1,474 research outputs found

    A real-time power monitoring and energy-efficient network/interface selection tool for android smartphones

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    Energy efficiency in wireless and cellular networks has become one of the most important concerns for both academia and industry due to battery dependence of mobile devices. In this regard, Wireless Network Interface Cards (WNICs) of mobile devices have to be taken into account carefully as they consume an important chunk of the system's total energy. In this paper, we propose a real-time network power consumption profiler and an energy-aware network/interface selection tool for Android-based smartphones. The tool has been freely released on the Android Play Store. The proposed solution reports the power consumption levels of different network interfaces (Wi-Fi and Cellular) by making use of actual packet measurements and precise computations, and enables the devices to handover horizontally/vertically in order to improve the energy efficiency. In this context, widespread analyses have been executed to show the accuracy of the proposed tool. The results demonstrate that the proposed tool is very accurate for any type of IEEE 802.11 wireless or cellular stations, regardless of having different amount of channel utilization, transmission rates, signal strengths or traffic types

    A real-time power monitoring and energy-efficient network/interface selection tool for android smartphones

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    Energy efficiency in wireless and cellular networks has become one of the most important concerns for both academia and industry due to battery dependence of mobile devices. In this regard, Wireless Network Interface Cards (WNICs) of mobile devices have to be taken into account carefully as they consume an important chunk of the system's total energy. In this paper, we propose a real-time network power consumption profiler and an energy-aware network/interface selection tool for Android-based smartphones. The tool has been freely released on the Android Play Store. The proposed solution reports the power consumption levels of different network interfaces (Wi-Fi and Cellular) by making use of actual packet measurements and precise computations, and enables the devices to handover horizontally/vertically in order to improve the energy efficiency. In this context, widespread analyses have been executed to show the accuracy of the proposed tool. The results demonstrate that the proposed tool is very accurate for any type of IEEE 802.11 wireless or cellular stations, regardless of having different amount of channel utilization, transmission rates, signal strengths or traffic types

    Experimental analysis of connectivity management in mobile operating systems

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    We are immerse in a world that becomes more and more mobile every day, with ubiquitous connectivity and increasing demand for mobile services. Current mobile terminals support several access technologies, enabling users to gain connectivity in a plethora of scenarios and favoring their mobility. However, the management of network connectivity using multiple interfaces is still starting to be deployed. The lack of smart connectivity management in multi interface devices forces applications to be explicitly aware of the variations in the connectivity state (changes in active interface, simultaneous access from several interfaces, etc.). In this paper, we analyze the present state of the connection management and handover capabilities in the three major mobile operating systems (OSes): Android, iOS and Windows. To this aim, we conduct a thorough experimental study on the connectivity management of each operating system, including several versions of the OS on different mobile terminals, analyzing the differences and similarities between them. Moreover, in order to assess how mobility is handled and how this can affect the final user, we perform an exhaustive experimental analysis on application behavior in intra- and inter-technology handover. Based on this experience, we identify open issues in the smartphone connectivity management policies and implementations, highlighting easy to deploy yet unimplemented improvements, as well as potential integration of mobility protocols.This work has been partially supported by the European Community through the CROWD project, FP7-ICT-318115.Publicad

    Energy-Aware Mobile Learning:Opportunities and Challenges

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    As mobile devices are becoming more powerful and affordable they are increasingly used for mobile learning activities. By enabling learners' access to educational content anywhere and anytime, mobile learning has both the potential to provide online learners with new opportunities, and to reach less privileged categories of learners that lack access to traditional e-learning services. Among the many challenges with mobile learning, the battery-powered nature of mobile devices and in particular their limited battery life, stands out as one issue that can significantly limit learners' access to educational content while on the move. Adaptation and personalisation solutions have widely been considered for overcoming the differences between learners and between the characteristics of their mobile devices. However, while various energy saving solutions have been proposed in order to provide mobile users with extended device usage time, the areas of adaptive mobile learning and energy conservation in wireless communications failed to meet under the same umbrella. This paper bridges the two areas by presenting an overview of adaptive mobile learning systems as well as how these can be extended to make them energy-aware. Furthermore, the paper surveys various approaches for energy measurement, modelling and adaptation, three major aspects that have to be considered in order to deploy energy-aware mobile learning systems. Discussions on the applicability and limitations of these approaches for mobile learning are also provided

    Energy-Saving Strategies for Mobile Web Apps and their Measurement: Results from a Decade of Research (Preprint)

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    In 2022, over half of the web traffic was accessed through mobile devices. By reducing the energy consumption of mobile web apps, we can not only extend the battery life of our devices, but also make a significant contribution to energy conservation efforts. For example, if we could save only 5% of the energy used by web apps, we estimate that it would be enough to shut down one of the nuclear reactors in Fukushima. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of energy-saving experiments and related approaches for mobile web apps, relevant for researchers and practitioners. To achieve this objective, we conducted a systematic literature review and identified 44 primary studies for inclusion. Through the mapping and analysis of scientific papers, this work contributes: (1) an overview of the energy-draining aspects of mobile web apps, (2) a comprehensive description of the methodology used for the energy-saving experiments, and (3) a categorization and synthesis of various energy-saving approaches.Comment: Preprint for 2023 IEEE/ACM 10th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft): Energy-Saving Strategies for Mobile Web Apps and their Measurement: Results from a Decade of Researc

