use of physical-layer rateless codes, which not only combats channel uncertainty, but also reduces the overhead of ACK feedback. A joint scheduling and power allocation scheme is developed to realize multiuser diversity gain for unicast service and multicast gain for multicast service. We prove that our scheme achieves a near-optimal throughput region. Our simulation results show that our scheme significantly improves the network throughput over schemes employing fixed-rate codes or using only unicast communications

    Energy efficient mobile video streaming using mobility

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    Undeniably the support of data services over the wireless Internet is becoming increasingly challenging with the plethora of different characteristic requirements of each service type. Evidently, about half of the data traffic shifted across the Internet to date consists of multimedia content such as video clips or music files that necessitate stringent real-time constraints in playback and for which increasing volumes of data should be shifted with the introduction of higher quality content. This work recasts the problem of multimedia content delivery in the mobile Internet. We propose an optimization framework with the major tenet being that real-time playback constraints can be satisfied while at the same time enabling controlled delay tolerance in packet transmission by capitalizing on pre-fetching and data buffering. More specifically two strategies are proposed amenable for real time implementation that utilize the inherent delay tolerance of popular applications based on different flavors of HTTP streaming. The proposed mechanisms have the potential of achieving many-fold energy efficiency gains at no cost on the perceived user experience

    Robust scheduling algorithm for Guaranteed Bit Rate services

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    This paper proposes a novel packet scheduling algorithm to overcome detrimental effects of channel impairments on the quality of service of delay-sensitive Guaranteed Bit Rate (GBR) services. The proposed algorithm prioritises the packets that require retransmission of Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (HARQ) users compared to the packets of new users. The packets of new users are scheduled according to the Channel Quality Information (CQI), average throughput and packet delay information. Computer simulations have demonstrated that the proposed algorithm has 22.7% system capacity improvement over a well-known algorithm. It also tolerates for up to 200% delay of CQI and reduces the uplink signalling overhead by 150% compared to the well-known algorithm without compromising the quality of service requirements of the GBR services. Copyright © 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

    Priori information and sliding window based prediction algorithm for energy-efficient storage systems in cloud

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    One of the major challenges in cloud computing and data centers is the energy conservation and emission reduction. Accurate prediction algorithms are essential for building energy efficient storage systems in cloud computing. In this paper, we first propose a Three-State Disk Model (3SDM), which can describe the service quality and energy consumption states of a storage system accurately. Based on this model, we develop a method for achieving energy conservation without losing quality by skewing the workload among the disks to transmit the disk states of a storage system. The efficiency of this method is highly dependent on the accuracy of the information predicting the blocks to be accessed and the blocks not be accessed in the near future. We develop a priori information and sliding window based prediction (PISWP) algorithm by taking advantage of the priori information about human behavior and selecting suitable size of sliding window. The PISWP method targets at streaming media applications, but we also check its efficiency on other two applications, news in webpage and new tool released. Disksim, an established storage system simulator, is applied in our experiments to verify the effect of our method for various users’ traces. The results show that this prediction method can bring a high degree energy saving for storage systems in cloud computing environment