913 research outputs found

    Computational aspects of spectral invariants

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    The spectral theory of the Laplace operator has long been studied in connection with physics. It appears in the wave equation, the heat equation, Schroedinger's equation and in the expression of quantum effects such as the Casimir force. The Casimir effect can be studied in terms of spectral invariants computed entirely from the spectrum of the Laplace operator. It is these spectral invariants and their computation that are the object of study in the present work. The objective of this thesis is to present a computational framework for the spectral zeta function ζ(s)\zeta(s) and its derivative on a Euclidean domain in R2\mathbb{R}^2, with rigorous theoretical error bounds when this domain is polygonal. To obtain error bounds that remain practical in applications an improvement to existing heat trace estimates is necessary. Our main result is an original estimate and proof of a heat trace estimate for polygons that improves the one of van den Berg and Srisatkunarajah, using finite propagation speed of the corresponding wave kernel. We then use this heat trace estimate to obtain a rigorous error bound for ζ(s)\zeta(s) computations. We will provide numerous examples of our computational framework being used to calculate ζ(s)\zeta(s) for a variety of situations involving a polygonal domain, including examples involving cutouts and extrusions that are interesting in applications. Our second result is the development a new eigenvalue solver for a planar polygonal domain using a partition of unity decomposition technique. Its advantages include multiple precision and ease of use, as well as reduced complexity compared to Finite Elemement Method. While we hoped that it would be able to contend with existing packages in terms of speed, our implementation was many times slower than MPSPack when dealing with the same problem (obtaining the first 5 digits of the principal eigenvalue of the regular unit hexagon). Finally, we present a collection of numerical examples where we compute the spectral determinant and Casimir energy of various polygonal domains. We also use our numerical tools to investigate extremal properties of these spectral invariants. For example, we consider a square with a small square cut out of the interior, which is allowed to rotate freely about its center

    Operator methods for the numerical solution elliptic PDE problems

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    ABC Method and Fractional Momentum Layer for the FDTD Method to Solve the Schrödinger Equation on Unbounded Domains

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    The finite­difference time­domain (FDTD) method and its generalized variant (G­FDTD) are efficient numerical tools for solving the linear and nonlinear Schrödinger equations because not only are they explicit, allowing parallelization, but they also provide high­order accuracy with relatively inexpensive computational costs. In addition, the G­FDTD method has a relaxed stability condition when compared to the original FDTD method. It is important to note that the existing simulations of the G­FDTD scheme employed analytical solutions to obtain function values at the points along the boundary; however, in simulations for which the analytical solution is unknown, theoretical approximations for values at points along the boundary are desperately needed. Hence, the objective of this dissertation research is to develop absorbing boundary conditions (ABCs) so that the G­FDTD method can be used to solve the nonlinear Schrödinger equation when the analytical solution is unknown. To create the ABCs for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, we initially determine the associated Engquist­Majda one­way wave equations and then proceed to develop a finite difference scheme for them. These ABCs are made to be adaptive using a windowed Fourier transform to estimate a value of the wavenumber of the carrier wave. These ABCs were tested using the nonlinear Schrödinger equation for 1D and 2D soliton propagation as well as Gaussian packet collision and dipole radiation. Results show that these ABCs perform well, but they have three key limitations. First, there are inherent reflections at the interface of the interior and boundary domains due to the different schemes used the two regions; second, to use the ABCs, one needs to estimate a value for the carrier wavenumber and poor estimates can cause even more reflection at the interface; and finally, the ABCs require different schemes in different regions of the boundary, and this domain decomposition makes the ABCs tedious both to develop and to implement. To address these limitations for the FDTD method, we employ the fractional­order derivative concept to unify the Schrödinger equation with its one­way wave equation over an interval where the fractional order is allowed to vary. Through careful construction of a variable­order fractional momentum operator, outgoing waves may enter the fractionalorder region with little to no reflection and, inside this region, any reflected portions of the wave will decay exponentially with time. The fractional momentum operator is then used to create a fractional­order FDTD scheme. Importantly, this single scheme can be used for the entire computational domain, and the scheme smooths the abrupt transition between the FDTD method and the ABCs. Furthermore, the fractional FDTD scheme relaxes the precision needed for the estimated carrier wavenumber. This fractional FDTD scheme is tested for both the linear and nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Example cases include a 1D Gaussian packet scattering off of a potential, a 1D soliton propagating to the right, as well as 2D soliton propagation, and the collision of Gaussian packets. Results show that the fractional FDTD method outperforms the FDTD method with ABCs

    Fully adaptive multiresolution schemes for strongly degenerate parabolic equations with discontinuous flux

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    A fully adaptive finite volume multiresolution scheme for one-dimensional strongly degenerate parabolic equations with discontinuous flux is presented. The numerical scheme is based on a finite volume discretization using the Engquist--Osher approximation for the flux and explicit time--stepping. An adaptivemultiresolution scheme with cell averages is then used to speed up CPU time and meet memory requirements. A particular feature of our scheme is the storage of the multiresolution representation of the solution in a dynamic graded tree, for the sake of data compression and to facilitate navigation. Applications to traffic flow with driver reaction and a clarifier--thickener model illustrate the efficiency of this method

    Fused Density Estimation: Theory and Methods

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    In this paper we introduce a method for nonparametric density estimation on geometric networks. We define fused density estimators as solutions to a total variation regularized maximum-likelihood density estimation problem. We provide theoretical support for fused density estimation by proving that the squared Hellinger rate of convergence for the estimator achieves the minimax bound over univariate densities of log-bounded variation. We reduce the original variational formulation in order to transform it into a tractable, finite-dimensional quadratic program. Because random variables on geometric networks are simple generalizations of the univariate case, this method also provides a useful tool for univariate density estimation. Lastly, we apply this method and assess its performance on examples in the univariate and geometric network setting. We compare the performance of different optimization techniques to solve the problem, and use these results to inform recommendations for the computation of fused density estimators