    Nomadic fog storage

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    Mobile services incrementally demand for further processing and storage. However, mobile devices are known for their constrains in terms of processing, storage, and energy. Early proposals have addressed these aspects; by having mobile devices access remote clouds. But these proposals suffer from long latencies and backhaul bandwidth limitations in retrieving data. To mitigate these issues, edge clouds have been proposed. Using this paradigm, intermediate nodes are placed between the mobile devices and the remote cloud. These intermediate nodes should fulfill the end users’ resource requests, namely data and processing capability, and reduce the energy consumption on the mobile devices’ batteries. But then again, mobile traffic demand is increasing exponentially and there is a greater than ever evolution of mobile device’s available resources. This urges the use of mobile nodes’ extra capabilities for fulfilling the requisites imposed by new mobile applications. In this new scenario, the mobile devices should become both consumers and providers of the emerging services. The current work researches on this possibility by designing, implementing and testing a novel nomadic fog storage system that uses fog and mobile nodes to support the upcoming applications. In addition, a novel resource allocation algorithm has been developed that considers the available energy on mobile devices and the network topology. It also includes a replica management module based on data popularity. The comprehensive evaluation of the fog proposal has evidenced that it is responsive, offloads traffic from the backhaul links, and enables a fair energy depletion among mobiles nodes by storing content in neighbor nodes with higher battery autonomy.Os serviços móveis requerem cada vez mais poder de processamento e armazenamento. Contudo, os dispositivos móveis são conhecidos por serem limitados em termos de armazenamento, processamento e energia. Como solução, os dispositivos móveis começaram a aceder a estes recursos através de nuvens distantes. No entanto, estas sofrem de longas latências e limitações na largura de banda da rede, ao aceder aos recursos. Para resolver estas questões, foram propostas soluções de edge computing. Estas, colocam nós intermediários entre os dispositivos móveis e a nuvem remota, que são responsáveis por responder aos pedidos de recursos por parte dos utilizadores finais. Dados os avanços na tecnologia dos dispositivos móveis e o aumento da sua utilização, torna-se cada mais pertinente a utilização destes próprios dispositivos para fornecer os serviços da nuvem. Desta forma, o dispositivo móvel torna-se consumidor e fornecedor do serviço nuvem. O trabalho atual investiga esta vertente, implementado e testando um sistema que utiliza dispositivos móveis e nós no “fog”, para suportar os serviços móveis emergentes. Foi ainda implementado um algoritmo de alocação de recursos que considera os níveis de energia e a topologia da rede, bem como um módulo que gere a replicação de dados no sistema de acordo com a sua popularidade. Os resultados obtidos provam que o sistema é responsivo, alivia o tráfego nas ligações no core, e demonstra uma distribuição justa do consumo de energia no sistema através de uma disseminação eficaz de conteúdo nos nós da periferia da rede mais próximos dos nós consumidores

    E³DOAS: balancing QoE and energy-saving for multi-device adaptation in future mobile wireless video delivery

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    Smart devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets, smart-home devices, etc.) have become important companions to most people in their daily activities, and are very much used for multimedia content exchange (i.e. video sharing, real-time/non-real-time multimedia streaming), contributing to the exponential increase in mobile traffic over the current wireless networks. While the next generation mobile networks will provide higher capacity than the current 4G systems, the network operators will face important challenges associated with the outstanding increase of both video traffic and user expectations in terms of their levels of perceived quality or Quality of Experience (QoE). Furthermore, the heterogeneity of mobile devices (e.g. screen resolution, battery life, hardware performance) also impacts severely the end-user QoE. In this context, this paper proposes an Evolved QoE-aware Energy-saving Device-Oriented Adaptive Scheme (E3DOAS ) for mobile multimedia delivery over future wireless networks. E3DOAS makes use of a coalition game-based rate allocation strategy within the multi-device heterogeneous environment, and optimizes the trade-off between the end-user perceived quality of the multimedia delivery and the mobile device energy-saving. Testing has involved a prototype of E3DOAS, a crowd-sourcing-based QoE assessment method to model non-reference perceptual video quality, and an energy measurement testbed introduced to collect power consumption parameters of the mobile devices. Simulation-based performance evaluation showed how E3DOAS outperformed other state of the art multimedia adaptive solutions in terms of energy saving, end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) metrics and end-user perceived quality

    BotSpine - A Generic Simple Development Platform of Smartphones and Sensors or Robotics

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) emergence leads to an “intelligence” technology revolution in industrial, social, environmental and almost every aspect of life and objectives. Sensor and actuators are heavily employed in industrial production and, under the trend of IoT, smart sensors are in great demand. Smartphones stand out from other computing terminals as a result of their incomparable popularity, mobility and computer comparable computing capability. However, current IoT designs are developed among diverse platforms and systems and are usually specific to applications and patterns. There is no a standardized developing interface between smartphones and sensors/electronics that is facile and rapid for either developers or consumers to connect and control through smartphones. The goal of this thesis is to develop a simple and generic platform interconnecting smartphones and sensors and/or robotics, allowing users to develop, monitor and control all types of sensors, robotics or customer electronics simply over their smartphones through the developed platform. The research is in cooperation with a local company, Environmental Instruments Canada Inc. From the perspective of research and industrial interests, the proposed platform is designed for generally applicable, low cost, low energy, easily programmed, and smartphone based sensor and/or robotic development purposes. I will build a platform interfacing smartphones and sensors including hardware, firmware structures and software application. The platform is named BotSpine and it provides an energy-efficient real-time wireless communication. This thesis also implements BotSpine by redesigning a radon sniffer robot with the developed interface, demonstrated that BotSpine is able to achieve expectations. BotSpine performs a fast and secure connection with smartphones and its command/BASIC program features render controlling and developing robotics and electronics easy and simple