757 research outputs found

    Strict bounding of quantities of interest in computations based on domain decomposition

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    This paper deals with bounding the error on the estimation of quantities of interest obtained by finite element and domain decomposition methods. The proposed bounds are written in order to separate the two errors involved in the resolution of reference and adjoint problems : on the one hand the discretization error due to the finite element method and on the other hand the algebraic error due to the use of the iterative solver. Beside practical considerations on the parallel computation of the bounds, it is shown that the interface conformity can be slightly relaxed so that local enrichment or refinement are possible in the subdomains bearing singularities or quantities of interest which simplifies the improvement of the estimation. Academic assessments are given on 2D static linear mechanic problems.Comment: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Elsevier, 2015, online previe

    A multiscale flux basis for mortar mixed discretizations of reduced Darcy-Forchheimer fracture models

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    In this paper, a multiscale flux basis algorithm is developed to efficiently solve a flow problem in fractured porous media. Here, we take into account a mixed-dimensional setting of the discrete fracture matrix model, where the fracture network is represented as lower-dimensional object. We assume the linear Darcy model in the rock matrix and the non-linear Forchheimer model in the fractures. In our formulation, we are able to reformulate the matrix-fracture problem to only the fracture network problem and, therefore, significantly reduce the computational cost. The resulting problem is then a non-linear interface problem that can be solved using a fixed-point or Newton-Krylov methods, which in each iteration require several solves of Robin problems in the surrounding rock matrices. To achieve this, the flux exchange (a linear Robin-to-Neumann co-dimensional mapping) between the porous medium and the fracture network is done offline by pre-computing a multiscale flux basis that consists of the flux response from each degree of freedom on the fracture network. This delivers a conserve for the basis that handles the solutions in the rock matrices for each degree of freedom in the fractures pressure space. Then, any Robin sub-domain problems are replaced by linear combinations of the multiscale flux basis during the interface iteration. The proposed approach is, thus, agnostic to the physical model in the fracture network. Numerical experiments demonstrate the computational gains of pre-computing the flux exchange between the porous medium and the fracture network against standard non-linear domain decomposition approaches

    Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Mass Transfer through Semi-Permeable Membranes

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    A discontinuous Galerkin (dG) method for the numerical solution of initial/boundary value multi-compartment partial differential equation (PDE) models, interconnected with interface conditions, is presented and analysed. The study of interface problems is motivated by models of mass transfer of solutes through semi-permeable membranes. More specifically, a model problem consisting of a system of semilinear parabolic advection-diffusion-reaction partial differential equations in each compartment, equipped with respective initial and boundary conditions, is considered. Nonlinear interface conditions modelling selective permeability, congestion and partial reflection are applied to the compartment interfaces. An interior penalty dG method is presented for this problem and it is analysed in the space-discrete setting. The a priori analysis shows that the method yields optimal a priori bounds, provided the exact solution is sufficiently smooth. Numerical experiments indicate agreement with the theoretical bounds and highlight the stability of the numerical method in the advection-dominated regime